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Harbingers Daily special update on invasion of Israel.

Wonder how much of that ordnance, materiel, equipment, etc. used to attack Israel was U.S. origin that was left in Afghanistan
Wonder how much of that ordnance, materiel, equipment, etc. used to attack Israel was U.S. and other Western country origin that never made it to Ukraine (as Vlad has repeatedly claimed has happened, especially during the last 6 months or so)
Wonder how much of the technical and other intel needed to get past Iron Dome came from U.S. Soldiers, etc., who have split allegiance to U.S. and islamic terrorists/countries (or at least against Israel), or maybe only joined U.S. military for anti-American/anti-Israel purposes.
Note that non-Americans can join our armed services and earn citizenship under some circumstances, if they serve long enough and earn an Honorable discharge. Wonder how many islamic (and other) terrorists are serving for this purpose? Gang members also join armed forces for the training, and via the cartels, the gangs are linked, at least monetarily, to terrorism.

I don't believe in coincidences.

:mad: :headbang: 😥

:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou:

Going to dust off Ezekiel . . .
Just occurred to me . . . my then husband and I considered retiring in Israel.

The area we had considered has at least been hit by drones :eek:

A lot of websites from Israel are down or have been scrubbed and some cell comms is being censored, interfered with/blocked, or simply can't get through due to congestion or military and first responders' priority on the towers.

:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou:
Able Jewish people (men and women) of fighting age are headed home to help defend.

I can see families joining them after this latest attack has been rebuffed and things settle down.

Can't be too much longer until Jesus calls us home and the Jewish people all head home to Israel. Maybe persecution against Jewish people will be instantaneously so horrific after the rapture that it'll be a modern day Exodus back to The Land. Perhaps with few or no possessions, or maybe there will be time to pack and take (or mail/ship) at least some things.

:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou: