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Hacking Group Possibly Stolen EVERY Social Security Number in America and From Billions of People Worldwide

If the Mark includes any data it'll be hackable, too.

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Revelation 13:16-18, KJV

I've long wondered if perhaps God is doxxing the beast and maybe revealing his cc or personal ID info or??? so Believers can ID him and maybe buy food, etc.

Short explanation of cc numbers
The world would be a much better place if justice was sought and served severely for many crimes that otherwise seem to be set aside for woke, triggered, socialist marxist, violent, blasphemous, corrupt, deceitful stupidity.......and I.D. theft and/or banking/financial theft should be a big target for protection.
I'm there.
My former husband, also, but not his nursing home address.

I’m wondering what the best thing to do is now? I know that my CA issued SSN has been stolen and used for illegal employment. And guess who notified me…? The IRS! So I took their recommended steps…then they [IRS] insisted that they never told me that….🤪. Good thing I’ve kept every SINGLE TAX RETURN AND LETTERS from them!

So, besides freezing your credit what’s everyone else doing?

Keeping hard copy of IRS letters/returns, and also State letters/returns.
Got identity theft PIN from IRS a long time ago (form and instructions to do this is on the irs.gov website)

I've been enrolled in LifeLock for many, many years. LL and the banks I use have all taken good care of me with this sort of thing.

Ensure my credit is still frozen and fraud alerts still in place.

Changing all my passwords. What a pain in the neck! I'm sure I'll forget something(s) . . . hopefully nothing important. Everything that can have multiple authentication does, so watching cell phone and email for unauthorized PIN texts/emails, and email for password/user name/access attempt notifications.

Monitoring accounts for unauthorized activity. Bank, cc, student loan, VA, military, law enforcement retirement plan, long-term care, life insurance, state court system websites for current and previous states, DL status, vehicle title/registration, utilities, cell phone, email, dog registration, etc. I normally do this, anyway, since my identity has been stolen so many times and info exposed in breaches, etc. so many times.

Watching for anything being done with Parents' house and their SSN. Their SSN are published on the publicly viewable list of deceased SSN (nothing else associated with the number publicly viewable) that has been available for a very long time for banks, businesses, etc. to use to prevent someone from using a dead person's SSN to establish credit, buy property, etc.

Notifying former husband and siblings of their data having been exposed.

I feel very badly for elderly/disabled that don't have the capacity to take care of stuff for themselves, or a trustworthy person to do it for them.

I wonder if one good thing that will come out of all of this is increased number and percentage of frozen credit when the Rapture occurs. I don't believe in coincidences, so maybe another sign of how close we are????????
Dear God, please hurry up! :rapture:

:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou:
I wonder if one good thing that will come out of all of this is increased number and percentage of frozen credit when the Rapture occurs. I don't believe in coincidences, so maybe another sign of how close we are????????
I think the main thing that will come out of all this is a personal identification number that is encoded into a person in some way, so that it cannot be stolen or surreptitiously used while a person is still alive. And we know exactly where that is going, and what will be the result of it.

Yes, sister, this is another sign of just how close we are to the event the Bible tells us to be eager for.
I'm there.
My former husband, also, but not his nursing home address.

Keeping hard copy of IRS letters/returns, and also State letters/returns.
Got identity theft PIN from IRS a long time ago (form and instructions to do this is on the irs.gov website)

I've been enrolled in LifeLock for many, many years. LL and the banks I use have all taken good care of me with this sort of thing.

Ensure my credit is still frozen and fraud alerts still in place.

Changing all my passwords. What a pain in the neck! I'm sure I'll forget something(s) . . . hopefully nothing important. Everything that can have multiple authentication does, so watching cell phone and email for unauthorized PIN texts/emails, and email for password/user name/access attempt notifications.

Monitoring accounts for unauthorized activity. Bank, cc, student loan, VA, military, law enforcement retirement plan, long-term care, life insurance, state court system websites for current and previous states, DL status, vehicle title/registration, utilities, cell phone, email, dog registration, etc. I normally do this, anyway, since my identity has been stolen so many times and info exposed in breaches, etc. so many times.

Watching for anything being done with Parents' house and their SSN. Their SSN are published on the publicly viewable list of deceased SSN (nothing else associated with the number publicly viewable) that has been available for a very long time for banks, businesses, etc. to use to prevent someone from using a dead person's SSN to establish credit, buy property, etc.

Notifying former husband and siblings of their data having been exposed.

I feel very badly for elderly/disabled that don't have the capacity to take care of stuff for themselves, or a trustworthy person to do it for them.

I wonder if one good thing that will come out of all of this is increased number and percentage of frozen credit when the Rapture occurs. I don't believe in coincidences, so maybe another sign of how close we are????????
Dear God, please hurry up! :rapture:

:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou:
Thanks Ghoti!