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One of largest Christian churches in US departs Southern Baptists following vote to ban women from pulpit

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One of largest Christian churches in US departs Southern Baptists following vote to ban women from pulpit
From FoxNews:

Southern Baptists lost one of their biggest congregations last week amid tensions in the largest U.S. Protestant denomination over women at the pulpit.

The Matthews, North Carolina-based Elevation Church sent a letter to the Southern Baptist Convention on June 26 informing them of their intention to disaffiliate "effective immediately."

The megachurch's letter did not state a reason for the disaffiliation, though Elevation Pastor Steven Furtick’s wife, Holly Furtick, preaches and posts her sermons online.

Last month, an overwhelming majority of more than 12,000 voting delegates at the 2023 SBC annual meeting in New Orleans approved a preliminary vote to change the SBC's constitution to formally ban women from serving in a teaching pastoral role.

The positive takeaway is that it's recognized who has God's approval. I'm thinking based on who's following God's instructions, showing reverential fear, honor of God. And I believe where our enemy would seek to destroy, God permits to prove spiritual integrity.

First, I hear that there are divisions among you when you meet as a church, and to some extent I believe it. But, of course, there must be divisions among you so that you who have God’s approval will be recognized!

1 Cor 11:18-19
The megachurch's letter did not state a reason for the disaffiliation, though Elevation Pastor Steven Furtick’s wife, Holly Furtick, preaches and posts her sermons online.
I have heard one or two people raise concern's about Elevation before. I think it's good to see a denomination finally making a decision on something, kicking the can down the road seems to be the MO these days. God Bless :)
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