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Protest marches by thousands in Europe demand halt to Israeli bombing of Gaza

Very true! It's all over the world, the poisonous outbreak of Anti-Semitism is everywhere. We have a bad one down in Vancouver BC with a professor (who is on leave due to it) but she should be had up on our very stringent hate crimes and hate speech laws.

But hundreds of other teachers and professors have joined her to support her.

Leaving me thinking it's only hate speech when Christians or Jews or Canadian Truckers object to stuff, while anything attacking Jews is "freedom of speech" no matter how vicious.
I saw on the news tonight there will be a pro-Palestine Anti-Israel demonstration in London on 11/11- remembrance day. The government have not banned it. War veterans will be marching with Hamas protestors raising havoc. Sad times indeed. God Bless All. Damian :)
Satan has hated God's people since Adam and Eve. Through the millennia Old Splitfoot has worked unceasingly to try to destroy God's people and to cause God to fail in even one of His promises. He will not succeed this time, any more than he ever has in the past