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PaidInFull has not gone!

We did a chronological plan last year in a small reading group I've been part of for several years now. There are plusses and minuses, at least for me. I prefer taking a book at a time, and found it challenging especially with the gospels where it would jump around so much from book to book -- I could never keep it straight where I was and found myself rushing through some of the repetition. But as another tool to dig deeper, it's great. To each their own and however we learn best, I guess.
As a backdrop that is great, but we will lose focus if we don't also do a topical word study on each topic we want to have a complete understanding of, so long as we keep it in context.

That is true. We must have Bible studies. Topical or Book by Book. I encourage Bible study. But in a daily Bible reading I'm not trying to study. I purposely have to resist taking notes. I just read. And I believe I learn of God's emotions and ways this way. Knowing of course that the Holy Spirit is active in revealing what he wants at that time.

My opinion.

Meantime we argue about the acts of God instead of telling the world about the feelings of God that become provoked into such fury He begins an extinction level event on an increasing scale until it become global.

Yes, it's the most important question of all after the gospel, because there is no wrath without extreme fury.
I wrestle with God's coming wrath to a deserving world. Instead of dreading it, I'm learning to pray for lost loved ones more and recognizing that I need to study this coming fury more.

:thankyou: PaidinFull
I suppose we each have a preferred method of Bible study that suits the way God made each of our minds and ways of comprehending things. I like to read the Bible through as well as studying various topics. Reading through is my usual method though and I have read through more than 30 times. As for topics, fairly often I wake up in the night and pull out my notebook as God brings things to mind.
I suppose we each have a preferred method of Bible study that suits the way God made each of our minds and ways of comprehending things. I like to read the Bible through as well as studying various topics. Reading through is my usual method though and I have read through more than 30 times. As for topics, fairly often I wake up in the night and pull out my notebook as God brings things to mind.
When I wake up and I am lying in bed I find I have either discussions with my spirit or I am preaching a sermon to myself, except it includes things I didn't understand the importance of. I find this is how the Holy Spirit speaks to me, by me preaching a sermon to myself but including things that I didn't know or understand the importance of.

The strange thing is, I believe I am awake but unbeknown to me I am snoring soundly asleep as my wife assures me to the point of hitting me to stop snoring.

When I wake up, i.e. I am out of bed, I have a document on my PC called Morning Thoughts and I put my bedtime thoughts there for I may not have time to work on that there and then and I don't want to forget it.

At the weekend I binge in research and the pieces of the jigsaw go on for years. This is where my discussion in the spirit on law and the rapture began and have been going on for years.

To begin with I don't refer to any outside sources, just my Bible and a concordance etc.

Then when this thought is well formed I begin to research theological papers to see what others have developed on the thought to make sure I am on track and they add more depth to my studies.

6When I remember You on my bed,

I meditate on You in the night watches,

7For You have been my help,

And in the shadow of Your wings I sing for joy.

8My soul clings to You;

Your right hand takes hold of me. Ps.63
I wrestle with God's coming wrath to a deserving world. Instead of dreading it, I'm learning to pray for lost loved ones more and recognizing that I need to study this coming fury more.

:thankyou: PaidinFull
You are not the only one, for as you know many believers can't cope with the thought or eternal damnation in flames when we like to think of prison being a limited period for the purpose of correction. Not only that, but we precede the fallen angels for only a few of them are in chains in hell now whereas all who die in sin go straight to the prison for the fallen angels, hell. They don't go there until after the great tribulation yet it wasn't made for us so how come we precede them? This is something I will cover and explain fully so we end up agreeing with the angel...

Amplified Bible Rev.16:5
And I heard the angel of the waters saying, “Righteous and just are You, Who are and Who were, O Holy One, because You judged these things;

The reason the professional clergy are dead to the events in the world screaming out that the wrath of God is coming is because ~AD200 Origen thought that a global catastrophic wrath of God did not sit well with the gospel, so he created a figurative, limited prophetic fulfillment whereby Nero was the Antichrist and the destruction of Jerusalem was the great tribulation.

200 years later Augustine codified Origen's teaching and that has been the staple for seminaries ever since along with replacement theology.

We know it is utter nonsense for many reasons and for me the most obvious is that you can't make a figurative case for all the nations coming once a year to Jerusalem to celebrate the feast of tabernacles with Jesus as the King of Israel and any nations that disobeys Jesus punished by stopping the rain for that nation.
When I wake up and I am lying in bed I find I have either discussions with my spirit or I am preaching a sermon to myself, except it includes things I didn't understand the importance of. I find this is how the Holy Spirit speaks to me, by me preaching a sermon to myself but including things that I didn't know or understand the importance of.

The strange thing is, I believe I am awake but unbeknown to me I am snoring soundly asleep as my wife assures me to the point of hitting me to stop snoring.

When I wake up, i.e. I am out of bed, I have a document on my PC called Morning Thoughts and I put my bedtime thoughts there for I may not have time to work on that there and then and I don't want to forget it.

At the weekend I binge in research and the pieces of the jigsaw go on for years. This is where my discussion in the spirit on law and the rapture began and have been going on for years.

To begin with I don't refer to any outside sources, just my Bible and a concordance etc.

Then when this thought is well formed I begin to research theological papers to see what others have developed on the thought to make sure I am on track and they add more depth to my studies.

6When I remember You on my bed,

I meditate on You in the night watches,

7For You have been my help,

And in the shadow of Your wings I sing for joy.

8My soul clings to You;

Your right hand takes hold of me. Ps.63

Hugh, our lifestyles are quite different, and God may speak to us in different ways, but there are some amazing similarities, too ... especially in our processes. And His nature that He reveals as He speaks to us never varies from person the person. There may be some differences in emphases, but the basic truth of our Creator and His will never changes. Glory to God! He makes each of His children special in some way and develops unique and intimate relationships with each one of us. But He is always the same God. What an awesome God we serve!
Hugh, our lifestyles are quite different, and God may speak to us in different ways, but there are some amazing similarities, too ... especially in our processes. And His nature that He reveals as He speaks to us never varies from person to person. There may be some differences in emphases, but the basic truth of our Creator and His will never changes. Glory to God! He makes each of His children special in some way and develops unique and intimate relationships with each one of us. But He is always the same God. What an awesome God we serve!
Amen to that bro!
I suppose we each have a preferred method of Bible study that suits the way God made each of our minds and ways of comprehending things. I like to read the Bible through as well as studying various topics. Reading through is my usual method though and I have read through more than 30 times. As for topics, fairly often I wake up in the night and pull out my notebook as God brings things to mind.
I like using a study Bible with cross references and using a concordance.
I find the cross references helpful for allowing scripture to interpret scripture and I find it easier to understand the meaning of what I read. I've learned that context matters when using scripture to apply it to something I use it for.
I do believe The Holy Spirit does help us understand when we incline ourselves to listen to Him

But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God
1 Corinthians 2:10
I am looking for the 'thread jack' emoji...
The reason the professional clergy are dead to the events in the world screaming out that the wrath of God is coming is because ~AD200 Origen thought that a global catastrophic wrath of God did not sit well with the gospel, so he created a figurative, limited prophetic fulfillment whereby Nero was the Antichrist and the destruction of Jerusalem was the great tribulation.

200 years later Augustine codified Origen's teaching and that has been the staple for seminaries ever since along with replacement theology.
Sorry to go down a rabbit hole, but I can't help myself. John Calvin based much of his systematic on Augustine. His version of God's love and grace is almost totalitarian.

I think understanding and trusting God as He let's us know this wrath is not His preference for a fallen world, but it's coming, is the piece I struggle with. I'm guessing I need to understand His holiness and love better.

You mentioning the reason the misguidance from Origen and Augustine helped. When the church doesn't embrace the full council of God we go astray.
I am looking for the 'thread jack' emoji...

Sorry to go down a rabbit hole, but I can't help myself. John Calvin based much of his systematic on Augustine. His version of God's love and grace is almost totalitarian.

I think understanding and trusting God as He let's us know this wrath is not His preference for a fallen world, but it's coming, is the piece I struggle with. I'm guessing I need to understand His holiness and love better.

You mentioning the reason the misguidance from Origen and Augustine helped. When the church doesn't embrace the full council of God we go astray.
"I think understanding and trusting God as He let's us know this wrath is not His preference for a fallen world, but it's coming, is the piece I struggle with. I'm guessing I need to understand His holiness and love better."

The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance
2 Peter 3:9 NKJV

What if God, although willing to demonstrate His wrath and to make His power known, endured with great patience objects of wrath prepared for destruction?
Romans 9:22 NSAB
"I think understanding and trusting God as He let's us know this wrath is not His preference for a fallen world, but it's coming, is the piece I struggle with. I'm guessing I need to understand His holiness and love better."

The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance
2 Peter 3:9 NKJV

What if God, although willing to demonstrate His wrath and to make His power known, endured with great patience objects of wrath prepared for destruction?
Romans 9:22 NSAB
God is always willing to relent from executing his judgement.
In all the examples in the Bible of God sending judgement it appears He's always given time for people to repent and has used His prophets to heed the warning of coming judgement.
God does not send judgement in haste, because it's not what He wants to do, but when people refuse to repent and knowing judgement is coming and continue in their wickedness, then God is a righteous Judge and must remove the wicked by His judgement.

Who can tell if God will turn and relent, and turn away from His fierce anger, so that we may not perish?
Jonah 3:8
God is always willing to relent from executing his judgement.
In all the examples in the Bible of God sending judgement it appears He's always given time for people to repent and has used His prophets to heed the warning of coming judgement.
God does not send judgement in haste, because it's not what He wants to do, but when people refuse to repent and knowing judgement is coming and continue in their wickedness, then God is a righteous Judge and must remove the wicked by His judgement.

Who can tell if God will turn and relent, and turn away from His fierce anger, so that we may not perish?
Jonah 3:8
When we read about The Day of The Lord coming during The Tribulation, we know God is undoubtedly going to execute His judgement and that cannot change.
Because God is Omniscient and has foreknowledge He knows the end from the beginning, He knows there will not be repentance from the wicked as noted in Revelation 9:27

"And they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts"

So, God's judgement is set to happen to accomplish what His will is for righteousness sake and because God is Holy and cannot tolerate sin. Isaiah 55:11 tells us

"So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;
It shall not return to Me void,
But it shall accomplish what I please,
And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it."
Isaiah 55:11
You are not the only one, for as you know many believers can't cope with the thought or eternal damnation in flames when we like to think of prison being a limited period for the purpose of correction. Not only that, but we precede the fallen angels for only a few of them are in chains in hell now whereas all who die in sin go straight to the prison for the fallen angels, hell. They don't go there until after the great tribulation yet it wasn't made for us so how come we precede them? This is something I will cover and explain fully so we end up agreeing with the angel...

Amplified Bible Rev.16:5
And I heard the angel of the waters saying, “Righteous and just are You, Who are and Who were, O Holy One, because You judged these things;

The reason the professional clergy are dead to the events in the world screaming out that the wrath of God is coming is because ~AD200 Origen thought that a global catastrophic wrath of God did not sit well with the gospel, so he created a figurative, limited prophetic fulfillment whereby Nero was the Antichrist and the destruction of Jerusalem was the great tribulation.

200 years later Augustine codified Origen's teaching and that has been the staple for seminaries ever since along with replacement theology.

We know it is utter nonsense for many reasons and for me the most obvious is that you can't make a figurative case for all the nations coming once a year to Jerusalem to celebrate the feast of tabernacles with Jesus as the King of Israel and any nations that disobeys Jesus punished by stopping the rain for that nation.
I thought to share this with you as it somewhat relates to some of what you have said.

I thought to share this with you as it somewhat relates to some of what you have said.

Wow excellent article.
I like using a study Bible with cross references and using a concordance.
I find the cross references helpful for allowing scripture to interpret scripture and I find it easier to understand the meaning of what I read. I've learned that context matters when using scripture to apply it to something I use it for.
I do believe The Holy Spirit does help us understand when we incline ourselves to listen to Him

But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God
1 Corinthians 2:10
That’s me too. I use a Thompson chain reference Bible and a Strong’s concordance (with Vine’s.) I almost never read commentaries and if I do it’s always after I have pored over the text myself…never before or during because I don’t want what I read to be filtered through someone else’s commentary. Have been reading Guziks commentary on Romans lately however, which is good to help my poor brain digest the truths as wholes.
Our growth begins with the milk of the Word that we are to earnestly desire. The thing is that that desire needs tending, and without support the seed may be lost. I went to Bogota to study their church growth, how G10 (for all its faults) began with 8 people and in a few years filled a football stadium twice over for two Sunday services. They saw one of the biggest problems for church growth was the back door was open as well as the front door so they had a very good follow up program for every new convert teaching them what happened and the basic doctrines of the faith. Unfortunately too much Word of Faith thrown in, but the idea of nurturing new believers with daily friendship contact, nudging them in the right direction and then weekly Bible study was like Jesus after He said, Follow Me.

In the days of Spurgeon, preachers often taught truth alongside error in the same sermon so the church new the real deal from the deception. Before that, Wesley was famed for putting sound doctrine into popular song melodies as many couldn't read and they learned doctrine from hymns. Today, most Christian songs are me centered or focus on one tiny aspect of God, but don't educate the believer into the wonders of God and His salvation and instead tend to dumb us down.

Today we have endless resources, and commentaries play an important part, not just in supporting what we may have thought was true but challenging our wrong thinking too. I probably spend as much time studying studying theological papers that oppose my views as with those that I agree with.

I need to make sure my logic stands up to rigor and critical thought. For example, I thought I understood post-trib doctrine. Only in debate did I discover how figurative it is when it gets into problem areas. When we examine the wrath of God beginning with the emotions of the Father, post-trib ends up confusing God for the devil and giving him glory.

Commentaries are good and have their place as a resource, but no one person is equipped to give a commentary on the whole Bible with equal depth to every chapter. The Bible is just too deep, so papers on the deeper aspects of theology that debate the subject matter can yield gold.

But what is the end goal? So we are smarter? To a point yes, for we are to study to show ourselves approved by God. The end goal must be to know and understand God as our friend, and if I don't understand my friend's emotions as well as values, then I don't really know my friend that well. That is where we begin.

As David Regan wrote in the article 1LoverofGod posted...

"Despite the Bible’s clear teaching that our Creator is a God of both love and wrath, I never cease to be amazed at the number of pastors I run across who argue that the God of wrath is the Old Testament God and not the God of the New Testament. In the process they ignore another clear teaching of the Bible that is found in Malachi 3:6 where God, speaking of Himself, says, “I, the LORD do not change…”"

Now going back to the milk of the Word, one of the basic doctrines is that God is immutable - He does not change. We don't teach doctrine and without doctrine we can't understand God, and if we don't understand God we can't become His friend...

Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you. Jn.15:15

It took about 65 years to complete the NT, for we are slow learners and I consider myself the slowest and dumbest and have made endless mistakes, but they just chip away at the things I need to be rid of as the Architect and perfecter of our faith works on me and all of us.

Virtually all the posts I see in debates on the rapture attempt to define God and His nature by His acts. By such reverse engineering we end up with a God that on one hand wants to rescue His church out of the earth before His wrath but on the other hand a God who wants to perfect His church by putting us through a literal hell on earth.

This is why I want to begin with the character of God, then the provocations against God, then how God feels and this is one point I disagree with David Regan on... Abandonment Wrath. Abandonment is judgment in anger, whereas wrath is extreme fury. After abandonment judgment comes the removal of the restrainer in preparation for wrath.

We shall dig into all of this and also question what is this thing called sin?

The most important question the world must be told to ask and get an answer to after the gospel is, what is God's feeling about the provocations we see in the world today? We shout our abortions to fill His ears with our murderous rebellion. We parade half naked on the streets hijacking His rainbow and announcing out pride in strange flesh, upending His order for man and woman. We teach our kids God did not create Adam, He created many Adam's and many died so Genesis is a kids story book like a fairy story, and many in the church buy into it because they were never taught doctrine and how evolution is anti-Jesus, for by one man DEATH came into the world JUST AS by one Man GRACE came into the world..

The Euphrates is drying up! This is not just another phase in the evolution of life, these are the days of abandonment judgment that precedes fury and wrath, and yet many pastors don't even know that God is angry, and that His anger is about to explode into wrath that ends up with men being rarer than the gold of Ophir.

The WEF boasts that it has 190 leaders ready to take over the governments of the world and many are now in place. Of those not already leading the nations, there are 5,000 is training vying for positions and by their own admission, infiltrating governments. They boast against God, Jesus and the Bible and want a new AI Bible and AI God. They are preparing the technology to serve the beast, and we need to ask the world, How do you think God feels?

Displeasure = correction and we all receive that.

Anger = judgments

Fury = wrath

The world is like lemmings marching to the tune of the Pied Piper towards the cliff edge of wrath. The post tribbers are all mixed up about the 6th and 7th seal. The pre-wrather's are not much better. The pre-tribbers accidentally get it right but can't defend their case. The traditional churches are sound asleep and Origen and Augustine made sure of that.

But how does God feel when He hands the scroll to Jesus? (CLUE: He already told us.)

Rant over!