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Russell Brand: ‘The More I Pray, the More Coincidences Happen’

Tall Timbers

Imperfect but forgiven
Staff member
Comedian and Hollywood actor Russell Brand said Monday coincidences are “created by prayer” as a kind of “sacred synergy.”

Brand, who was baptized as a Christian last spring, said in a video posted on X (former Twitter) that he has been reading and drawing spiritual benefit from Nicky Gumbel’s Bible in One Year.

The 49-year-old British actor also reflected on “coincidences” and their relationship with Christian prayer.

He shared a personal example of praying on Sunday for Christ to knock on the door of his heart and to allow him to open it to Him.

May the Lord help this fella to grow in knowledge of his Savior. :pray2:
Comedian and Hollywood actor Russell Brand said Monday coincidences are “created by prayer” as a kind of “sacred synergy.”

Brand, who was baptized as a Christian last spring, said in a video posted on X (former Twitter) that he has been reading and drawing spiritual benefit from Nicky Gumbel’s Bible in One Year.

The 49-year-old British actor also reflected on “coincidences” and their relationship with Christian prayer.

He shared a personal example of praying on Sunday for Christ to knock on the door of his heart and to allow him to open it to Him.

May the Lord help this fella to grow in knowledge of his Savior. :pray2:
you really see the peace in his face in his yt videos when he talks about his christian walk and videos about the general politics of the world and how corrupt it is
Comedian and Hollywood actor Russell Brand said Monday coincidences are “created by prayer” as a kind of “sacred synergy.”

Brand, who was baptized as a Christian last spring, said in a video posted on X (former Twitter) that he has been reading and drawing spiritual benefit from Nicky Gumbel’s Bible in One Year.

The 49-year-old British actor also reflected on “coincidences” and their relationship with Christian prayer.

He shared a personal example of praying on Sunday for Christ to knock on the door of his heart and to allow him to open it to Him.

May the Lord help this fella to grow in knowledge of his Savior. :pray2:
This article is from 3 months ago, after Russell Brands baptism.
Only God knows the heart. 🙏

Excerpt from article:

On Sunday, April 28, 2024, Russell Brand was baptized into the Roman Catholic Church.

One of the biggest issues is that he is still promoting New Age ideas across his social media, and on April 29, he promoted what practically all Christians would define as witchcraft. April 29 is the day after his baptism and he posted a video on his social media involving tarot cards. In the video, he shares the specific meaning of the tarot card he was holding in his hand and that certain symbols can serve as “tools for reflection and personal analysis.” Ending the video, he asks viewers their view on synchronizing other spiritual practices with Christianity and jokingly asks if it is ok to “meddle in the occult arts.”

Some in the Christian world are defending the video, stating that he is “just a baby Christian” and needs discipleship. Then there are others like me who believe that Brand did not convert to Christianity but rather is just adopting certain principles and beliefs into his New Age belief system. As he talked about baptism in another of his Instagram videos, he referenced the idea of “new birth” and becoming an enlightened individual.

However, these terms are also present in other religions. They mean something entirely different from the same words within a Christian worldview. Apart from the context of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, these words may be the same but mean something entirely different.

Sadly, it seems that Brand does not understand that this is what it means to be a Christian and a follower of Jesus. When listening to his recent videos, it feels like he is adopting some added beliefs that fit him for his current season of life. This is what New Age spirituality often entails. It has a “cafeteria” feel to it.

Complete Article:

The cafeteria Christianity and this deciding who you think Jesus is to fit in with your false beliefs…I am so beyond tired and sick from it. Members of my family have done this. So confusing because my cousin will enthusiastically agree with everything I say yet still holds on to the Catholic Church and especially the Eucharist. Leaving her open to other false beliefs and practices. She has cancer and I am very concerned. She is very stubborn and is married to a former Catholic who is now a Christian who has been trying to convince her to go Lutheran but she won’t have it because God’s “presence” in the Eucharist as the Lutherans believe in isn’t good enough for her.
He is new age. I have heard him talk about universalism and christ consciousness.
That just means he is someone we should not follow!
No worries, as what he stated is true. Even an ass (donkey) can speak the truth, but we should not follow a donkey either. God is able to speak through anyone.

Numbers 22:28 And the LORD opened the mouth of the ass, and she said unto Balaam, What have I done unto thee, that thou hast smitten me these three times?

New age is the occult, which is satanic, and the practices are prohibited in the Bible. There are churches, which claim to be Christian, which incorporate such beliefs and practices, so THEY ARE NOT CHRISTIAN. They end up worshipping satan and consorting with demons, whether they know it or not.


My former FIL was a new age minister. AFAIK, my former husband is still mixed up in this stuff :cry:
From the OP:

Last December, Brand told his followers he was reading the Bible and The Problem of Pain, a 1940 book by C.S. Lewis that explores the meaning of suffering in human life.

In January, he said he was reading Pastor Rick Warren’s The Purpose-Driven Life and that he desired a “personal relationship with God.”

You know, this guy's sounding like he's looking and has a sincerity (but needing to navigate christian reading material). In this day and age, to talk of Jesus can be career suicide.

Here's what he says:

He shared a personal example of praying on Sunday for Christ to knock on the door of his heart and to allow him to open it to Him.

“So, I was thinking about this idea of our Lord Jesus knocking on the door of my heart,” Brand said, “because I was starting to feel like although I’m Christian, there is of course… more territory within me to be yielded to him.”

I do truly hope and pray he's saved and the Lord grows him in Christ, helping him with discernment. I had to go through this with 'christian' material.

That being said, I've often noticed (in my of reading of religious material) when this particular word is used, it's a red flag to me that 1. the RCC is connected somewhere (sacred is used all over in their verbiage) and 2. there's some sort of wonky, off 'teaching' being promoted. Invariably the author is connected to the RCC or influenced by.

When adding 'synergy' to 'sacred' well then that's sounding like a worldly, new age sort of perspective. So, not making a judgement here (only God knows) but discernment is perking up.

Perhaps he is a baby Christian (I'm reserving a cautious hopefulness), I'll pray for him, for good, spirit filled mentors and understanding of God'sWord. How wonderful it would be if he's truly saved. :)

That being said, I've often noticed (in my of reading of religious material) when this particular word is used, it's a red flag to me that 1. the RCC is connected somewhere (sacred is used all over in their verbiage) and 2. there's some sort of wonky, off 'teaching' being promoted. Invariably the author is connected to the RCC or influenced by.

When adding 'synergy' to 'sacred' well then that's sounding like a worldly, new age sort of perspective. So, not making a judgement here (only God knows) but discernment is perking up.

Perhaps he is a baby Christian (I'm reserving a cautious hopefulness), I'll pray for him, for good, spirit filled mentors and understanding of God'sWord. How wonderful it would be if he's truly saved. :)


This is one reason why I much prefer referring to the Third Person of The Trinity as The Holy Ghost. Holy Spirit or the word spirit can have a very different connotation to someone in the new age/occult. The word spirit is used in secular settings, so not different or special in some people's minds, or they may construe it to be new age, paranormal, satanic, eastern religion, mysticism, shamanism, etc., or no different than anything else.
From the OP:

Last December, Brand told his followers he was reading the Bible and The Problem of Pain, a 1940 book by C.S. Lewis that explores the meaning of suffering in human life.

In January, he said he was reading Pastor Rick Warren’s The Purpose-Driven Life and that he desired a “personal relationship with God.”

You know, this guy's sounding like he's looking and has a sincerity (but needing to navigate christian reading material). In this day and age, to talk of Jesus can be career suicide.

Here's what he says:

He shared a personal example of praying on Sunday for Christ to knock on the door of his heart and to allow him to open it to Him.

“So, I was thinking about this idea of our Lord Jesus knocking on the door of my heart,” Brand said, “because I was starting to feel like although I’m Christian, there is of course… more territory within me to be yielded to him.”

I do truly hope and pray he's saved and the Lord grows him in Christ, helping him with discernment. I had to go through this with 'christian' material.

That being said, I've often noticed (in my of reading of religious material) when this particular word is used, it's a red flag to me that 1. the RCC is connected somewhere (sacred is used all over in their verbiage) and 2. there's some sort of wonky, off 'teaching' being promoted. Invariably the author is connected to the RCC or influenced by.

When adding 'synergy' to 'sacred' well then that's sounding like a worldly, new age sort of perspective. So, not making a judgement here (only God knows) but discernment is perking up.

Perhaps he is a baby Christian (I'm reserving a cautious hopefulness), I'll pray for him, for good, spirit filled mentors and understanding of God'sWord. How wonderful it would be if he's truly saved. :)

Like I said up thread, only God knows his heart. If he is genuinely searching The Father will draw him to Jesus.

"No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day"
John 6:44

So far it appears he's searching in the wrong direction and indeed needs to be prayed for to seek The Truth, as Jesus is The Way The Truth and The Life.

Rick Warren is a big Red Flag. He's not lined up with the Truth. I have heard a lot about him and his beliefs and they are not sound or biblical. Maybe Warren started out as a sound believers but he hasn't been for some time.

The article below is from Jan Markell's website, Olive Tree Views. What is quoted is from the source of the article. In addition to this article Warren has spoken at the WEF conventions in support of a one world religion.

Rick Warren, whose Purpose-Driven movement I have personally seen destroy dozens of churches, openly embraces Islam and has partnered with Southern California mosques, proposing a set of theological principles that includes acknowledging that Christians and Muslims worship the same God. This may sound sweet and lovely, and it may appeal to many who desire peace and unity among religions, but the bottom line is, it’s simply not true. But it IS popular. The ignorant masses love it.

For complete Article:

The actor posting as he is is akin to setting himself up as a teacher, albeit in a modern sense. His page, site, channel, etc. is his church and his readers and followers are his students/congregation. Unfortunately, he has no overseer to correct his errors before he posts and promulgates them, and potentially influences/leads others into error.

3 Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.
James 3:1, ESV

1 This is a true saying, if a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work.
2 A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;
3 Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous;
4 One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity;
5 (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)
6 Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil.
7 Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.
8 Likewise must the deacons be grave, not doubletongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre;
9 Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience.
10 And let these also first be proved; then let them use the office of a deacon, being found blameless.
11Even so must their wives be grave, not slanderers, sober, faithful in all things.
12 Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well.
13 For they that have used the office of a deacon well purchase to themselves a good degree, and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus.
1 Timothy 3:1-13, KJV

:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou:
It all comes down to his heart. Is he seeking the real Jesus Who is Who He is or is he seeking the jesus he wants him to be. That is the question and God knows the truth.

2 Corinthians 11:13-15 KJV — For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

These verses speak of the fallen angels and the workers of deceit that they control.

If he is dabbling in the occult he will soon realize he is a slave and either continue to spiral out of control to look for salvation in the new age gospel or perhaps God willing turn to the biblical gospel of Jesus Christ and be born again. Amen.
It all comes down to his heart. Is he seeking the real Jesus Who is Who He is or is he seeking the jesus he wants him to be. That is the question and God knows the truth.

2 Corinthians 11:13-15 KJV — For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

These verses speak of the fallen angels and the workers of deceit that they control.

If he is dabbling in the occult he will soon realize he is a slave and either continue to spiral out of control to look for salvation in the new age gospel or perhaps God willing turn to the biblical gospel of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I agree. A true believer, even a new believer, is indwelled by The Holy Spirit and The Holy Spirit will convict him if it's just ignorance and those things he's still practicing will bother him and be led to stop.
Rick Warren, whose Purpose-Driven movement I have personally seen destroy dozens of churches, openly embraces Islam and has partnered with Southern California mosques, proposing a set of theological principles that includes acknowledging that Christians and Muslims worship the same God. This may sound sweet and lovely, and it may appeal to many who desire peace and unity among religions, but the bottom line is, it’s simply not true.

I agree Rose :-) , I've seen this up close my self (wasn't meaning to come across as promoting). This is one of the reasons I tend to caution people in navigating Christian authors and books.

I'm just noticing in the actor's comments that it seems he's sincerely looking at Jesus. I'm guessing he's probably orienting to what's more out there as far as Christian material.

I pray that the Lord grants discernment if this actor is saved.
I agree Rose :-) , I've seen this up close my self (wasn't meaning to come across as promoting). This is one of the reasons I tend to caution people in navigating Christian authors and books.

I'm just noticing in the actor's comments that it seems he's sincerely looking at Jesus. I'm guessing he's probably orienting to what's more out there as far as Christian material.

I pray that the Lord grants discernment if this actor is saved.
I honestly didn't think you were promoting anything at all. I saw what he had said about Rick Warren and how he had inspired him to want to know more. That's why I said if he's searching he's searching in the wrong direction. But God knows the heart and if he's sincere about wanting to know Jesus, God The Father will draw him to Jesus. 🙏
When I first got saved, without any sound teaching (even in the churches) my first wife and I got involved with all sorts of hyper-pentecostal characters, following first this weird doctrine and then another. When Andrea first got saved, with no source of good teaching, she first listened to Joel Osteen. It didn't take her long to realize he wasn't right, so then she began listening to Joyce Meyers. That, too, wore thin for her after a bit and she wound up with Charles Stanley. She knew Stanley's doctrine was good, but his stern manner put her off and she finally found Jimmy Evans, who opened up Scripture to her, along with the pastor of the church she began attending. My point is that many people --myself included-- may get involved in some erroneous teachings in the beginning, but if they are honest and humble the Holy Spirit will lead them into the truth.
When I first got saved, without any sound teaching (even in the churches) my first wife and I got involved with all sorts of hyper-pentecostal characters, following first this weird doctrine and then another. When Andrea first got saved, with no source of good teaching, she first listened to Joel Osteen. It didn't take her long to realize he wasn't right, so then she began listening to Joyce Meyers. That, too, wore thin for her after a bit and she wound up with Charles Stanley. She knew Stanley's doctrine was good, but his stern manner put her off and she finally found Jimmy Evans, who opened up Scripture to her, along with the pastor of the Church she began attending. My point is that many people --myself included-- may get involved in some erroneous teachings in the beginning, but if they are honest and humble the Holy Spirit will lead them into the truth.

I started with Beth Moore long ago.