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Saudi Arabian Man Drives Through German Christmas Market, Killing 11

That video doesn’t seem real, and I wish it wasn’t.

I can’t believe 4 police officers can just walk up to a women in line for coffee, take her purse and go thru everything and confiscate her little Swiss army pocket knife.

German police are now confiscating pocket knives from elderly women at Christmas markets. Exploding knife crime in Germany, which the police openly says is tied to mass immigration, has led to a security state at German Christmas markets:

And the woke authorities try to respond in a woke manner, dealing with every citizen as though they were a suspect, rather than dealing specifically with the obvious problems. This is one of the many costs of systemic wokeness in a society. Stupidity results in stupid actions which stupidly do not deal with the problem but only stupidly make life more difficult for the average law abiding citizen. (If I could have inserted the word stupid or stupidly more times in the preceding sentence, I assure you I would have. This level of stupidity makes me so angry. I need to give it to God.)
And the woke authorities try to respond in a woke manner, dealing with every citizen as though they were a suspect, rather than dealing specifically with the obvious problems. This is one of the many costs of systemic wokeness in a society. Stupidity results in stupid actions which stupidly do not deal with the problem but only stupidly make life more difficult for the average law abiding citizen. (If I could have inserted the word stupid or stupidly more times in the preceding sentence, I assure you I would have. This level of stupidity makes me so angry. I need to give it to God.)
Stupid is as stupid does.

Beyond stupid is that the assailant has been in Germany over 15-yrs and was a practicing physician.

His proud religious fervor, despite his intellect, makes me think of Mary mother of Jesus as she is the opposite of that pride. She was humble and rebuked the proud:
Luke 1:51-52
He has performed mighty deeds with His arm; He has scattered those who are proud in the thoughts of their hearts. He has brought down rulers from their thrones, but has exalted the humble.
There, one is guilty until proven innocent, and the freedoms we enjoy here are a lot more than they have there, both on paper and in practice.
Polezei and whatever law enforcement before them have enforced a police state in Germany, both unified and east/west, since sometime in the 1920s at least. Even after the wall came down.

When I was there, if they even thought you were Jewish, the Polezei bullied and people blatantly discriminated. The Polezei were rather annoyed when I produced my US military ID upon demand for "papers," so I was protected under Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA). I hadn't done anything except wear a cross that had a dove and a Star of David on it :big grin; :lol: Not a crime, but definitely poking a stick in the eye of the social zeitgeist. It didn't help that at that time I had very dark hair, although not black, and I don't have Semitic features. The same thing happened to people known to be Lutherans, who were members of the conservative, not-state Lutheran church. Continuation of what happened 1920s-1930s, World War II, and after because they opposed Hitler and the state/government (and it's still happening).

After experiencing the almost-worship of the government by the Germans, especially those in official positions, the attitudes of "the government is always right" and "I have to do this/do it this way/no exceptions because the government says so," and near universal, flat-out fear of the Polezei, I was able to see how the Holocaust happened in Germany :furious: :mad: :apost: :ban:


In memory of Goldie.

This gets weirder, apparently he is a far right supporter that is disgruntled with how saudi refugees are treated and is an ex muslim


That's his problem.

muslims from Saudi are NOT refugees. They're INVADERS/JIHADISTS :tap:

:furious: :mad: :apost: :ban:


Remember what Martin Luther said over 500 years ago: "The Turk's at the door" (meaning muslims)
Well, now, the Turk's through the door.

Wherever these invaders/jihadists go, Christians must bless them with The Gospel, or God will curse them with sharia, which includes loss of religious freedom, banning possession of Bibles (and hymnals, etc.), closure of churches and Christian schools, ruinous taxes if one desires to resist (dhimmitude; the jizya is 10 percent of one's worth, NOT an annual income tax on earnings for the year). Ultimately, the dhimmi loses everything and becomes destitute and can no longer even flee. Begging must even be done in allah's name :puke:

Forgetting the eternal and spiritual reasons for doing so for a moment, carrying out the Great Commission and being salt and light is a matter of self defense, especially for women and girls :tap: