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It's the weekend, when I usually get a chance to show my virtual face again but this week has been very taxing. Spinning plates, sealing with legal issues re. a rape case of a step niece and her step father, illnesses, and a very demanding schedule.

Some of you made very nice comments of all kinds from apologies to asking for me to continue to explanations etc. and I couldn't;t respond at the time and now the thread is closed so I just want to say a big thanks and much love to all.

I didn't come here to teach, I came to share but questions made it seem like I was teaching and I supposed it evolved into that format.

I have a bit of a legal background and IMO, adoption is THE piece of court action in heaven that stops the devils outrageous accusation against the church that have raged on day and night for 2000 years, so perhaps we can have another go at this in the future.

The NLT hits this on the head...

And we believers also groan, even though we have the Holy Spirit within us as a foretaste of future glory, for we long for our bodies to be released from sin and suffering. We, too, wait with eager hope for the day when God will give us our full rights as his adopted children, including the new bodies he has promised us. Rom.8:23.

The question of why God allows the devil to appear before Him and deny the efficacy of the cross and blood of Christ by accusing the church day and night draws me irresistibly to find out how this can possibly be allowed by God for 2000 years, and what is the reason God suddenly puts and end to it, and the answer is in the law.

There is another question that must be asked, and if we search this out, it will become the biggest question of all after "What did you do with the gospel of Christ?".

It is simply, What is the state of emotion in Father God when He hands the seven sealed scroll to His Son?

The answer puts an end to any debate on pre, mid, post or pre-wrath timing.

If you knew me well, and in the past you had seen me punch someone so hard I knocked them out, and you knew how kind I was, but before I threw a punch you saw I was utterly furious, and you also knew what provoked me into righteous fury, then as a best friend, you'd also recognize that look on my face and know when the same event is about to be repeated.

There is nothing new about the beginning of wrath of God in Revelation, but YT and social media forums are full of arguments about the timing of the rapture while ignoring the most important thing... how does God feel about the end time provocations?

It's all been laid our for us in the OT. It been repeated. Everything! The provocations, the warninga and the judgments. So much so a rabbi accused the church of stealing the information and putting it into the Book of Revelation.

Meantime we argue about the acts of God instead of telling the world about the feelings of God that become provoked into such fury He begins an extinction level event on an increasing scale until it become global.

Yes, it's the most important question of all after the gospel, because there is no wrath without extreme fury.

As they say, you can't find what you are not looking for.

Next week I shall begin a different topic - Knowing God.

If you don't know God's emotions, then how deep is your friendship with God?

He is a jealous God, slow to anger and full of mercy, but He won't always strive with man and when the nations cross the red line, God tells us exactly what He will do step by step and also His emotions, for wrath begins with fury just as the cross began with love.

I am super glad that you are staying here with us. :hug:
I am really curious what brought you to the Philippines. Here in Florida I have worked with many Philippinos in health care and I found them to be very friendly and nice to work with. I also learned that there is heavy persecution of Christians there.
It's the weekend, when I usually get a chance to show my virtual face again but this week has been very taxing. Spinning plates, sealing with legal issues re. a rape case of a step niece and her step father, illnesses, and a very demanding schedule.

Some of you made very nice comments of all kinds from apologies to asking for me to continue to explanations etc. and I couldn't;t respond at the time and now the thread is closed so I just want to say a big thanks and much love to all.

I didn't come here to teach, I came to share but questions made it seem like I was teaching and I supposed it evolved into that format.

I have a bit of a legal background and IMO, adoption is THE piece of court action in heaven that stops the devils outrageous accusation against the church that have raged on day and night for 2000 years, so perhaps we can have another go at this in the future.

The NLT hits this on the head...

And we believers also groan, even though we have the Holy Spirit within us as a foretaste of future glory, for we long for our bodies to be released from sin and suffering. We, too, wait with eager hope for the day when God will give us our full rights as his adopted children, including the new bodies he has promised us. Rom.8:23.

The question of why God allows the devil to appear before Him and deny the efficacy of the cross and blood of Christ by accusing the church day and night draws me irresistibly to find out how this can possibly be allowed by God for 2000 years, and what is the reason God suddenly puts and end to it, and the answer is in the law.

There is another question that must be asked, and if we search this out, it will become the biggest question of all after "What did you do with the gospel of Christ?".

It is simply, What is the state of emotion in Father God when He hands the seven sealed scroll to His Son?

The answer puts an end to any debate on pre, mid, post or pre-wrath timing.

If you knew me well, and in the past you had seen me punch someone so hard I knocked them out, and you knew how kind I was, but before I threw a punch you saw I was utterly furious, and you also knew what provoked me into righteous fury, then as a best friend, you'd also recognize that look on my face and know when the same event is about to be repeated.

There is nothing new about the beginning of wrath of God in Revelation, but YT and social media forums are full of arguments about the timing of the rapture while ignoring the most important thing... how does God feel about the end time provocations?

It's all been laid our for us in the OT. It been repeated. Everything! The provocations, the warninga and the judgments. So much so a rabbi accused the church of stealing the information and putting it into the Book of Revelation.

Meantime we argue about the acts of God instead of telling the world about the feelings of God that become provoked into such fury He begins an extinction level event on an increasing scale until it become global.

Yes, it's the most important question of all after the gospel, because there is no wrath without extreme fury.

As they say, you can't find what you are not looking for.

Next week I shall begin a different topic - Knowing God.

If you don't know God's emotions, then how deep is your friendship with God?

He is a jealous God, slow to anger and full of mercy, but He won't always strive with man and when the nations cross the red line, God tells us exactly what He will do step by step and also His emotions, for wrath begins with fury just as the cross began with love.


I don't understand your questions. We do know the 'feelings' of God as they are revealed in the Bible.

I am interested in reading commentary & discussing the emotions of God. The woman’s ministry leader at my church reiterates very often about how feelings aren’t faith, we can’t rely on our feelings, can’t follow your heart, etc., which I agree with 100%. What gets on my nerves however, is if you say something like “I feel” or “I want to feel” regarding God, she jumps all over you. As if she caught you in sin or something. Last week I politely but firmly told her that God has feelings, Jesus has feelings, God gave us feelings and that He is perfectly OK with that. We are not created to be blocks of cement. It got me thinking about the emotions of Jesus, like when He wept…when He groaned within Himself…when He drove the sellers out of the Temple. And if we have seen Him then we have seen the FATHER. So I think God understands and ministers to the frailties of our feelings and our needs regarding them. Although yes, we are not to allow them to lead us in thought, word or deed. Anyway just a rant because it’s a bit off topic from where you seem to be going with this. But yes an interesting subject.
It's all been laid our for us in the OT. It been repeated. Everything! The provocations, the warninga and the judgments.
That makes me want to go through the entire OT again just to search for, and mark:
Maybe write every instance down, and make into a chart. (Someone else probably has already! Maybe someone here knows of one)
I am interested in reading commentary & discussing the emotions of God. The woman’s ministry leader at my church reiterates very often about how feelings aren’t faith, we can’t rely on our feelings, can’t follow your heart, etc., which I agree with 100%. What gets on my nerves however, is if you say something like “I feel” or “I want to feel” regarding God, she jumps all over you. As if she caught you in sin or something. Last week I politely but firmly told her that God has feelings, Jesus has feelings, God gave us feelings and that He is perfectly OK with that. We are not created to be blocks of cement. It got me thinking about the emotions of Jesus, like when He wept…when He groaned within Himself…when He drove the sellers out of the Temple. And if we have seen Him then we have seen the FATHER. So I think God understands and ministers to the frailties of our feelings and our needs regarding them. Although yes, we are not to allow them to lead us in thought, word or deed. Anyway just a rant because it’s a bit off topic from where you seem to be going with this. But yes an interesting subject.

My opinion is this. If one wants to know the 'emotions' of God, read the Bible from start to finish. Make it a daily exercise. Read as much or little as you want, but make it a daily exercise.

And when you finish, if you do finish, start over again. From Genesis to Revelation.

Then when you finish, point out the difficulties you have with the emotions of God. For He does not hide them.

My opinion is this. If one wants to know the 'emotions' of God, read the Bible from start to finish. Make it a daily exercise. Read as much or little as you want, but make it a daily exercise.

And when you finish, if you do finish, start over again. From Genesis to Revelation.

Then when you finish, point out the difficulties you have with the emotions of God. For He does not hide them.

Well sure….but then we could say that about any Biblical topic on this entire forum, and never have a discussion or share anything. 🙂 That's no fun.
And Quantrill, I do read the Bible every day. Although I have read it straight through in order just a few times. I do like to read a book straight through. But sometimes I like to do a topical study. 🙂
Edit: I usually don’t read on Sundays because my pastor is a line by line and is very thorough.
And Quantrill, I do read the Bible every day. Although I have read it straight through in order just a few times. I do like to read a book straight through. But sometimes I like to do a topical study. 🙂
Edit: I usually don’t read on Sundays because my pastor is a line by line and is very thorough.
IMO, reading the bible straight through is the least effective method of study. I have done it once, but see no need to study that way.
IMO, reading the bible straight through is the least effective method of study. I have done it once, but see no need to study that way.
true, i'm a glutton and do this anyway, the only other time i lookup other scriptures is on either sermon videos, when people quote it on forums like this as i like to read the whole passage to grasp the whole context of the verse and on articles
It's the weekend, when I usually get a chance to show my virtual face again but this week has been very taxing. Spinning plates, sealing with legal issues re. a rape case of a step niece and her step father, illnesses, and a very demanding schedule.

Some of you made very nice comments of all kinds from apologies to asking for me to continue to explanations etc. and I couldn't;t respond at the time and now the thread is closed so I just want to say a big thanks and much love to all.

I didn't come here to teach, I came to share but questions made it seem like I was teaching and I supposed it evolved into that format.

I have a bit of a legal background and IMO, adoption is THE piece of court action in heaven that stops the devils outrageous accusation against the church that have raged on day and night for 2000 years, so perhaps we can have another go at this in the future.

The NLT hits this on the head...

And we believers also groan, even though we have the Holy Spirit within us as a foretaste of future glory, for we long for our bodies to be released from sin and suffering. We, too, wait with eager hope for the day when God will give us our full rights as his adopted children, including the new bodies he has promised us. Rom.8:23.

The question of why God allows the devil to appear before Him and deny the efficacy of the cross and blood of Christ by accusing the church day and night draws me irresistibly to find out how this can possibly be allowed by God for 2000 years, and what is the reason God suddenly puts and end to it, and the answer is in the law.

There is another question that must be asked, and if we search this out, it will become the biggest question of all after "What did you do with the gospel of Christ?".

It is simply, What is the state of emotion in Father God when He hands the seven sealed scroll to His Son?

The answer puts an end to any debate on pre, mid, post or pre-wrath timing.

If you knew me well, and in the past you had seen me punch someone so hard I knocked them out, and you knew how kind I was, but before I threw a punch you saw I was utterly furious, and you also knew what provoked me into righteous fury, then as a best friend, you'd also recognize that look on my face and know when the same event is about to be repeated.

There is nothing new about the beginning of wrath of God in Revelation, but YT and social media forums are full of arguments about the timing of the rapture while ignoring the most important thing... how does God feel about the end time provocations?

It's all been laid our for us in the OT. It been repeated. Everything! The provocations, the warninga and the judgments. So much so a rabbi accused the church of stealing the information and putting it into the Book of Revelation.

Meantime we argue about the acts of God instead of telling the world about the feelings of God that become provoked into such fury He begins an extinction level event on an increasing scale until it become global.

Yes, it's the most important question of all after the gospel, because there is no wrath without extreme fury.

As they say, you can't find what you are not looking for.

Next week I shall begin a different topic - Knowing God.

If you don't know God's emotions, then how deep is your friendship with God?

He is a jealous God, slow to anger and full of mercy, but He won't always strive with man and when the nations cross the red line, God tells us exactly what He will do step by step and also His emotions, for wrath begins with fury just as the cross began with love.

Thanks for staying, although i slowly came around or grasped what you were trying to explain, i'd still be interested t hear your views on end time economics or the trends you see that will lead to how the end times prophecies playing out

ie stuff like the BRICS economy and how whenever something big is about to happen in the world , there's a big investment or sudden purchasing of gold
IMO, reading the bible straight through is the least effective method of study. I have done it once, but see no need to study that way.
I’ve done it just so I can say I did it, and it was OK but I found myself aching to read what I really wanted to read but couldn’t because I had to stay on the schedule. Because the yearly ones don’t leave any time to read much else. (I worked full time at the time.) And it was hard not to get into the “read it—-check the box” mode.
My favorite thing to do is to read a book straight through, and let the Lord “tap me on the shoulder” with something that piques my interest, or something He wants me to learn. Then either go off in a short topical rabbit trail, or come back to it later after I’ve finished the book if it will be a long in-depth study.
I’ve done it just so I can say I did it, and it was OK but I found myself aching to read what I really wanted to read but couldn’t because I had to stay on the schedule. Because the yearly ones don’t leave any time to read much else. (I worked full time at the time.) And it was hard not to get into the “read it—-check the box” mode.
My favorite thing to do is to read a book straight through, and let the Lord “tap me on the shoulder” with something that piques my interest, or something He wants me to learn. Then either go off in a short topical rabbit trail, or come back to it later after I’ve finished the book if it will be a long in-depth study.
That's my style too. I've done a Genesis to Revelation solid no skips read and gotten a lot out of that too. Currently I'm sort of doing that but book by book and I'm in Nehemiah - bedtime. But during the day your "tap me on the shoulder" takes me all over.
That makes me want to go through the entire OT again just to search for, and mark:
Maybe write every instance down, and make into a chart. (Someone else probably has already! Maybe someone here knows of one)
You just nailed it! God reveals His emotion and how He responds. We need to understand the provocation, the warning and the corrective measures in His displeasure. The provocation that make Him angry and the warning and punishment to bring us to our senses in repentance. When that doesn't work and the provocations increase, God goes into a state of fury. He describes it as His fury shaking the earth and burning down to hell.

I had a special forces friend with a great smile but he still had a fearsome face and when He was angry, one look was all it took for everyone to know he was on the warpath. If he had described his emotional state like God did, everyone would get out of his way for what is about to happen.

Is that what God the Father describes Himself like when He hands the scroll to his Son?

We ARE supposed to know.

We are supposed to warn the whole of the terrible threat they are under and detail the provocations that are like the Days of Noah. My goodness, every pastor in the world ought to be screaming the house down and explaining this in detail and proving what must come next. Just described it like this in the last days... we must earnestly contend for the faith and he was meaning the sexual sins of the fallen angels.

The Father isn't handing the scroll to Jesus like someone passively handing a file to a colleague in an office.

But can we prove exactly what the Father's state of emotion, is for if He is furious to the utmost extent He is shaking earth and burning down to hell, then we know what is coming next, not because we can guess the worst, but because He has already done this before and repeated it.
IMO, reading the bible straight through is the least effective method of study. I have done it once, but see no need to study that way.
I never enjoyed reading the Bible from cover to cover until I had a chronological Bible - then it made sense. The Psalms were astounding seeing the events in David's life and how he wrote the corresponding prayers instead of them being lumped into one book with no reference points.
That's my style too. I've done a Genesis to Revelation solid no skips read and gotten a lot out of that too. Currently I'm sort of doing that but book by book and I'm in Nehemiah - bedtime. But during the day your "tap me on the shoulder" takes me all over.
When I get that tap on the shoulder, it's time to do a word study or studies around that topic.

That is what opened my eyes up to the past-present-future, when I began a Word study on HOPE and ended up seeing how all the doctrines of the faith are putting us in a present state of hope by which we declare present ownership of but still await full acquisition of.

IF hope was explained to the church, we would understand faith, and because faith is not well understood in the churches the Word of Faith runs rampant.
My opinion is this. If one wants to know the 'emotions' of God, read the Bible from start to finish. Make it a daily exercise. Read as much or little as you want, but make it a daily exercise.

And when you finish, if you do finish, start over again. From Genesis to Revelation.

Then when you finish, point out the difficulties you have with the emotions of God. For He does not hide them.

As a backdrop that is great, but we will lose focus if we don't also do a topical word study on each topic we want to have a complete understanding of, so long as we keep it in context.