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Regular Keyboard on Lenovo Thinkpad Not Working Please Help

Ghoti Ichthus

Genesis 18:32, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Acts 5:29
I do have cursor/mouse (touchpad) function
PC Windows where is the keyboard settings?
Where is the panel settings?
Looking in settings
I'm using the screen keyboard :headbang:
Thank you :thankyou:
Get into "Device Manager" and go to Keyboards and see if anything looks amiss there.

How old is your Thinkpad? If it isn't an oldie but goodie... the newer ones tend to see failures faster. I've got a $9000 Thinkpad. I think so highly of it that I also bought 4 years of insurance for nearly $500. The one before this failed after about 2 years... I baby them too. I have a separate laptop for when I'm traveling. My pricey one just sits on the desktop...
IDK how old. I bought it used/refurbished from a reputable place that resells computers from businesses that want/need the latest tech.
The sole proprietor is honest and has always treated me well.
store is closed until tomorrow.
IDK how old. I bought it used/refurbished from a reputable place that resells computers from businesses that want/need the latest tech.
The sole proprietor is honest and has always treated me well.

If you wanted to know it's approximate age you could estimate that by the components like the CPU, Memory, etc. Could also search for when the model number was being sold.
not yet.
is there a separate place to tell the computer which kyboard to use, or a disable/enable for the standard ps2 keyboard?
sorry slow typing with mouse on (not_touch) screen

I don't think so but am not sure. I think it's just supposed to work. You can usually disable TouchPad and that thinkpad thingie they build into the keyboard. I always disable both as I like to use a mouse.
if the power off-on doesn't work, need to get phillips #1 and take-apart tool from apartment and take apart to clean [sigh]
(out of warranty)
if i'm not back on in a couple mins, that's what's going on.

It was working when I powered it down when I was tired and went to bed (and :headbang: over apartment), so I figured I did something stupid and reset something accidentally :lol: :doh:

For anything electric . . . always check the power . . . always check batteries . . . always power cycle . . . then consider other possibilities . . . :doh: :pcbash:

:thankyou: again :)
It was working when I powered it down when I was tired and went to bed (and :headbang: over apartment), so I figured I did something stupid and reset something accidentally :lol: :doh:

For anything electric . . . always check the power . . . always check batteries . . . always power cycle . . . then consider other possibilities . . . :doh: :pcbash:

:thankyou: again :)

Years ago at the television network regional production center at which I worked, I went downstairs to the videotape center one evening to edit a show I was working on; and in the edit suite next door they were editing an episode for a major network show that was produced in our studios. But they didn't seem to be editing: instead they had test equipment everywhere and huge schematics of the equipment spread out all over the floor. Two of our senior maintenance techs were on their hands and knees studying the paperwork, trying desperately to figure out why one of the videotape machines was not working. In fact it wouldn't even power on. It was a crisis because the episode had to be fed to network headquarters in Toronto later that night because it was to air nationwide the next evening in prime time. The technicians struggled for a long, long time with seemingly no solution in sight. Things were getting very tense.

Eventually another tech from another area of the building wandered in and after watching them for a while walked over to the wall behind the problem machine. He bent over and picked up the end of a power cord that he found laying there and said, "Shouldn't this be plugged in?" There was a lot of unbecoming language, accompanied by groaning and face plants, when the first two electronics maintenance specialists realized that someone had unplugged the machine. It had never occurred to them that that could be the problem because the machines were never, ever unplugged. Nobody at the station would ever use the electrical outlets in the videotape editing suites because they were specifically designed for sensitive electronic equipment.

What had apparently happened was that a brand new cleaner with the cleaning service responsible for our studios had been told by his supervisor to vacuum that entire area but had been unable to find an electrical outlet for his vacuum cleaner. So, spying an outlet behind one of the videotape machines, he simply unplugged the machine and plugged in his vacuum. Unfortunately, when he left he forgot to plug the machine back in.

Apparently those two electronics super-techs were so advanced in their knowledge that they had forgotten Basic Electronics 101-- " Always check the power." 😆