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Oysters Carry Protein That Kills Bacteria Behind Pneumonia, Strep Throat, and Scarlet Fever: Study

Ghoti Ichthus

Genesis 18:32, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Acts 5:29

Oysters Carry Protein That Kills Bacteria Behind Pneumonia, Strep Throat, and Scarlet Fever: Study​

By Andy Corbley
Feb 17, 2025

"A protein found in oysters has been identified as an outright killer of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and to strengthen antibiotics’ overall effectiveness.
The discovery was made by scientists in Australia who found the protein in the bivalve’s ‘hemolymphs,’ cells that act a little like blood cells in humans.
Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Streptococcus pyogenes, may not mean much to the average person, but the common infectious diseases they cause probably will.
They can result in STAPH infections, pneumonia, and scarlet fever and strep throat respectively, but they are also three species that the Sydney rock oyster’s blood-like fluid seems to be capable of treating.
It makes sense oysters would have potent, endogenous, antimicrobial secretions since they are filter feeders: slurping in liters of water every day, keeping the nutrients, and expelling the rest.
Their antimicrobial compound prevents bacteria that cause diseases like those already mentioned from forming colonies protected by biofilms—a substance that allows them to glom together and stick to membranes and tissues whilst protecting them from antibiotic drugs."
