There, one is guilty until proven innocent, and the freedoms we enjoy here are a lot more than they have there, both on paper and in practice.
Polezei and whatever law enforcement before them have enforced a police state in Germany, both unified and east/west, since sometime in the 1920s at least. Even after the wall came down.
When I was there, if they even thought you were Jewish, the Polezei bullied and people blatantly discriminated. The Polezei were rather annoyed when I produced my US military ID upon demand for "papers," so I was protected under Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA). I hadn't done anything except wear a cross that had a dove and a Star of David on it

Not a crime, but definitely poking a stick in the eye of the social zeitgeist. It didn't help that at that time I had very dark hair, although not black, and I don't have Semitic features. The same thing happened to people known to be Lutherans, who were members of the conservative, not-state Lutheran church. Continuation of what happened 1920s-1930s, World War II, and after because they opposed Hitler and the state/government (and it's still happening).
After experiencing the almost-worship of the government by the Germans, especially those in official positions, the attitudes of "the government is always right" and "I have to do this/do it this way/no exceptions because the government says so," and near universal, flat-out fear of the Polezei, I was able to see how the Holocaust happened in Germany
In memory of Goldie.