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Coming Clean: Trump to Release Assassination Files on JFK, MLK Jr. and RFK

He’s not yet sworn into office, yet President-elect Donald Trump is already making plenty of waves. As Biden lays further waste to his dark legacy, Trump is busy changing the country.

Now, he’s promising to release government information on the 1960s assassinations that rocked the nation—and the world: those of then-President John F. Kennedy Jr., his brother, then-Democrat presidential candidate Bobby Kennedy, and civil rights icon Martin Luther King Jr.

President-elect Trump vowed Sunday that he would release long-classified government records on the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy.

Trump made the pledge to a crowd during his Victory Rally at Washington, D.C.’s Capital One Arena, which has a 20,000-seat capacity, telling supporters it is the beginning of an effort to increase government transparency.

"As the first step toward restoring transparency and accountability to government, we will also reverse the over-classification of government documents," Trump said.

2) The files will tell us nothing and be incredibly boring and show that we overclassify documents to give unimpressive people unnecessary jobs with silly titles.
This would be epic, seeing as those murders changed the world and led to decades of conspiracy theories, especially regarding JFK. Few people believe that the American public has been told the full story:


What is the purpose of wanting to push the Lee Oswald story? That’s what I’m curious about.
If folks accept the lie then the truth is safer from discovery. That's my guess.
I agree with Tall Timbers.

Lies, especially ones that are a little foggy and confusing keep people running in circles. Cognitive dissonance sets in. A painful mental state most people avoid.

Not knowing anything for sure is a trick to keep the voting public fighting each other, off balance and a little puzzled.

That has been the description of the official line all along. Keeping the govt safe (the deep state particularly but also the connections to the Dems under LBJ) from scrutiny, keeping people screaming conspiracy theorist at each other and it worked.