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Elon Musk Labels Himself A ‘Cultural Christian’ — But That Label Won’t Save Him

By Ken Ham for
Harbinger's Daily

What does it mean to be a “cultural Christian”? I remember a number of years ago seeing an article about Richard Dawkins, perhaps one of the most well-known atheists of the 2000s, claiming that he identifies as a “cultural Christian.” Why? Because he likes some Christian traditions, like singing Christmas carols. And now the tech mogul Elon Musk has likewise said he’s a cultural Christian. What does he mean by that?

Well, according to an article summarizing his comments during an interview with Jordan Peterson, he said, “While I’m not a particularly religious person, I do believe that the teachings of Jesus are good and wise. . . . there’s a tremendous wisdom in turning the other cheek.” He went on to say he’s “a big believer in the principles of Christianity,” and identifies as “probably a cultural Christian.”

Now, many conservatives and even Christians have appreciated Elon Musk for his outspoken criticism of wokeism and his fight for free speech, and it’s great to see that he also appreciates Christianity and even what Jesus taught. But while many people can and do recognize the wisdom in Jesus’ teachings on forgiveness, loving your neighbor, and “doing unto others,” that’s where they stop. Like Musk, they are content to pick a few of Jesus’ statements they like, but they won’t listen to—and do—all that Jesus says. Why? Well, because that would mean giving up control of their life!
But ultimately that means their house is still built on sand.

Matthew 7:24-27 KJV – “Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.”

Being a “cultural Christian,” or tipping your hat toward Jesus, won’t save you. Musk went on to say that “his beliefs could be best described as ‘the religion of curiosity’ and ‘the religion of greater enlightenment.’” He believes he’s found some truth in Jesus, but he’s yet to discover that Jesus is the truth. There’s no greater enlightenment found than to look toward the light of the world who gives light to every man.

Jesus didn’t just come to give some “good and wise” teachings. He came to redeem people like Elon Musk, myself, and you from our slavery to sin. He says so himself!

Luke 19:10 KJV – “For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.”

It’s sad to see men like Musk fail to understand what Jesus really taught—and fail to bow their knee to him as Lord in this life. We pray that someday Musk will come to understand Jesus isn’t merely good and wise—he’s a loving Savior for all who repent and believe.

By the way, accepting aspects of Christian morality and Christian principles is just opinion if one doesn’t believe in the absolute authority of the Word of God from which this morality, etc., come from. So why should their opinions be the right ones?

(Ken Ham is an author, speaker, and the founder and CEO of Answers in Genesis and its two popular interests: the acclaimed Creation Museum and the internationally known Ark Encounter.)

Elon is one strange man. Some things he says seem great, other statements leave me scratching my head.

I have never heard the term “cultural Christian” but I know thats not a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior.

Prayers he will soon see the Light, repent, and believe in Jesus only for his salvation. If not, one second he is the richest man on earth, the next second upon death, no possessions, total isolation in darkness, and his misery will be never ending.
In each show he's been a guest on whether it be the Babylon Bee, or even Jordan Peterson recently you can really see the discomfort in his face when the subject of Christianity is brought up.

He told Jordan Peterson that he likes the principles and values if Christianity to which Jordan pretty much put it on him and say well why not go all the way and believe in Christ then .

He kinda of paused awkwardly and ummed and arred
In each show he's been a guest on whether it be the Babylon Bee, or even Jordan Peterson recently you can really see the discomfort in his face when the subject of Christianity is brought up.

He told Jordan Peterson that he likes the principles and values if Christianity to which Jordan pretty much put it on him and say well why not go all the way and believe in Christ then .

He kinda of paused awkwardly and ummed and arred
Speaking of Jordan Peterson because I remember that you and I talked about him before. JasonA on YouTube has a video of him that made me sad. I think he is terribly mixed up.
Speaking of Jordan Peterson because I remember that you and I talked about him before. JasonA on YouTube has a video of him that made me sad. I think he is terribly mixed up.
Yeah he needs to grow and learn a lot as a Christian , he's trying to much to make the Bible as psycology examples and not take in the spiritual knowledge

I've heard of cultural Christians on at least three occasions at the popular level and once in my day-to-day life. But yes, ultimately, it just means you're a dead man walking. Even Richard Dawkins (spearhead of the New Atheist movement to put it lightly) is calling himself a cultural Christian, as was stated in the article. I didn't know he stated it years ago, but I've not really kept up with Dawkins for some time. He grew quite boring and tiring with his unintelligent rhetoric.

So, it's basically getting all the moral stability, the anchor for society, and suppression of dog eat dog, survival of the fittest nonsense, and all of the other wonderful, particularly utilitarian (for them) benefits of the Christian faith, minus believing in the part that will actually save you. They think they are getting the great stuff, and they are indeed getting some great stuff, just not the stuff that stops you from becoming permanently dead. It's hideously shortsighted, which is a bit ironic, considering it comes from the minds who fancy themselves as farsighted visionaries.
Cultural Christians are like cultural muslims and cultural Jews.
They subscribe to and participate in the cultural trappings, norms, and values that accrue from the religion, usually from social pressures or a desire to "get along" or "fit in," but are not true believers in that faith.

Cultural Christians in the US do some or even all of:

play or sing Christmas carols
eat Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Easter dinner with family
eat and sometimes make Christmas cookies, perhaps with kids helping to decorate
take their kids to see Santa Claus
send and receive Christmas cards and presents
participate in Easter egg hunts
decorate eggs for Easter, sometimes with kids helping, and sometimes hide the eggs around the house for Easter morning
hide Easter baskets for their kids
go to church on Christmas and Easter
join a church (some churches allow unbelievers to become members for $$$ and/or in the hopes they'll someday believe)
get their kids Baptized and/or Confirmed
take their kids to Sunday School or Vacation Bible School
send their kids to private Christian schools because better and safer than public schools
own a Bible(s)
own a hymnal
own a children's story Bible
read Bible stories to their children
wear a cross or other religious jewelry
donate to Christian ministries, missions, organizations, and churches
put up a Christmas tree, indoor Christmas decorations, and/or outdoor Christmas lights/decorations
put up a Nativity in the house
don't have abortions
don't subscribe to or approve of perversion (definitely changing since so many liberal churches)
generally abide by the 10 Commandments, especially as the precepts are foundational to US law
generally obey the secular law
get married, sometimes in a Christian ceremony and/or in a church/chapel (not all churches require membership to use their facilities, and some places have wedding chapels)
go to Christian weddings and give gifts
have a Christian funeral
etc., etc., etc.

These cultural Christians look a lot like real Christians, and fit into/look normal in a Christian-based or dominated society, but until and unless they accept Jesus Christ as Lord(God) and Savior, they're just as lost as a pagan or an atheist.