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France Test-Fires Long-range Ballistic Missile in Bid to Boost Nuclear Deterrence


France has successfully test-fired an M51.3 long-range ballistic missile, boosting the credibility of France's nuclear deterrence capabilities, the defense ministry said on Sunday.

The missile, which did not carry a nuclear weapon, was fired from the French army's Biscarosse missile testing site in southwest France and landed in the North Atlantic, "hundreds of kilometers from any coastline" the ministry said, without giving further detail.

"The flight has allowed to confirm a major improvement of the missile which will contribute to the lasting credibility of France's oceanic deterrence in coming decades," the ministry said in a statement on Sunday.


It's odd these days to here a western nation doing these kinds of tests and for it to get publicised in the media, normally you hear the media going berserk when nations like North Korea and China etc test military capabilities