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Had an unexpected Gospel Sharing moment.....

Everlasting Life

By grace, through faith in Jesus
So, I was out and about yesterday and decided to stop by a fast food restaurant for a hamburger. And, before I knew it, God seemed to open up a door of Gospel conversation.

Upon driving up to the drive-through I was asked by the young man, about 19, from Mexico, if I was a teacher. I said no at first but then added, well in a way I am and shared that I was part of a bible study for women. He was interested. I invited him to attend for the guys side of it and asked him if he's ever read Revelation. Upon which he asked what Revelation was! So, I shared about how it was in the bible. He countered with asking how do we know that God is real? To which I shared about Jesus, the cross, the Gospel (God's free gift of eternal life) and how he wants people in heaven with him, those who trust His work on the cross.

Then he asked how can we really know right from wrong (indicating to me he knew about God's future punishing evil). Without thinking about what I was saying, the words came out about how we've all had those moments in our lives when we've done something we regretted, that we knew was not the right thing and when we knew an action was the right thing to do and turned out to be the best way to do things. I pointed to the example of his training at the restaurant and how his actions can either be right or wrong based on whether he followed instructions. I explained that's our conscience that God has given us. I could see in his eyes both right and wrong actions and it's practical application with his job, penetrated his heart and possibly some circumstances he knows his actions were wrong in.

He then asked again (more earnestly) how we could know that Jesus isn't just some made up story by humans. I told him that his question on that was a fair and reasonable question, given all the fake things human leaders have foisted on people. I said, "you want to know if Jesus is the real deal and not a bunch of malarkey or stories being sold to you. You need to know if this guy is worth trusting." Again, I saw an earnestness in his eyes and a real resonating response that he was being more deeply listened to and understood. I think this was actually a really important aspect of this conversation, I think he was surprised by my affirming his honest concern, rather than a flippant, "just believe".

So, I encouraged him that he could absolutely go to God himself in prayer and ask God these questions and that God would show him how He's real. I spoke of how approachable God is and that Jesus Himself was very angry with religious leaders of His time, who actually impeded people from coming directly to God with questions and concerns (his jewelry caused me to suspect he was familiar with the RCC). Then I again invited him to the bible study to come find out who God is and how He wants this young man in heaven with Him. I told him to get himself a hold of a bible and start reading the book of John where he could learn about Jesus. He then asked how do we know the writers didn't just make up the stories in the bible.

I shared with him about Josephus the historian. He asked how we could know that Josephus was real. I responded that he was one of the most respected historians of the time of Christ, accurately recording actions of the Roman Empire and this amazing man Jesus in Israel that turned the world upside down. I noticed that his eyes got more seriously interested in what I was sharing....as if something in him was considering that perhaps there's more to the 'story' of Jesus than he realized. I think God stirred up some serious curiosity in just this bit of information.

I then encouraged him to come to the bible study and learn more. He responded that he didn't believe in God, indicating that would be an impediment. I said, "That's ok, there's others who've come that also didn't believe" (but they came to faith in Christ in the study....as I've seen personally myself.....that's so exciting!!). He was surprised by my answer and I said, "Look, come and see what this is all about, come as you are and the men will be happy to see you. You will be allowed to just be yourself while you investigate just who Jesus is."

He then asked for the name of the bible study again, I believe intending to actually look at possibly attending.

The conversation ended and it seemed that was really all that I was to say or do. Nothing I said was what I'd ever think ahead of time to say to someone, but it was what seemed to be exactly what this guy needed to hear But, I loved this seemingly divine moment where God just suddenly poured through me to speak to this young man. I think God has plans for him, and excited to possibly learn this is so. I though I'd share so people here can know what's ticking in the hearts of our young people and what seems to be what they need addressing in the invitation to come study the bible with a group.

Please pray for him that God would continue to draw his heart to Jesus in faith.

ETA: I don't have the spiritual gift of evangelism but my experience has been that in the moment God will equip me with whatever is needed for the sake of other souls. I thought I'd mention this, encouraging others to operate in the gifts God has given and don't be discouraged if you don't have this or that gift (remembering that the gifts you have are important and valuable to the body of Christ), God will suddenly equip and you'll be able to give Him all the glory for His obvious work as needed. I'd say, keep alert to when you realize God is working in the moment, and be confidently expectant that He will.
Please pray for him that God would continue to draw his heart to Jesus in faith.
Father, You are clearly calling this young man to You. Please do not let the enemy in any way keep him from You. I ask that our sister's words to him will encourage him all the more and that he will actually attend the Bible study. I ask this in the name of Your son Jesus, for His Kingdom's sake. Amen
Father, You are clearly calling this young man to You. Please do not let the enemy in any way keep him from You. I ask that our sister's words to him will encourage him all the more and that he will actually attend the Bible study. I ask this in the name of Your son Jesus, for His Kingdom's sake. Amen
Lord I stand in agreement in prayer for this young man that Ev Life spoke to under Your direction. We ask that you continue to pull him into the way of Christians that will share their faith and teach him. We pray for his salvation.