Hi @Dicv. I posted this in the wrong thread. I was wondering if Dicv could have like two separate main threads. Like one where he posts Paster JD updates and another with other videos? And maybe we could do like seasons on the ones that include his several video/articles postings (season 1, 2, 3 like maybe 1 season for each 2 weeks, or 3 weeks, or 4 weeks--because this will get really long and i don't think there is a way to table of contents back to which group of videos/articles we are engaging with? I am just saying that because i meant to post this earlier on this thread. I think these are good additions to his original topics. Or maybe the mods can place this posting of mine before @Dicv latest cluster from today? Thanks
Regarding @dicv 3rd temple video...
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It seems Bibi is offering Gazan hostage keeper families millions of dollars to release hostages. I guess this is a way to work around Hamas. We may not know where Israel will end up during the age of grace: a 1 or 2 state solution. But it will be interesting to see what Israel looks like under the Trump administration now. Because under Biden's
frivolity Israel became a terror to the terroist. So I guess we will see what that looks like when America is actually on their side too now. A shifting of political power unto Israel would seem to make a 3rd temple more within their reach now.
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Regarding -- The Watchmen Should Never Be Silent
Thanks brother, very helpful and sobering overview of the church worldview today. In the beginning the host opens with Matt 16:2 and the interview gets into seeing how most churches are either not equipped to talk about prophecy or just avoid it for other reasons. Which is an interesting commentary on our day. I'm grateful for the watcher worldview. And I believe it is good to warn the world of a coming tribulation as we see the signs, amen. In some ways though, my humble and not so well supported take in general, I believe there potentially is perhaps a similar Matt 16:2 effect even upon the watcher world. Which is a curious sight.
If we compare apples and apples the Matt 16:2 take was applied to religious leaders who did not discern the visitation of God incarnate. Which is a little different than the coming tribulation. Obviously Christ did not come to bring His kingdom to His creation via Israel organically on the wings of a tribulation. I mean it wasn't like the religious leaders of the first century did not miss their messiah because they did not have accurate doctrine about the tribulation. For Jesus did not come to bring the tribulation...but to save. And if we go with the Andy Woods leaning (which I believe is accurate), Jesus literally came to bring Israel the kingdom (likely not toocfar afield had they accepted Him as their messiah).
In this way, it could help likely to see that the Jews were expecting a conquering messiah. To poise Israel as earthly ruler over Rome. They were kind of half right. That He did come to give them His kingdom on earth. But it would seem the way for Israel to receive that would have been to come to God as He is. That He is a rewarder of those who seek Him (Heb 11:6), yes. But the person of who God is was what was visiting them...then after the kingdom...likely delayed by the gentile rule age of grace parentheses because they did not receive His person. So if likened to 1st century Israeli rulers, the church faces a similar mirror effect, it would seem that the matching discerning of the weather could be as much as discerning the visitation of His person. Not that there will be a physical visit of messiah in the age of grace close. But just that like the proportionate balance of seeing Him more perhaps than the tribulation = 1st century seeing Him more than their kingdom on earth.
I realize that to be a strange comparison. But if there is something like that, it would seem that the hermeneutic of understanding the character of God would be paramount even in the last days approaching a tribulation. Not that the church is not called to warn. But it just seems to me that the character of God is likely a much bigger playing force in discerning the times. I suppose another way of looking at it is like our orientation to the tribulation is likened to Israel's orientation to the kingdom. But coming events were true for their day--that a kingdom was offered. So both (a kingdom offer and a tribulation offer) would seem to be eclipsed by the person of God visiting to best discern the times.
One common example I guess I would see to provide practically is the Abraham Accords. We know the Abraham Accords stands for some measure of tipping the hat to the Muslim faith. And in that see a danger for Israel. This is understandable. However, in a more organic sense, God did actually bless Ishmael with quite a bit. And if we look at it from His perspective, God would be interested to condescend to His creation in the last days of the age of grace likely much like He literally condescended when He came in the first century as a suffering servant for them. This notion perhaps seems like a fluffy Hallmark Greeting card version of end times compared to the rough and tumble hardcore shock and awe value we find in an encroaching tribulation turmoil. Amen. Understandable. But the rub I guess would be to see which way of looking at things/trends etc provides perhaps a more holistic staging power or helps become an anchor by which and from the foundation thereof sees most accurately (or at least perpahs more accurately) everything else?
For the one main thing the Abraham Accords seems to imply to the watcher world today is an agreement that antichrist strengthens. And that is our depth in it. We will interpret all meaning surrounding Israel tightly like that. And come away with possibly hyper focuses on the antichrist to come at an age the church won't be here for, but interpretting it as if we were. Whereas if we see the character of God preeminent over and above the oncoming Tribulation, it would make a lot of sense why we have the Abraham Accords now before any antichrist can strengthen it. We may have a very real and powerful evidence of what provides Israel their peace and safety. Which seems to have more rubber meeets the road proephetic traction than to tie the Abraham Accords to early on only or merely with something we are not here for...as though it might not mean anything OTHER than that in the significance of the end of the age of grace.
In this way, it would seem that the Abraham Accords are there to provide Israel with their "prophetic" peace and safety. Whereas the watcher world typically ties peace and safety with a false Christ to come. Perhaps in having an eye too far afield in looking at the antichrist to come with a false peace he brings might actually tend to miss what is likely forming right under our feet. A peace and safety for Israel in the short term. During the age of grace. So if we see a peace and safety tied to AC who is not here nor shares in the age of grace, and yet the prophetic peace and safety comes in the age of grace, we probably have some homework to do on the Matt 16:2 front. But if we see the character of God condescending to the children of the world...a generation primed to go into the tribulation, we might see Him even remind the Arab world of His blessing on Ishmael through Abraham (from whom the blessed vicariously arrived to his son Ishmael). Because that came from the Bible not Islam. Giving them a chance to be reminded of God's great care organically to the Arab people--and robustly attached to Israel -- the nation for whom the greater promise was made. Most Arabs will be stuck in their Muslim mindset, granted. But the care and sober reality of the Ishmael story belonging to God, is real. and is a part of the true biblical story. And in that sense I believe the Abrahama Accords can mean as much from a condescending God upon the Arab world poised and slatted for a tribulation should they not repent, might be a far better weather condition to see prophecy unfolding in real time perhaps. Not to mention, the upside to the Abraham Accords. They exist because of the promise God made to Israel. And that, in a real rubber meets the road way the Arab world would do well to recognize the reason they have greater affluence is tied directly to how God awards Israel (great in technology, energy, and neighboring wealth). Under...drum roll please...Abraham.
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The Elephant in the GOP Room — COVID Vax
I agree it certainly is an elephant in the room. I have always appreciated An0maly on YouTube having this conviction and holding the Trump feet to the fire. My general take on that which seems to be a blind spot when this is discussed is that Trump while in office before was pro remedy like ivermectin and
hydroxychloroquine sulphate. As I look at the general context, the COVID pandemic was the first time something shut the world down. So the schematic was systemic. In contrast with what that would have looked like had Hilary won. I don't think there would have been a vax because the estimate was 11 years to develope at the time. The plan seemed to have been, from a globalist perspective, to keep the world shut down enough to bring in the global reset. A worldwide pandemic would be too juicy an opportunity for that not to have been taken full advantage of. In light of this in general I would see the vax as a hopeful way to open up commercial markets (which would be an antibody to a world economic shut down).
As we are in the last days, to me, the choice of a global reset or dangerous vax is not all that appealing. In this sense it would seem we did get the lessor of two evils. America for decades has been guilty of outsourcing our autonomy onto politicians. In that sense, I would see perhaps the nature of the vax quagmire in part due to an America who allowed herself to be setup like that. There is only so much a man can do with such stakes at stake, even a president. But yeah championing the vax goes with the whole Trump narcissim. So I agree that should have been something Joe Rogen broguth up. But it was likely offlimites to get the Trump interview. The difficulty perhaps today will be, did America learn her lesson not to outsource automamy? Because with Trump being seen as some golden age savior, how else might we as a country set ourselves up if we don't have a better practice of keeping our politicians to account. They work for Americans...not the other way around.
But in general I think it is too easy low hanging fruit to look at what happened with the vax and not notice as much that the COVID pandemic was scheduled for that timeframe. It was just that the wrong president was in office to give it its full effect. To not see this, to me, is the same symptom of why we let ourselves get put into such a boat to begin. Its not as popular as having a bias one way or another on the issue. But I'm just trying to see things as they have been providentially provided for us to look at. I'm just thinking that is at least one step toward the personal rpeseonsibility that goes with autonomy. I would also say we are kind of in an age where we tend to be influenced by quite a bit. So it stands to reason to a degree that we might even more so in our age. But personally, I am of the belief that taking personal responsibility is in concert with being created in His image and not inconsistent with trusting God more than government. BUT that part of being God is that He has providentially in spades used government to do His will. Having a healthy balance in that I believe grants us the best chance of not being swayed to the left or right (not politically but philosphically and/or theologically). For it would appear to be somewhat the case that God would underscore our age as a time for His creation to exercise our God given responsibilities. And that at a time to participate to be a healthy degree of effort in maintaining civil discord -- as the church is literally the conscience of a body politic that is of the people and by the people if we care to be it as offered as such.
But I understand the radical influences of Christian Nationalism vs being ran over by utter liberal agendas. I just get the sense as far as America is concerned that our way of operating as a country is actual and living reality of choosing to care we have it...without making an empire out of that species of thought. And in that balance would see a practice closer to the intention of being created in His image.
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Approaching Apocalypse :: By Terry James
As per @Dicv article from Rapture Ready. Well I had heard this from Pastor JD as well. That apocalypse means "revealing."
The term “apocalypse” as related to the coming Tribulation (Daniel’s seventieth week) means the “unveiling” or “revelation.” Particularly, it is the revelation of Jesus Christ in all of His power and glory and in His judgeship over all of the world’s evil since Lucifer’s rebellion and the Fall of humankind in the Garden of Eden.
I understand seeing a revealing as Revelatoin is called this to equate with "unviel" = tribulation. And this is true. But from what we have been experiencing as a world for several decades now is kind of a revealing too. The age of information -- the internet. I was listening to Jay Sekulow on Christian radio last night and he mentioned podcasts have recently been getting numbers like 45 million. Or Elon and Tucker reaching hundreds of millions of views verses our commonly known network news podcasts getting like 3 and 4 million views. And this kind of underscores a momentum in the direction of seeing more in general as we go along historically. A time where news networks owned by a handful of companies censor info has met her match. The power of the person seems greater than the power of network media. And that means, more is revealed that is real. Of course a lot of conspiracy stuff with it. But there enlies the double edged sword of freedom of speech.
We know something like the internet will be used in the tribulation age for menakinds harm. And we can see that being on social media a lot can make people more self absorbed. So there are of course dangers. But in general, in the age of grace, having the ability to see and learn more and understand better and quicker from around the world is not evil. INherently on its face, its actually a good thing mostly, I believe. Because it holds propaganda more accountable. And in this way, "revealing" is kind of the bread and butter of our age and has been ongoing and increasingly so for some time now. So in a way, it would seem that what God has conditioned for us to experience is the opportunity to metaphorically see in real time the spelling of r e v e a l I n g. Which would ultimaty spell out the ultimate reveal: Tribulation.
But going back to an earlier point I made about the character of God in our age, if our take away from all that is all things tribulation...I think we might be missing quite a bit of offer all along the way for decades now. And it is hopefully in this spirit I convey a sense of what I mean as God's character as a hermeutic in our days.
And as far as "reveal" goes...the author of that article ends in a plea of prayer for...
God The Holy Spirit is turning on the Light of God’s Truth in Pakistan and other areas of the Spiritually darkened world.
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Well as I have appreciated @Dicv ministry at JDF, and excited to him posting here in CFF, I just wanted to offer this somewhat of a rerouting to things he had reason to post this thread regarding to begin with. And as per usual I will likely be the contrarian, but I think that is somewhat to be expected. I honor and appreciate his deep dives in getting the family of God thinking and discussing on themes he often finds relevent in the social media arena as it pertians to end times. And if you made it this far...lol...wow...thanks. But my post is not meant as the contrarian view to overplay the thread. But rather to be an encouragement to stimilate what @Disv has provided to be in discussion about should we like to. Blessings.