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Imminence Under Attack


Lee Brainard covers the meaning of Imminence in reference to The Rapture and explains some errors made in misunderstanding of what imminency is and does a good job in defining it with examples and explains why making calculations and having "high watch times" for the Rapture does not fall under the definition of imminence.

Ends with a Q&A with the Live Chat

Lee's Description of this podcast...

Hey friends! This video will examine some of the misunderstandings and attacks that imminence faces from without and within the pretrib camp, clarify what imminence means, and examine some of the arguments for imminence. Our Lord is coming soon. The signs are exploding in variety, frequency, and intensity.

Video time: 2:06:08

The vast majority of Christians and watching and waiting for Jesus to come, literally at any moment.
Regardless of pre-Trib (Rapture) or amillennial (Second Coming) viewpoint.
The same cannot be said about mid-Tribbers or post-Tribbers :(

There are a lot of discouraged Christians, who are saved and believe that Jesus can come back at any moment, and He is coming back soon, but have gotten so discouraged by this evil world, how long it's taking, and life in general, that they feel bad even daring to hope, "Today?" "My lifetime?" or "My grandchildren's lifetime?" These aren't scoffers. These are brothers and sisters in Christ, who desperately need some real-world encouragement. They certainly don't need to be berated for not having "enough" or "strong enough" faith.

In some ways, I think these days are a lot like the time around the Council of Ephesus, during which it appears that the pre-Tribulationist/Chiliast/Millennialist theology/doctrines/viewpoints faded to a very small minority, until the 18th Century. Nowhere in the online documents from the Council of Ephesus is this condemned or determined to be heresy, like other heretical things were condemned during the Church councils. There are a few references to Millennialist beliefs in some generally contemporaneous historical writings, but again, no condemnation, just a few fleeting notes. Plus what some of the Church Fathers wrote. I think then it was discouragement over how long it was taking, plus non-Christian scoffers that were using the fact that Jesus had not yet returned as "proof" that the Christians were wrong, just like it is today.

As my Maternal Grandmother used to say, "Wouldn't it be terrible if Jesus came back right now and found [whatever transgression I had done or done by omission]" I hope when Jesus comes back, I'm about The Lord's Work, and not sinning, needlessly goofing off . . .

As my Maternal Grandmother used to say, "Wouldn't it be terrible if Jesus came back right now and found [whatever transgression I had done or done by omission]" I hope when Jesus comes back, I'm about The Lord's Work, and not sinning, needlessly goofing off . . .
Yes, let's pray that all of us are doing that. But that has no bearing on whether we will be going with Him or not: its relevance is for our eternal rewards. The only thing relevant regarding going in the Rapture is whether our faith is in Jesus Christ. Of course, being found serving Him at His coming is a pretty good indicator that you know Him, love Him, and your faith is in Him.