Interesting questions. Thanks for the challenge. I thought to interrupt as well here for a second. Maybe these might be in the neighborhood? Not pretending to answer for Pastor Adrian. But I did have a few extra minutes this morning...blessings.I don't understand. Just how does that make sense?
But Matthew 12:40 says that they were. What am I missing?
In regards to Gen 6 and 7, it would appear that the distance in time would have something to do with it. Like God telling Noah before he built the arc what went with all of that. And then 120 years later, refined for tactical accuracy, the at the moment specifics on that. Pulpit Commentary on puts it this way...
"the obvious answer is, that while in the first communication, which was given 120 years before, when minute instructions were not required, it is simply stated that the animals should be preserved by pairs; in the second, when the ark was finished and the animals were about to be collected, it is added that, in the case of the few clean beasts used for sacrifice, an exception should be made to the general rule, and not one pair, but either three pairs with one over, or seven pairs, should be preserved."
There is some discussion about 7 parts that may or may have to do with this. I am not sure I understand that lol. But in general the sense would be the first time God gave the outline. The second time, he included further detail at the time of entering the arc came, if that makes sense?
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As for the Matt 12:40 passage, that is a sign they would refuse to honor. I would understand that the Pharisees wanted what they wanted. They wanted to be religious leaders. They wanted to tell God how righteous they were. In their flesh they were too prideful to make room for God or His Son. So even though Christ would rise from the dead, somehow they convinced themselves that their religious world mattered more.
Matt 28:12-13
And when they had assembled with the elders and consulted * together, they gave a large sum of money to the soldiers, 13 and said, "You are to say, 'His disciples came by night and stole Him away while we were asleep.
From what I understand when Jesus said to them that the sign of Jonah is given, it would appear what He meant was His resurrection. And since the Pharisees saw themselves as special in God's eyes, they would not take to heart that Jonah did not want Nineveh forgiven (heart's like the Pharisees). Nor should Christ have come for the prostitutes or the sinning Jews. But they saw messiah as an endorsemetn of them. Not salvation to sinning Jews. And certainly not a Gentile Church (which Jonah seemed to infer also from antiquity...that God would show mercy and favor upon gentiles).
So the sign of Jonah would be like saying to them: The man who was mad at God for forgiving sinners. That is your sign. This is the way I take it. I don't think Christ meant the following but in its sarcasim somehow might have. That the sign of Jonah (representing the forgiveness of God) is not a sign they wear around their neck. For they do not know the forgiveness of God. How could they wear it? ? They were handed a sign they could not wear.
But more directly, when the son of man rises from the dead, just like they don't honor Jonah's story from God, neither will they honor Him. And in this the sign given is the one they won't receive. As though no sign had be given. If that makes sense?