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Don't live your life trying to get out of where God has placed you


Staff member
This is a very brief (1 minute), yet thought-provoking message about evangelism from one of my most favorite preachers. I pray it keeps someone.

Carter Conlon|11/1/2023

I thank God for how people get saved through sermons preached from a pulpit, but that's not how most people come to Christ. Most of them come to Jesus through you. Whoever you are, whichever apartment or home you live in, where you work, God can use you there.

Don't live your life trying to get out of where God has placed you, because the light of His mercy and the voice of His hope need to be heard there. We can't all be in the same place. He has scattered us throughout society because there's a day when people will need a testimony of His mercy and who He is. God is building that testimony in and through your life.

People from over 200 countries and dependencies join us every Wednesday at 7:00 PM EST at itstimetopray.org. We believe in God for an end-time harvest.

It's time to pray
And wear our Scripture T shirts 😃
Fun to face-down the islamic religious police (aka islamic neighborhood patrols) with printed Bible verse (John 3:16 or John 14:6) in full view on front :lol:
Even more fun watching The Holy Ghost work in muslim women and girls, who get The Gospel without a word being spoken 😃 :lol:

The Gospel never returns void
The Holy Ghost never returns void

Jesus and His angels are always with me 😃
There is pretty much nothing anyone can do to me that hasn't already been done or attempted naa-na-naa-na-naaa-na, naa-na-naa-na-naaa-na!
They'll pry my
out of my cold (warm) hands

Pray so they do not suffer and serve alone (Ephesians 6:10-20)
And even if TPTB outlaw prayer, they can never still the prayers of the souls and hearts of God's children :hyper: