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Muslim man never heard that Christ died for him.

What a great video!!! Thanks for sharing! In a short time one person patiently shares the Gospel to another Muslim, while that person's friend is distracted and on their phone.

The first is beginning to understand and when his friend hears that Jesus died for him the friend suddenly is off his phone, sunglasses removed and very attentive.

Suddenly the first man is becoming an evangelist himself, explaining the Gospel to his friend!

The friend says, "I've never heard Jesus died for me!" and his friend says, "Have you been living in a cave?" :lol:

How wonderful to see God's Word beginning to penetrate and bring a dawning hope!

On another note, it was interesting the first Muslim's comments about the lifestyles he observed in Christians around him.....unfortunately very worldly lifestyles. In hearing him talk it sounds like he couldn't see a difference between them and the world, nor the power of God displayed through a changed life, yielded to Christ. As a result he had no interest to dig deeper and investigate the Christian belief in Jesus, until he came across a Christian who was different.

I'm not talking about those who are following Christ who are by His power, actively dealing with sin in their lives (as all Christians do) in continually coming to the Lord in repentance and for His abundant forgiveness and grace, but those who it seems have exchanged a good and precious testimony in their lives for love of the world and it's ways.

Whether we realize it or not, our lives yielded to Christ, with His spirit in control and changing us as we read His Word and allow it to have continued effect in our thinking and living has a powerful effect on others around us. I'm not talking about being a perfect Christian but one who's continually moving closer to Christ and seeking to grow in Christ (we will always struggle with the flesh).

So, I'm reminded to continue in this path for myself but also encouraged that as God is displayed in my life through the fruits of the Holy Spirit that emerges by connection to Jesus (and only because of Jesus) and His powerful Words in me, that others, who are hungry for this fruit themselves will stop and ask how they can have this fruit too.

Thanks for sharing Ronnie! This was encouraging to me today. :)
What a great video!!! Thanks for sharing! In a short time one person patiently shares the Gospel to another Muslim, while that person's friend is distracted and on their phone.

The first is beginning to understand and when his friend hears that Jesus died for him the friend suddenly is off his phone, sunglasses removed and very attentive.

Suddenly the first man is becoming an evangelist himself, explaining the Gospel to his friend!

The friend says, "I've never heard Jesus died for me!" and his friend says, "Have you been living in a cave?" :lol:

How wonderful to see God's Word beginning to penetrate and bring a dawning hope!

On another note, it was interesting the first Muslim's comments about the lifestyles he observed in Christians around him.....unfortunately very worldly lifestyles. In hearing him talk it sounds like he couldn't see a difference between them and the world, nor the power of God displayed through a changed life, yielded to Christ. As a result he had no interest to dig deeper and investigate the Christian belief in Jesus, until he came across a Christian who was different.

I'm not talking about those who are following Christ who are by His power, actively dealing with sin in their lives (as all Christians do) in continually coming to the Lord in repentance and for His abundant forgiveness and grace, but those who it seems have exchanged a good and precious testimony in their lives for love of the world and it's ways.

Whether we realize it or not, our lives yielded to Christ, with His spirit in control and changing us as we read His Word and allow it to have continued effect in our thinking and living has a powerful effect on others around us. I'm not talking about being a perfect Christian but one who's continually moving closer to Christ and seeking to grow in Christ (we will always struggle with the flesh).

So, I'm reminded to continue in this path for myself but also encouraged that as God is displayed in my life through the fruits of the Holy Spirit that emerges by connection to Jesus (and only because of Jesus) and His powerful Words in me, that others, who are hungry for this fruit themselves will stop and ask how they can have this fruit too.

Thanks for sharing Ronnie! This was encouraging to me today. :)
Absolute truth!!! Such important teaching, sister. Thank you.
John 3:16 and John 14:6 T shirts work, too :D
Don't have to say a word and very safe for muslim women as long as they don't stare or make it obvious they're reading :)

OTOH, the religious police in some communities here don't think too much of me wearing them :lol: Tough. The Word and The Holy Ghost never return void. And there's not much they can do to me that hasn't been done or tried already, especially since still the U.S. They can damage or kill the body, but they can't touch, damage, or destroy my soul. Naa-na-naa-na-naa-na. . . naa-na-naa-na-naa-na 😁
Sometimes I get hate-looks. Usually when I wear John 14:6 because it's the whole verse and it's usually those in the new age/occult and/or bought into wokeism that don't like the "bigotry" Not generally bad looks from muslims, hindus, bhuddists, etc.

Lots of positive comments for the full-verse John 3:16.

Lutherans, especially those that used to be Catholic, appreciate the 5 Solas shirt and the shirt with the hammer with "the door was fine, just fixing your theology" Martin Luther 1517

Some people like Normal isn't coming back . . . Jesus is

More reactions than all others combined for THE END IS NEAR.

Didn't get to the State Fair the last few years, but I got a shirt and sweatshirt specifically for the fair with (on the back) "Dear person behind me, I hope you know Jesus loves you beyond all measure. I pray he blesses you today. With love, the person in front of you." Nothing on the front, so I need to find a silk screen shop to get John 3:16 (full verse) printed on the fronts :)