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Heresy from our pulpit


Unto Thee I lift my eyes. Ps. 123
Staff member
Yesterday in Church we had a guest pastor who held a sermon on 2 Peter 1:10-11:

Wherefore‭ the rather‭, brethren‭, give diligence‭‭ to make‭‭ your‭ calling‭ and‭ election‭ sure‭: for‭ if ye do‭‭ these things‭, ye shall‭‭‭‭ never‭ fall‭‭‭:‭ For‭ so‭ an entrance‭ shall be ministered‭‭ unto you‭ abundantly‭ into‭ the everlasting‭ kingdom‭ of our‭ Lord‭ and‭ Saviour‭ Jesus‭ Christ‭.

He connected this with the conversation that Jesus had with the rich man, and where our Lord said, that if he wanted to enter life, he had to keep‭‭ the commandments‭. (Matt. 19)

‭And then the pastor went on and explained that these verses mean, that we have to work dilligently to gain access to heaven. In other words, he said that Christ's sacrifice on the cross was not enough! He allowed it was a lot, of course, and it gave us everything we need to be able to work for our salvation..

Wow. This was the first time I ever heard such a heresy from our pulpit.
Thank God, the Elders were quick to gainsay him, and he will never be invited again.

But this is why it is of the utmost importance to study the Bible dilligently. To be like the Bereans, to see if things are so. And to be able to discern the spirits whether they be of God.
Yesterday in Church we had a guest pastor who held a sermon on 2 Peter 1:10-11:

Wherefore‭ the rather‭, brethren‭, give diligence‭‭ to make‭‭ your‭ calling‭ and‭ election‭ sure‭: for‭ if ye do‭‭ these things‭, ye shall‭‭‭‭ never‭ fall‭‭‭:‭ For‭ so‭ an entrance‭ shall be ministered‭‭ unto you‭ abundantly‭ into‭ the everlasting‭ kingdom‭ of our‭ Lord‭ and‭ Saviour‭ Jesus‭ Christ‭.

He connected this with the conversation that Jesus had with the rich man, and where our Lord said, that if he wanted to enter life, he had to keep‭‭ the commandments‭. (Matt. 19)

‭And then the pastor went on and explained that these verses mean, that we have to work dilligently to gain access to heaven. In other words, he said that Christ's sacrifice on the cross was not enough! He allowed it was a lot, of course, and it gave us everything we need to be able to work for our salvation..

Wow. This was the first time I ever heard such a heresy from our pulpit.
Thank God, the Elders were quick to gainsay him, and he will never be invited again.

But this is why it is of the utmost importance to study the Bible dilligently. To be like the Bereans, to see if things are so. And to be able to discern the spirits whether they be of God.
Im always watchful when a “guest” pastor preaches. Normally, they are not chosen unless they align with our church's beliefs. However, occasionally one sneaks in and distorts the gospel. I would rather have one of our elders take the pulpit in the absence of our pastor, but not all elders are led, or able to preach to the entire church.
I would rather have one of our elders take the pulpit
Me too Andy. I would rather have one of our own elders take the pulpit and do the best that he can under the Lord's guidance. He will grow, if need be, and the congregation will support him.

I do find it good to have a well vetted speaker come for a week night series of sermons on a particular topic. Usually after an elder has participated in the same at another location.
I read on Facebook someone said that the OSAS is deceiving and a lot of people are going to hell. It is a works based so-called salvation. It is a free gift of grace and mercy that Jesus paid our sin debt in full. We can not be good enough to earn it.
If I were to guess, and based on an older poll I read years ago, about a third of the church does not believe in OSAS. Sad.
Yesterday in Church we had a guest pastor who held a sermon on 2 Peter 1:10-11:

Wherefore‭ the rather‭, brethren‭, give diligence‭‭ to make‭‭ your‭ calling‭ and‭ election‭ sure‭: for‭ if ye do‭‭ these things‭, ye shall‭‭‭‭ never‭ fall‭‭‭:‭ For‭ so‭ an entrance‭ shall be ministered‭‭ unto you‭ abundantly‭ into‭ the everlasting‭ kingdom‭ of our‭ Lord‭ and‭ Saviour‭ Jesus‭ Christ‭.

He connected this with the conversation that Jesus had with the rich man, and where our Lord said, that if he wanted to enter life, he had to keep‭‭ the commandments‭. (Matt. 19)

‭And then the pastor went on and explained that these verses mean, that we have to work dilligently to gain access to heaven. In other words, he said that Christ's sacrifice on the cross was not enough! He allowed it was a lot, of course, and it gave us everything we need to be able to work for our salvation..

Wow. This was the first time I ever heard such a heresy from our pulpit.
Thank God, the Elders were quick to gainsay him, and he will never be invited again.

But this is why it is of the utmost importance to study the Bible dilligently. To be like the Bereans, to see if things are so. And to be able to discern the spirits whether they be of God.
That Pastor needs to read this.

That is the problem since the days of Eve.
Man wants to save themselves, or at least in part.
And however hard for some to swallow, WE CAN'T.

But thanks be to God, we don't have to. He did it ALL!
You know original sin was by Satan. What was it? Pride! That sin still is very strong in people today. That is one reason it is hard for them to believe that salvation is a free gift. How can they be proud of being saved if anyone else can do the same. The thinking is they are working hard to be good and you mean someone who is not working hard to be good can also be saved? Yep!!!

Matthew 5:19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

You mean someone teaching others to sin can still be saved? Yep!!!
That is what baffled me in said sermon.
I read 2 Peter 1:10-11 again, and it clearly says:

Wherefore‭ the rather‭, brethren‭, give diligence‭‭ to make‭‭ your‭ calling‭ and‭ election‭ sure‭: for‭ if ye do‭‭ these things‭, ye shall‭‭‭‭ never‭ fall‭‭‭:‭ For‭ so‭ an entrance‭ shall be ministered‭‭ unto you‭ abundantly‭ into‭ the everlasting‭ kingdom‭ of our‭ Lord‭ and‭ Saviour‭ Jesus‭ Christ‭.

It says if you do the right things you get an abundant entrance.
It doesn't say you need to do stuff to gain acces, it says you'll be greatly awarded.

Like the parabel of the talents. (Matt. 25)
The good stewards were rewarded according to their deeds. Only the faithless servant was left empty-handed.

Rejecting Christ's offer of salvation leaves one outside God's Kingdom, but those that do good works will be given a fitting reward.

(Btw, @Goodboy, I'm not sure whether we'll see the rich young man in heaven. Yes, he sadly left Jesus at that instant, but you never know, he might have been one of the 3000 that came to believe on Pentacost.)
My denomination has something called Pulpit Supply. Pastors and retired Pastors of the denomination, who are willing and able to fill in for a Pastor, can be called upon when the Pastor is sick, on vacation, family emergency, Sabbatical, etc. The Pastors know each other, and can pick and choose, tell the Elders/Congregation President who's a good fit for the Congregation, etc. Most places, there are enough that the Pastor coming in is local, and at least some of the Congregation already know him. And the same Pastors tend to get called back to the same churches. Because from the same denomination, they've all been vetted theologically/doctrinally before ordination, and over time, and had initial and periodic background checks.

If there's an issue, there are bylaws, policies, and procedures at both Denomination and District levels.