More like Him daily until faith is sight
Oh this is kinda a can of worms! And yesterday, even after all the craziness in our lives now, I want to tell you all that I had a “God moment!”Apparently this is a subject matter, about children, that varies in understanding by different Bible teachers. I guess we won't know for sure until the rapture happens.
This is Jack Kelley's belief on this from
Many evangelical teachers, myself included, believe that at the Rapture all children including those still in the womb will be taken regardless of the spiritual condition of their parents.
This comes from Paul’s statement that once he was alive apart from the Law and then when He came under the law sin sprang to life and he died. (Romans 7:9) I believe he was saying that he had eternal life as a child, but when he reached the age of accountability he became responsible for his sins and needed a Savior.
To me this means that God does not hold children accountable for their sins and considers them qualified for the Rapture.
Children And The Rapture – Grace thru faith
Our youngest GD just turned 10 this past May, and thankfully goes to a Christian school, where my son-in-law works as vice principal and teacher. This year, he’s responsible for Latin, Bible, and some of the upper grade teaching (Middle School-High School…it’s still pretty small). He had been teaching Hazel’s 5th grade class about the Apostle’s Creed, and her little brain heard and focused in on, “…He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried;
He descended to hell. On the third day He rose again from the dead. He ascended to heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty. From there He will come to judge the living and the dead…”. Her question to her daddy on the way to school was, “Jesus went into Sheol? He said “yes, He took all the saints that were in Paradise with him back to Heaven.”
Then she asked, “Daddy, how can I make sure I won’t be there but in Heaven?” And he explained that all she needed to do was to accept Jesus as Savior and eventually be baptized. They prayed together and she accepted Jesus as Savior! When I picked her up from school yesterday, I had been told by DD all about it, so I asked her what happened that was really exciting news today? And she told me the whole story. I told her that when she prayed that prayer, the angels, Jesus, the Father and all the saints had a great big party because she accepted Jesus. “Really? Granna, do you think they’re still having that party?” “Of course they are darling girl,” I told her!
Hallelujah ! What a Savior!!