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National Flags and Saluting Emoji

Ghoti Ichthus

Genesis 18:32, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Acts 5:29
I couldn't find an American flag or saluting emoji this morning . . . could we please get them?

Could we please also get an emoji for the national flag of each country as a member joins from that country? The new members reflect several different countries . . .

hmmm . . . when I searched in the smiley search box, I didn't get anything because I used the wrong search terms [salute, United States, American] :lol: However, I did see :cflag: and :israel:

The ones I found were on my phone. I think I can add any of the stuff from my phone when I'm posting from my phone... If we get any new members from Angola or Antarctica it looks like their flags are there. 🇦🇴🇦🇶🖖🫡🎏
