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Knights of Ni and Shrubbery

Ghoti Ichthus

Genesis 18:32, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Acts 5:29
Could we please get a knights of ni emoji? maybe a shrubbery one, too

And also someone sleeping on a cloud and a guy tapping his foot impatiently? (cloud9 and tapping, respectively, at the old place)

And a tar-and-feather?

And Moses parting the Red Sea?

Still need to play with the other ones

If you can get the properly sized emojis into my hands, I'll add them if they're a format the system will accept. Searching for an emoji can take hours, I found, so best wishes. If someone has access to Rapture Forums maybe some can be copied from there. I think RF got their library of emojis from RR...
If you can get the properly sized emojis into my hands, I'll add them if they're a format the system will accept. Searching for an emoji can take hours, I found, so best wishes. If someone has access to Rapture Forums maybe some can be copied from there. I think RF got their library of emojis from RR...
What extension do you need the emojis to be?

Edit to add:
Think I found the original source. They are called koloboks and supposedly downloadable for free.
