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RFK Jr. Suspends Presidential Bid and Endorses Trump

Ghoti Ichthus

Genesis 18:32, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Acts 5:29

RFK Jr. Suspends Presidential Bid and Endorses Trump​

Associated Press
Aug 23, 2024

"PHOENIX — Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s says he is suspending his presidential campaign and is endorsing Donald Trump for president.
His announcement at a news conference in Phoenix also came with a stinging rebuke of the Democratic Party, which his family has supported for decades.
Kennedy is now describing the Democratic Party as a threat to democracy, and he declared that the mainstream media have been allies in that effort to censor anyone opposing their views.
A year ago, some would have thought it inconceivable that Kennedy — a member of the most storied family in Democratic politics — would work with Trump to keep a Democrat out of the White House.
In his Friday announcement, Kennedy said he will seek to remove his name from the ballot in battleground states because he believes his presence in the race would help Democratic nominee Kamala Harris."


RFK Jr. Suspends Presidential Bid and Endorses Trump​

Associated Press
Aug 23, 2024

"PHOENIX — Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s says he is suspending his presidential campaign and is endorsing Donald Trump for president.
His announcement at a news conference in Phoenix also came with a stinging rebuke of the Democratic Party, which his family has supported for decades.
Kennedy is now describing the Democratic Party as a threat to democracy, and he declared that the mainstream media have been allies in that effort to censor anyone opposing their views.
A year ago, some would have thought it inconceivable that Kennedy — a member of the most storied family in Democratic politics — would work with Trump to keep a Democrat out of the White House.
In his Friday announcement, Kennedy said he will seek to remove his name from the ballot in battleground states because he believes his presence in the race would help Democratic nominee Kamala Harris."

Hopefully, a lot of the votes that would have gone to RFK Jr will go to Trump. Glad to see he is endorsing Trump. (y)(y)

RFK Jr. Suspends Presidential Bid and Endorses Trump​

Associated Press
Aug 23, 2024

"PHOENIX — Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s says he is suspending his presidential campaign and is endorsing Donald Trump for president.
His announcement at a news conference in Phoenix also came with a stinging rebuke of the Democratic Party, which his family has supported for decades.
Kennedy is now describing the Democratic Party as a threat to democracy, and he declared that the mainstream media have been allies in that effort to censor anyone opposing their views.
A year ago, some would have thought it inconceivable that Kennedy — a member of the most storied family in Democratic politics — would work with Trump to keep a Democrat out of the White House.
In his Friday announcement, Kennedy said he will seek to remove his name from the ballot in battleground states because he believes his presence in the race would help Democratic nominee Kamala Harris."

Secret Service ending protection for RFK Jr. as he suspends presidential campaign

The Secret Service is ending its protection for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. because the political scion suspended his presidential campaign, law-enforcement sources say.

President Biden, 81,had instructed the protective agency to provide security for Kennedy, 70, last month after the failed assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump, 78.

Kennedy had publicly and privately lobbied for Secret Service protection for months, citing various security scares and suggesting that political motivations were behind the delay in his getting it.

The Secret Service typically gives protection to the president, vice president, their immediate family members, former presidents, visiting heads of state, children of former presidents until the age of 16, former first ladies and top presidential candidates.
When candidates drop out, it is standard procedure for the Secret Service to at least scale back protection, if not eliminate it altogether.


Yes, this is historic in the sense that never before did a Kennedy endorse a Republican. Ironically, his name is Trump, lol. I would see this also as a helpful way (one nuance) in what left and right mean today. There are some marching to the beat of the drum that the left and the right are the same uni-party. And it really does not matter in politics because the wizard of oz pulls the strings whether right or left.

I agree that that is what in general the two party system had become over the years since the assassination of JFK. I believe it was at that point globalist interest jockeyed both sides (left and right). From what I understand, that discernment of a uniparty bandwagon is somewhat a Johnny Come Lately...and catching a transient wave to surf as it would appear we are entering an entirely different era.

To me this kind of is similar perhaps to how we look at the kinds of social/technological revolutions we are in:

1. Coal 1765
2. Gas 1870
3. Electronic & Nuclear 1969
4. Internet (age of information) and Renewable Energy 2000
5. Automation / Bio-engineering (evolving)

To see through the eyes only of the age of information, to me, is somewhat like seeing that the two parties (left and right) are controlled by globalist interests. So in a way its kind of like an "ah ha moment" after that train kind of already left the station. I mean it is still true. The left and the right are both controlled and dominated by globalists interests. But as there is a faction in the establishment Republicans, Nationalism vs Globalism seems to be the emerging paradigm of actual real-time poliical climate we are literally evolving into. So I would kind of see those waves crashing to shore to be the one's to surf. Not so much the further out from shore semi-forming water bumps and perks that seem seldom get wave curvature.

And with Kennedy accompanying this evolutionary social/technical revolution, it would seem like a social bracketing of sorts. Form JFT (to KFC..that was a joke...sorry). Let me start that sentence over. From JFK to RFK (who will by the way likely be the honorary to carry JFK classified secrets into the sunlight of social awareness). And this makes sense because it would seem that JFK did not want globalist secret societies to infest the USA office of Presidency. It would seem that RFK is symbolic of things coming full circle. I would see at what is happening is more like a global social revolution rather than just some guy of prominence from the left endorsing Trump (although its kind of been a slap in the face of the left for some time coming..I.e. what they did to Burnie twice). The left is the party of symbolizing democracy only. The right seems to have been stuck in the age of information and we got glazed over to see mostly through ways to get along advancement to some degree (the right would be the party that likes two or more parties for real democracy to flourish...whereas the left believes in one party only now it would seem--the ruling party). Sociologically this would seem to be a proper rhetorical artifact stamp of aproval that we are entering an interiley different age. Perhaps one where globalism quickly becomes the dinosaur. And the older more bibical borders of nationalism strengthen. Only God knows. But one thing seems for sure, this issue is "loudly" now on the map. Amen. Blessings.