I don't hand out tracts because I'm in stores and other places, which are posted no passing out literature, etc. and it's both a legal and respect for private property thing that I don't. I don't want a trespassing, disorderly conduct, etc. summons, or to get banned from stores I patronize.
I don't hand out tracts because if caught with one, muslim women and girls could/would be beaten, imprisoned in their homes, killed, and/or kidnapped/shipped overseas and married off involuntarily, raped by their husbands, and forced to bear children. The muslim communities here are getting larger and stricter, the religious police are getting more aggressive, and there are more and more muslims throughout the Twin Cities Metro, not just concentrated in some areas.
Wearing a Christian T shirt andan exposed crucifix isn't a cop-out. It's the safest way for muslim women and girls to "hear" The Gospel that I can do.
Safety is an issue for people of some other cultures/faiths, as well.
I'm just a mobile billboard with The Gospel on it that will answer questions if asked. Casual conversations allow the person time to read and get The Gospel. Sometimes a door opens, sometimes a seed is planted, sometimes satan objects, and most of the time I have no idea, but The Gospel and The Holy Ghost never return void

I may not ever know what fruit happened when.
The muslim attire muslim women wear are giant billboards saying they're lost, headed for Hell, and need The Gospel and Jesus.
Ditto the hindu, bhuddist, animist, taoist, satanist, new ager, etc. attire and accouterments.
If I were in another area and setting, and if it were safe for the people I was trying to reach, tracts, yes.
If they do trick or treating at the apartment complex, I can't hand out tracts, but, everyone, who comes to my door, will see a large yard cross with the words, "He is Risen." I've gotten the unofficial OK to have a small acrylic holder with bookmarks with The Gospel on them at my door. I can't go knocking on doors, pester people at the pools, etc. But I
can wear a Christian T shirt and crucifix