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Oliver Anthony Quotes Psalm 37 in First Concert Since ‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ Exploded

Tall Timbers

Imperfect but forgiven
Staff member
Musician Oliver Anthony fired up the crowd by quoting the Bible at his first live concert after his song “Rich Men North of Richmond” conquered the Internet seemingly overnight.

The Virginia folk singer performed a free concert in Barco, North Carolina, Sunday afternoon, taking note of the crowd growing slightly since his last time at the venue.

“It’s crazy for me because I remember back in June I played here for about 20 people. That’s the beautiful part of this country because, even an idiot like me can make something. Before we start singing, and I mean we, because I hope you all are going to be singing too, I just had something I felt compelled to share with you,” he said.

Anthony then quoted from Psalm 37: 12-20, which reads as follows:


Musician Oliver Anthony Asks His New Fans to Consider This After Mega Hit​

Country music star Oliver Anthony published a video on his YouTube channel to provide an update on his life and outlook after being thrust into the national spotlight with his song "Rich Men North of Richmond" becoming a viral hit.

Driving back from a performance in North Carolina, Anthony said the song itself is not a masterpiece because what makes the song resonate with people already exists within them.

"But my question to you is with, when Oliver Anthony is long gone and forgotten about, what can you do in your own life to maintain this energy, this positivity, this unity that I see among people like I've never seen before?" Anthony asked. "What are the next steps to make life better for people? What can you do for your neighbor?"
