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Germany's AfD Warns: Europe's Future Under Islam—'First Synagogues Will Burn, Then Churches, and Everyone Who Does Not Submit' (Video)

In a powerful speech delivered by Beatrix von Storch, representing the Alternative for Germany (AfD) parliamentary group in the Bundestag, she condemned the rise of Islamic terror in Europe and the failure of Western governments to confront the threat. The AfD, often falsely labeled as Nazis by the left, is, in fact, Germany’s only conservative party and the fiercest defender of Jews. They are also the country’s only pro-Israel party, standing firmly against anti-Semitism. Storch began her speech by stating that “Islamist terrorists carried out the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust,” taking over 200 hostages in the process. She criticized prominent Western figures and institutions for their complacency, claiming that “all their icons, from Greta Thunberg to Judith Butler, saw ‘resistance’ movements in Hamas and Hezbollah.”

Storch went further to address the cultural and academic spheres in Germany, accusing universities and their leaders of harboring antisemitic sentiments. She stated that “woke presidents of German universities share antisemitic tweets and find genocide against the Jews compatible with university rules.” Her criticism also extended to high-ranking government officials like Minister of Economy Robert Habeck, accusing them of prioritizing attacks on the AfD rather than addressing the ongoing Islamist threat.

One of the most striking aspects of her speech was her condemnation of the West’s immigration policies, which she directly linked to the growing threats to Jewish communities and broader European societies. “Europe is burning, ladies and gentlemen. And you all have lit the fire here with your immigration policy,” she declared, citing a significant rise in antisemitic attacks across Europe, including a “400% increase in Belgium.” She noted the exodus of Jews from Western nations, with “30,000 Jews from the West migrating to Israel,” emphasizing that even under rocket fire, they feel safer in Israel than in Europe.

Storch also dismantled what she referred to as the “life lies” of the political establishment, rejecting the notion that Islamic terror stems solely from the Middle East conflict or the plight of the Palestinians. She argued that “Islamists don’t need a reason to murder infidels,” pointing to historical examples of violence far removed from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, such as the massacre of Christians in Nigeria in 1923.


The immigration policies of the West and the woke belief is a spiritual and Satanic movement. And it is a world wide movement. Note that it is third world peoples that are immigrating to white dominated and governing countries. No whites are trying to, in mass, immigrate to Africa or Mexico or any other third world country.

When the West was Christian, she knew the truth of Islam and went to war against it. But the West has long since bought into the lies of the 'enlightenment', where total 'equality' was the goal and religion must be removed or shackled.

Equality in this world is only for non-white people. Racist in this world is only for white people.

Many will say that Western man, white people, immigrated to America and took it over from the Indians. But that is not so. The people of the West back then were not immigrating, as there was no immigration policy in America. They simply came over to establish their Christian and Western way of life. They were pioneers, not immigrants.

I guess my point is this, the farther the West, the white man, moves away from his Christian roots, the more colored the West becomes. Woke is a Satanic movement. And Satan has been building up and preparing it for years.

My opinion

The immigration policies of the West and the woke belief is a spiritual and Satanic movement. And it is a world wide movement. Note that it is third world peoples that are immigrating to white dominated and governing countries. No whites are trying to, in mass, immigrate to Africa or Mexico or any other third world country.

When the West was Christian, she knew the truth of Islam and went to war against it. But the West has long since bought into the lies of the 'enlightenment', where total 'equality' was the goal and religion must be removed or shackled.

Equality in this world is only for non-white people. Racist in this world is only for white people.

Many will say that Western man, white people, immigrated to America and took it over from the Indians. But that is not so. The people of the West back then were not immigrating, as there was no immigration policy in America. They simply came over to establish their Christian and Western way of life. They were pioneers, not immigrants.

I guess my point is this, the farther the West, the white man, moves away from his Christian roots, the more colored the West becomes. Woke is a Satanic movement. And Satan has been building up and preparing it for years.

My opinion


I think the flaws in your argument are as follows--

It wasn't whites alone who colonized the Americas​
It wasn't whites alone who were Christians​
The people trying to come to the West today are for the most part coming for no reason other than economics and freedom to build a life: the very same reasons our forbears came here.​
Germany, Saudi Arabia and Portugal (the last two certainly not "white" countries) are also leading destinations for immigrants in our era, and while the United States (due to it's sheer size) has the largest number of recent immigrants, the United Arab Emirates has the largest proportion of its population being immigrants.​
Respectfully, to make this issue about race or color is an offense to our Lord God. In Christ there are no races, there are no colors. Arguably the first non-Jewish convert to Christianity was an Ethiopian. This was before any European races had ever heard of Jesus Christ.​
So let's please not present our faith or our site as one that hews to views that present themselves as racist. We totally and unequivocally reject such views. They are not Christian; nor are they becoming to our faith or our ministry to the lost. Thank you.