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Irrefutable Proof that Joseph Smith Was a Fraud Why Mormonism is Not Christian

By Dr. Nathan E. Jones

One of the most prolific spiritual signs of the end times that point to the soon return of Jesus Christ involves the increasing appearance of false christs and their cults (Matthew 24:5,11,24). A cult is a counterfeit religion that practices deception to present a likeness to the original. Adherents claim to be genuine Christians while redefining biblical doctrines involving God, Jesus, and salvation to reduce their chances of detection and increase being accepted as authentic Christianity.

One of the most notorious and successful of these religious counterfeiters was Joseph Smith, Jr. (1805-1844), founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS), better known as the Mormons. With nearly eight million followers today, the LDS Church continues to grow at an exponential rate, even some 180 years after Smith’s death.

However, the cult of Mormonism stands precariously like a house of cards, easily toppled by two simple and unarguable facts: Smith’s immoral character and his many false prophecies. To know what these are is to gain spiritual discernment and so not be duped by a false christ “masquerading as an angel of light” who was in truth a “false apostle and deceitful worker” (2 Corinthians 11:3-4,13-14).

Smith’s Immoral Character​

Many historically documented accounts of Joseph Smith’s character demonstrate a lifestyle of immorality and debauchery that lie in stark contrast to the biblical man who lives in holiness and obedience to sound biblical doctrine.
Smith’s own testimony reveals him to be a serial liar. He claimed at the tender age of 15 to have been visited by “two glorious personages surrounded with a brilliant light which eclipsed the sun at noonday,” whom he identified as “the Father and the Son.” God Himself supposedly taught young Smith to despise Christian creeds, consider denominations as abominations, and believe that the Bible had been corrupted and so in need of restoration.

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Mormons break my heart. We have ended up with many Mormons in our life, including my son's best friend. They are the kindest people but so fully controlled, so discouraged trying to be perfect, with no assurance their perfection will be enough, their failures might doom them, and they probably won't meet the impossible expectations if they dont do the 2 years of missions, marry in the temple etc. Suicude is quite high among them. So sad to see their fear of stepping away from trying to work their way to their bizarre version of heaven. So they usually dont dare believe in grace alone, and only read the bible. It makes me so sad that people who want salvation are deceived away from true salvation. I read this article and immediately plan to pass it on!