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Iran plans to attack Israel on Tisha B’Av - the Jewish day of disasters, Western intelligence says

Western intelligence sources told Sky News Arabia that they had evidence Iran plans to attack Israel on Tisha B’Av in response to the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, which begins on August 12 and ends on August 13, the site reported on Friday.

Iran’s attack will reportedly be coordinated with Hezbollah, an Iran-backed terror group embedded in Lebanon.

Three sources told the New York Times that Iran planned to respond to the assassination of Haniyeh. The sentiment was echoed by Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khameini on X who wrote “Following this bitter, tragic event which has taken place within the borders of the Islamic Republic, it is our duty to take revenge.”

The report indicates that there is an emotional and psychological impact in targeting Israel on the holy day of mourning.


Sounds all quiet on the Eastern Front :noidea:
First they were saying "within 24-48 hours", now 'this week.'
Yeah that's because it's John Kirby giving the announcement, he's about a big of a dud or as reliable as KJP with their media statements LOL
Hopefully it does remain quiet , as Margery pointed out earlier, Tish Bav goes over 2 days

Whenever something like this doesn't happen as expected, I start to look at it and wonder about The Restrainer, Restraining.

I remember looking at the financial picture years ago now - the drastic corrections that should have happened, from 08 onwards but didn't. The failure of a bank - the Silicon Valley one that was supposed to be the thing that broke it all loose a year ago or so. Or this recent situation- where the insane balloon of debt should have exploded but the system creaks, totters and then wobbles along a bit further. The globalists try their best, but God is in charge and they don't get to do their thing till HE says it's time.

I remember saying back on the old forums that the rules don't apply anymore. Water flows uphill. Things happening that don't obey the natural rules in place whether finances or politics or wars. Things that seem to defy logic and I suspect defy the mathematics of probability.

I sure noticed it while Trump was trying to unleash that Peace Plan. One thing after another happened to get in the way. Macron tried to hurry it along by threatening to release his own plan if Trump wouldn't. Macron was bogged down immediately with the yellow vest riots in Paris. He tried again and Notre Dame burnt. In most unusual circumstances. It was way beyond conspiracy and human planning.

I remember thinking we are seeing The Restrainer at work here. I still think so. That plan wasn't unleashed till 9 months after Notre Dame turned into a crispy critter, 13 months after the yellow vest riots.

But right on time just as the plague was unleashed and more importantly just at the right time for the Abraham Accords to replace it. So the Trump plan was shelved, and gathers dust while the world totters and reels forward like a drunk.

So long story short I'm actually more interested when something that by all accounts SHOULD happen, just.... Doesn't! Or something that shouldn't happen, does.

It's not because Iran lacks the ability because they do, and by all accounts they've had the ability and the desire to wipe Israel off the map for some time now. It's not because they don't want to unleash everything on Israel all at once, because they've been trying to coordinate a mass multiple attack- only Hamas jumped the gun and started without Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon when they were all planned to go together last fall.

Iran's difficulties are compounded by a fight within Iran between the new leader and the IRGC. No doubt that bothers the Mullahs and especially the chief Ayatollah who hold the power.

It's not for lack of funds- Obama supplied that in helicopters full, pallets of hard currency. As soon as Trump was out of office, Biden unleashed more money.

But something or someone is restraining them. It feels like watching for the Trump Peace Plan all over again. First one thing, then another.

I began to think that whenever God DID allow the Peace Plan out, there was more going on than just a Peace Plan. And there was. Both 2020 and the Abraham Accords came out of that. They changed the landscape.

I think this feels very similar. I think we are seeing God restrain something for a time and a season. And somehow God had us all praying hard for Israel's protection. He's answered by holding them back. For a time. I think when He allows them to go ahead it will be towards their fate as outlined in the Elam prophecies.
Whenever something like this doesn't happen as expected, I start to look at it and wonder about The Restrainer, Restraining.

I remember looking at the financial picture years ago now - the drastic corrections that should have happened, from 08 onwards but didn't. The failure of a bank - the Silicon Valley one that was supposed to be the thing that broke it all loose a year ago or so. Or this recent situation- where the insane balloon of debt should have exploded but the system creaks, totters and then wobbles along a bit further. The globalists try their best, but God is in charge and they don't get to do their thing till HE says it's time.

I remember saying back on the old forums that the rules don't apply anymore. Water flows uphill. Things happening that don't obey the natural rules in place whether finances or politics or wars. Things that seem to defy logic and I suspect defy the mathematics of probability.

I sure noticed it while Trump was trying to unleash that Peace Plan. One thing after another happened to get in the way. Macron tried to hurry it along by threatening to release his own plan if Trump wouldn't. Macron was bogged down immediately with the yellow vest riots in Paris. He tried again and Notre Dame burnt. In most unusual circumstances. It was way beyond conspiracy and human planning.

I remember thinking we are seeing The Restrainer at work here. I still think so. That plan wasn't unleashed till 9 months after Notre Dame turned into a crispy critter, 13 months after the yellow vest riots.

But right on time just as the plague was unleashed and more importantly just at the right time for the Abraham Accords to replace it. So the Trump plan was shelved, and gathers dust while the world totters and reels forward like a drunk.

So long story short I'm actually more interested when something that by all accounts SHOULD happen, just.... Doesn't! Or something that shouldn't happen, does.

It's not because Iran lacks the ability because they do, and by all accounts they've had the ability and the desire to wipe Israel off the map for some time now. It's not because they don't want to unleash everything on Israel all at once, because they've been trying to coordinate a mass multiple attack- only Hamas jumped the gun and started without Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon when they were all planned to go together last fall.

Iran's difficulties are compounded by a fight within Iran between the new leader and the IRGC. No doubt that bothers the Mullahs and especially the chief Ayatollah who hold the power.

It's not for lack of funds- Obama supplied that in helicopters full, pallets of hard currency. As soon as Trump was out of office, Biden unleashed more money.

But something or someone is restraining them. It feels like watching for the Trump Peace Plan all over again. First one thing, then another.

I began to think that whenever God DID allow the Peace Plan out, there was more going on than just a Peace Plan. And there was. Both 2020 and the Abraham Accords came out of that. They changed the landscape.

I think this feels very similar. I think we are seeing God restrain something for a time and a season. And somehow God had us all praying hard for Israel's protection. He's answered by holding them back. For a time. I think when He allows them to go ahead it will be towards their fate as outlined in the Elam prophecies.
The Global markets going bust is contracting like birth pangs now
When i'm in my competition phase of my athletic season i make appearance makes a drastic transformation LOL
Must be all the carb loading or whatever it is that athletes do with pasta before competition. :lol:

I should have added all the times Israel should've by all accounts gone in and wiped Iran's nuclear ambitions right off the map. One time in particular was when Obama stopped them from going in by threatening to attack their jets should they go into Iran. Other situations like that over the years. Israel would suddenly have a political crisis- just one reason after another.

I remember again on the old forums many of us feeling frustrated with Israel for not getting things done. But after a while I realized God has a time for everything including Iran's nuclear ambitions.

When God opens a door no one can shut it, when He closes a door nobody can open it.
Must be all the carb loading or whatever it is that athletes do with pasta before competition. :lol:

I should have added all the times Israel should've by all accounts gone in and wiped Iran's nuclear ambitions right off the map. One time in particular was when Obama stopped them from going in by threatening to attack their jets should they go into Iran. Other situations like that over the years. Israel would suddenly have a political crisis- just one reason after another.

I remember again on the old forums many of us feeling frustrated with Israel for not getting things done. But after a while I realized God has a time for everything including Iran's nuclear ambitions.

When God opens a door no one can shut it, when He closes a door nobody can open it.
Yep love my carbs and everything else for that matter LOL.

Israel is now making threats again of their own almost saying they will have a devastating surprise if Iran makes another move or carries out their big threat.

I'll guess we will see who flinches first, although this time i think Israel will definitely act this time