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R.A. Torrey: How shall we escape?


Staff member
The great preacher RA Torrey preached a sermon more than a hundred years ago that still reaches souls today. His title? The words of Hebrews 2:3. "How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?"

He began--

I have a text to-night which I believe God has given me for this hour, a text that ought to startle every man and woman in this building who has not accepted the Gospel of Christ. You will find it in Hebrews ii. 3: “How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?” I wish that that text would burn itself into he heart of every man and woman in this house who is out of Christ, “How shall I escape if I neglect so great salvation?” I wish that every man and woman that may go away from this place to-night without definitely having received Christ as their Saviour and Lord and Master would hear it ringing in their ears as they go down the street, “How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?” I wish that every one that may lie down to sleep to-night without a definite assurance of being forgiven through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ and of acceptance before God in Him, would hear it all through the night, “How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?” Our text sets forth the folly and guilt of neglecting the salvation that God has sent to us in and through His Son Jesus Christ, and that is my object to-night. My sermon is all in the text-the folly and guilt of neglecting the salvation that God the Father has sent through His Son and in His son Jesus Christ.

Read the whole sermon at SermonIndex.net Audio Sermons - Sermon Index
Robbie thanks for asking this sermon to be shared. I pray with you that it reaches souls for Christ.
He means Ronnie, must have been the spell-checker because I really haven't detected an early onset dementia or other cognitive issue's, but just in case will keep him under observation, let this be just between us. 😎
I think Robbie and Ronnie are just two different ways of spelling the same name, just depends on what part of the country yer from. *maisey*