Andy C
From the same article, I agree with the below:Thanks brother. You got me reinterested in checking into the red heifer thing.Just a quick note on the article for:
What Does America’s Change Of Direction Mean In View Of Biblical Prophecy?
"While it might be tempting to think there’s been a pause in the mad rush of events leading up to the start of the Tribulation period, the elite powerbrokers of our world remain busy. They are working behind the scenes to quickly set the stage for when they can openly enslave the world under their domain."
I agree with this but from a different stand point. So far I have only heard this once, recently from Christian Broadcast Network 1, that it looks likely America will be used to strengthen Isreal for their peace and safety needed to be obtained for Ez 38. In that respect, I guess I would place the emphasis on God stregthening America for the purpose of granting Isreal unprecidented peace and safety. Which, to me, would be in spite of what world leaders might be up to. I guess we will see. It is just that we usually look at how a strong America could not be in play at the Ez 38 timeframe. I understand that logic. But it would seem too though that without a strong America Israel would not really stand much of a chance of real peace and safety proper for Ez 38 to be set up for. It does kind of amaze me though how that is never looked at. But a prime ingredient to get Israel there. On the heels of this article, I would suggest "amen," to not thinking the rapture is further off. Only the Lord knows. But it would stand to reason in our day, that if things get better through a stronger America and peace and safety Israel, we all chill out...and know...Ez 38 like. Guess we'll see. Blessings.
“I suspect that the Gog/Magog attack will occur between the Rapture and the antichrist’s seven-year peace accord with Israel. Somehow, that will provide the perfect opportunity for him to offer the nation they cannot refuse, likely sweetened by allowing the Jewish people to build their temple.”