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Mormonism Deception


Set your face like flint - Isaiah 50:7
I wanted to start a thread on this because it has been on my mind recently. One thing I can never get over about the Mormons is how christian they make themselves appear. Someone new to the faith would easily mistake them for bible believing Christians.

I have even heard that they have a doctrine called "lying for the lord." This is pretty serious and blasphemous stuff I wanted to warn others about.

Here is a quote from mormonwiki.org

Lying for the Lord refers to the practice of lying to protect the image of and belief in the Mormon religion, a practice which Mormonism itself fosters in various ways. From Joseph Smith's denial of having more than one wife, to polygamous Mormon missionaries telling European investigators that reports about polygamy in Utah were lies put out by "anti-Mormons" and disgruntled ex-members, to Gordon B. Hinckley's dishonest equivocation on national television over Mormon doctrine, Mormonism's history seems replete with examples of lying. Common members see such examples as situations where lying is justified. For the Mormon, loyalty and the welfare of the church are more important than the principle of honesty, and plausible denials and deception by omission are warranted by an opportunity to have the Mormon organization seen in the best possible light. This is part of the larger package of things that lead many to describe Mormonism as a cult. "Lying for the lord" is part of Mormonism's larger deceptive mainstreaming tactics, and conversion numbers would drastically lower if important Mormon beliefs were fully disclosed to investigators.


Christians and Churches need to be very careful with Mormons... Angel Studios (The Chosen, Sound of Freedom, Tuttle Twins) and VidAngel (streaming services) are based in Utah and affiliated with Mormonism.

[Gal 5:9 NKJV]
9 A little leaven leavens the whole lump.
Angel Studios (The Chosen,

I have not watched The Chosen, after reading a blog post from someone I respect (End Times blogger I trust, she's the one who alerted me to Beth Moore and some others) who thinks it's a problem to watch these representations of Christ. She called it "adding to Scripture."

"So The Chosen functionally replaces the written word of the Bible with the visuals in the movie that God supposedly gave Dallas Jenkins. The Bible is no longer the definitive portrayal of His people, but Jenkins’ movie now is. See? Adding to AND replacing scripture."
I think that every Christian when asked what they are should just say, a Christian! 👍
All these different denominations just cause division in my opinion. :cry:
The thing about that is they may say they are a Christian, but when I know what church they are involved in that tells me if they truly are or a cult. I watched neither The Chosen or Sound of Freedom. I read that Jim Caviezel is a Catholic. The one who played Jesus in The Chosen is also a Catholic.
The thing about that is they may say they are a Christian, but when I know what church they are involved in that tells me if they truly are or a cult. I watched neither The Chosen or Sound of Freedom. I read that Jim Caviezel is a Catholic.
I guess I was thinking in a perfect world. 🤔
What you are saying makes a lot of sense. Maybe I should say that mature Christians should not claim a denomination.
When I was a young Christian I did a little research on the Mormon Church when someone I knew was considering the Mormon Church. After my research I counseled against it but don't remember how that story ended. Since then I've never looked into the Mormon beliefs again... that once was enough...
When I was a young Christian I did a little research on the Mormon Church when someone I knew was considering the Mormon Church. After my research I counseled against it but don't remember how that story ended. Since then I've never looked into the Mormon beliefs again... that once was enough...

I didn't know anything about it until I happened to catch a particular episode of South Park. Crude as that show can be, they summed up Mormon beliefs really well, I learned.