Well, if the church were separate from Christ, I could perhaps agree with your thinking regarding spirit of prophecy being the spirit of Christ. But since Christ is in His Church, literally in every member, there can be no separation of Christ and the Church. The Spirit of prophecy literally indwells His Church. There need be no consideration of the Mandela effect when we see what is written in Scripture, see what has and is taking place in the world, and compare the two.
Amen. That is a great thing to consider. In some respects, however off charter some views in the church may be at times, there is a comfort that because Christ is in His church, it would not become as off course as Israel had gone during His first coming. That is a worthy notion to actually meditate on, amen.

As for the Mandella Effect, well, I would consider the majority of believers never getting caught up in that. I remember back in the early days of its forming, it caused no small storm on YouTube. And many believers were impacted by it (to small or greater degree). To the extend some very popular Christian channels this forum and JDF would approve of doctrinally had to iron out some ripples in the church in those days regarding the Mandella Effect buzz become a bit too much a concern in the body. Pound for pound pastor, I wholeheartely agree that the church have no need of Mandella this or that. But to trust in God's word.
In 2017 I would watch YouTube videos on rapture dreams. Now, I am of the belief that God does not operate in the church today through dreams (well at least like He had in the 1st century). Even so, I keep an open mind and heart in how God might even impart some things to believers in our day. Yet, with a whole lot of safety railing. For instance, I do believe that Muslims who had dreams of Christ and came to Him is something God is doing in our age. But I have not studied it indepth. As I was watching though videos on rapture dreams I could see over the course of the year that the details in most people's dreams where not coming to pass. During that time though I did see a number of believers caught up in the Mandella Effect thing though. So I see that even though we be in Him, we still can be misled if we let ourselves.
When Paul wrote to the Corinthians, he addressed a lot of people that even though in Christ seemed to perform quite contrary. In Paul's letter to Galatia, he was puzzled even to the extent that some in the church were being bewitched. And at the end of the century, John's letter to the church had need to clarify quite a bit from the storm of gnostics who blew through town. So when I see these things in the word conveying to us a sense of the anatomy of the church, and the influences that can occur within His body even as He is in them, and if Peter could be led so far as to have need of Paul's rebuke on such concerns as even the gospel itself concerning Peter's behavior addressed in Galatians, we would never say that the spirit of prophesy living in the church would give context for us to fear the circumcision. Or be bewitched, or be acting like mere men (as in Corinth). But we have seen where all these things can be. Unfortunately.
In fact, even today do we not see tribalism as a huge pandemic within the church? Is the spirit of Christ that He is divided? For sure not. Yet, we have that condition before us. But on that note, where I would see a merging of ideas (yours and mine) would be something I would describe as this: John 15:15. To the extent we love one another in Him, is likely to the extent we will know what the Father is doing. However, the way I would understand Christ being the Spirit of Prophecy beyond the church is in that He transcends the church, and not us Him. When Macathur says from the pulpit, "Folks America is done," as he did 2 years ago, is that Spirit of Prophecy? Is that Christ in His church saying that? Or if the watcher world focuses a bit much on its understanding of how the age of grace morphs into the age of tribulaiton, will the themes it determines be as accurate as the word itself? If that were so, we should have been raptured in 1988. Because at that time the understanding of many in the church was that a biblical generation was a Western commercial idea of generation (40 years). And then I have seen too in the church some who would correct that by saying, "We should not even consider how the concept of generation works with Israel." Which could be accurate. But if we get the sense of the 4th generation coming out of Egypt as the Jews had, we know at least one place where "generation" seemed to have meant more than what was popular in Hal Lindseys hay day. And that the concept of generation thereafter could still mitigate out to 2048 in theory. So I just noticed in all that that there is a tendency in the church to use our reasoning in places considering perhaps it be on par biblically...and I am just saying...that does not have to be the case.
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As for the Spirit of Christ transcending the church, brother I believe i can prove this very easily. Even by something I fancy. But even so, I by no means affirm my perspective as the ultra right one. For my perspective may be as much in error as any view I might also not agree with. But for the sake of there being a true difference in that Christ most definitely does transcend the church, here is a fairly easy way to demonstrate. How is it that for 1800 years the church had thought the first seal in Rev 6:2 was a good judgement, while now in the 21st century most would consider the 1st seal to be the AC? And if so, where is the exegesis? Where is there one example in the Bible outside of Rev 6:2 that demonstrates a white horse as deception? Where in the history of any country or culture through the isles of time's cooridor do we find a white horse represent deception? It is in no culture. No history, and no other book or chapter in the Bible. It is a conclusion the church at large has agreed to see. With absolutely no exegesis whatsoever.
So like the most we have seen is: It can't be Christ so it must be antichrist. But that is not exegesis. That is preference. And look at how much a huge prophetic empire is built up on it. Is it possible that Rev 6:2 is the AC? Of course. Yes. Amen. It may well be. But the only thing that comes anywhere close to what even looks like exegesis is the presumption of how it fits with the one who makes a covenant with the many. And on that note I would say, yes that does approach the bench of exegesis. However, it is not really exegesis proper. It still represents a great guess. My point is how much of the church is sold on a guess as though it is something biblical. And to the extent it may be, Christ and His Spirit of Prophecy transcends that though, no? My views may not be correct on Rev 6:2. But I do have exegesis for it. And from how I might view it, it would seem quite a bit stronger because of the number of referents involved.
For example there is the charactor of God through the plethera of scripture. That alone might imply that one way to look at Rev 6:2 is a mirror of Christ, not being Christ, but perhaps a mirror element of Him. And the exegesis combo be that He comes on a white horse later Himself. And the closest compare would be something like a mirror not something as antithesis. But we would hold that God comes in judgement in the tribulation. And true this is. But in what way might this actually be argued? As I have had conversations with many in the past, some actually see Rev 6:2 as ominous. I believe it is the only 1 of the 21 judgements that is not clearly ominous. Perhaps this is a fancy of view. But I'm just saying on its face it does not look clearly ominous as every one of the other 21 judgements clearly do. So I just use this as an example where opinion can travel within the church as exegesis. For this Rev 6:2 case seems to be a pretty prime example though, to me at least.
Brother I am not saying that what the watcher movement might be tracking is not related to His movement within the body. I spent 4 years on JDF clearly to daily consider seeing outside my own little views. Because I am aware of God being present in all His church. And open to where those on JDF might inform me otherwise (John 15:15). To this day I am swayed, but even so after 4 years, still swayed to be very open to other considerations akin to some JDF perspective. Which often lines up with the NWO view in the watcher world -- that this NWO globalist empire we see now is the same that will lead to the tribulation. I believe there is still room to consider that. I do believe that ship is sailing though. But yet for now I am still open. And I would not be if it were not true the Spirit of Christ be among His people. But we are finite and often prone to error. Whereas Christ would transcend all that. And it is possible that Christ adjust the church's end time vibes. As equally as He might with this one posting this too. What I would not see though is that since Christ is in His Church, He has made the church an end time prophet or having extraordinary ability in some office of end time prophecy determinors or even discoverors perhaps even. It is no doubt the church will see some things for sure, amen. But the emphasis I would place on how it could is in a John 15:15 motif. Where we strive toward a deep sincere love and understanding of one another's perspectives and differences. And in that the answers that could become most clear come from the most robust place of our walking in John 15:15 principles. But in general, what seems to be happening in the body dynamic in no small places, tends to be an askewement--a tendency of each camp triples downing on its views...which in some ways can be rather contrary in scope of a John 15:15 principle whereas 2020 spiritual vision be most activate, likely...because in that place Christ is most realized in His body. And the eye of the body be most clear. Well, just saying. Just wanted to clarify if helpful. Blessings.