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Considering 2024 - Is The World Ripe For Rapture?

Amen. Those are names I've never really heard. Jack Kelly I have. But I never looked into any of these guys. In the American Reformed camp its like living on an island in the middle of New York City. You have no idea of all that is out there. Although they do encourage educating oneself, there is quite a premium on where you are at is Disneyland and all the rest of the world a post apocolyptic zombie zone. Why do Mad Max when you can ride Space Mountain again. There were truly delightful times there too. And the most actually I had ever seen God interact with me like in spades, wild stuff. It was practically continuational in a cessationist world. There must be a song in that somewhere. So as much as I had issues with all that constantly all the time 24/7, I marvled greatly and deeply in all that God transcended in it and through it. So yeah...all the prophecy teachers were seen as Ghost Town inhabitors. Never really an attraction to go much beyond the entrance doorway. Everything you ever need and more is all right there.

So praise God you had these men in your life to move your heart into question and interest. I have heard Kelly's name quite a bit here and there. But it was truly like a shock for me to even be open to like JD Farag when he was with Calvery Chapel. They were considered outside the camp (which biblically is actually probably a right thing...lol). It was strange warming up to all of that. Like I was seeing another woman or something. Like I felt like it was ok to lie to me or something. But when I saw JD's articulation of Ez 38, it fascinated me. The American Reformed Camp is not really into end times. But JD kind of grew on me. Then there is John Barnett. Actually American Reformed from Macarthur's church...yet very much into end times. He is quite a beautiful man.

Now, I kinda freelance...lol. So Spartan, why was it odd to be strengthened by Jack's website? Is he into Lordship Salvation? Blessings.
No he definitely isn't into Lordship salvation, just moreso the title of his website is basically what saves a person.
The June 2025 Peace Summit at the UN. During the first week of June, a large number of nations will gather at the UN with the purpose of putting in place a seven-year peace covenant between Israel and its enemies
I was on the UN website trying to confirm the specific mention of 7 years but can’t find anything. Does anyone here have any official link?
I was on the UN website trying to confirm the specific mention of 7 years but can’t find anything. Does anyone here have any official link?
I'm just guessing here, but what is quoted in the article about a "seven year" plan, must have been taken as a peace plan but what I found regarding the seven year plan with the UN has to do with their 2030 agenda.
Whether it will include a peace plan as part of their Sustainable agenda for 2030 isn't clear because they have a lot in their agenda for 2030 that the goal for a New World Order is on the table for them.

But as far as I can tell by what will be discussed at the coming Summit for June of 2025, it's a continuation of past discussions at UN summits regarding 2030 as their goal to implement their agenda, "peace and security" may very well be in the agenda.

Here's an articles mentioning the seven year plan.....

United Nations Calls For ‘Seven Years’ Of Accelerated, Sustained, And Transformative Action For A Global ‘Rescue Plan’ To Save Humanity​

The United Nations calls for a 7-year ‘rescue plan’ to save our global society using accelerated, sustained, and transformative action.

Now, the United Nations is calling for a 7-year ‘rescue plan’ to save our global society, and how will that be accomplished? By creating 15-minute cities, banning the consumption of all meat for white people, ingesting insects, vaccinating the global population, mealworm tacos, and giving everyone a digital ID. That’s the plan. What does all this accomplish? That’s easy, they’re preparing you to receive Antichrist.

We Need 7 Years of Accelerated, Transformative Action to Achieve SDGs​

FROM THE UNITED NATIONS: The recently released ‘Report of the Secretary-General on Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals’ draws on the latest data to sound the alarm for action. Of the roughly 140 targets with data, only about 12% are on track to be achieved by 2030; close to half, though showing progress, are moderately or severely off track; and some 30% have either seen no movement or regressed below the 2015 baseline.

Complete Article

I was on the UN website trying to confirm the specific mention of 7 years but can’t find anything. Does anyone here have any official link?
I'd be interested to see that too.

On one hand, I have increasingly over the years have somewhat been refreshed to continouly kind of be more and more looking back at Israel as a master key in age of grace end time eschotology mapping. As Isreal trens to overlap with so much of other parts of the world, sometimes this is not as easy a refining focus as it might seem on the surface to do. It is interesting to note on that note that it is a lot more straight forward to see Israel distinctly when it comes to UN propositions. And not so easy perhaps to single out Israel in reference to other world changing events (like the changes we see in America). In that case, America, for example, will tend to elicit what things mean today rather than how it might simply relate to Israel. But perhaps with the UN, although easier to see their effect in relation to Israel, it might also present some measure of distraction too away from ways in which seeing Israel uniquely in their eschatological moment may also occur.

In December 2023, COP 28 had a huge amount of attraction. It was fascinating to say the least. Yet seemed to have mostly been an exercise in possibility thinking. Which is not altogether bad. In general, I believe as God being sovereign, He will permit several winks and hints along the way. Things that are not necessarily this or that. But things that remind us of this or that. And not in vain. But with echo effect headsup reminders perhaps, amen. On that note, I am reminded of Luke 21:19 "all the trees." Whereas Matt 24 and Mark 13 mention only the "fig tree." So this leads me to believe that there is also a sense of ripining before our eyes of all nations related. And we would kind of get to know what that might mean as we live in our day and age to see what it might mean like that.

On the other hand though, as we do see all the trees not the fig tree ripining before us, it would seem likely why two of the three gospels where tree ripening is a theme for eschatology, 2 of them focus on Israel. Perhaps it is 2/3rds focus on Israel centrally. And 1/3 the rest of the world. We can tend to have that somewhat in reverse at times it can seem. But yeah, if there is some UN 7 year deal with Israel, at minimum, that would be fascinating to check out, amen. The one concern in how we might view it is a our tendency considering an AC timing arrival as an age of grace timestamp. It does make sense though in that if we know June is the time of the covenant signing, we won't be here for summer. Amen. But, what I have tended to lean more toward is what occampanies Ez 38 more than what accompanies the AC. In general. This preference of course could be off. But the general direction and shape things are taking would seem to rather more loudly infer perhaps an Ex 38 heavy leaning eschatologically in contrast perhaps to an AC one.
I'm just guessing here, but what is quoted in the article about a "seven year" plan, must have been taken as a peace plan but what I found regarding the seven year plan with the UN has to do with their 2030 agenda.
Whether it will include a peace plan as part of their Sustainable agenda for 2030 isn't clear because they have a lot in their agenda for 2030 that the goal for a New World Order is on the table for them.

But as far as I can tell by what will be discussed at the coming Summit for June of 2025, it's a continuation of past discussions at UN summits regarding 2030 as their goal to implement their agenda, "peace and security" may very well be in the agenda.

Here's an articles mentioning the seven year plan.....

United Nations Calls For ‘Seven Years’ Of Accelerated, Sustained, And Transformative Action For A Global ‘Rescue Plan’ To Save Humanity​

The United Nations calls for a 7-year ‘rescue plan’ to save our global society using accelerated, sustained, and transformative action.

Now, the United Nations is calling for a 7-year ‘rescue plan’ to save our global society, and how will that be accomplished? By creating 15-minute cities, banning the consumption of all meat for white people, ingesting insects, vaccinating the global population, mealworm tacos, and giving everyone a digital ID. That’s the plan. What does all this accomplish? That’s easy, they’re preparing you to receive Antichrist.

We Need 7 Years of Accelerated, Transformative Action to Achieve SDGs​

FROM THE UNITED NATIONS: The recently released ‘Report of the Secretary-General on Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals’ draws on the latest data to sound the alarm for action. Of the roughly 140 targets with data, only about 12% are on track to be achieved by 2030; close to half, though showing progress, are moderately or severely off track; and some 30% have either seen no movement or regressed below the 2015 baseline.

Complete Article

Wow, that was fast...lol. Cool. I know there is a lot of focus these days on AC. And from seeing the Gotthard Tunnel Celebration video in 2016, it would seem the elites are happy to weclome in a fallen angel person to be their savior. I tend to see socio-political transitions often more through the framework of the recently deceased Georgia Guide stone princples: a plan to reallocate global power centers so a master class can rule over us drones. Somewhere in there they of course would also factor in an AC. But at times I believe it can be helpful (in terms of interpreting boots on the ground movement today) to see globalist agendas as primary. For sure that road looks to link up with AC at some point. But as they are not there yet, what has been helpful to me somewhat along the way is to see globalism cabal as a faction desirous of world dominance with or without an AC. And one advantage in isolating globalism from the AC proper motif at times might be to see their current boots on the ground movement as a thing they just do. Ultimately, yes an AC will come into that sphere. It has just been a notice of mine kindly, that placing AC into their grass roots movement might tend to bring other more future scripture consideration into too early play. For example, 23 years ago the EU started. And now 23 years later, it is not certain if the EU may remain that way or strengthen. With things like Brexit and Germany currently having a super sober moment realizing they have to go back to traditional forms of energy less they collapse. I'm not saying the AC may not be coming through the EU. But we have had a chance to watch EU operations now for 23 years, and during that time concerns of an AC rise in that venue could have been looking at schematics that are not nearly in place yet kind of thing.

But yeah, for sure the UN and WEF are united to bring in some AC character at some point. My concern of course there will be different than the general trajectory of conventional eschatologically maps. Like seeing the collapse of the NWO and WEF and Central Banking. To most this sounds pollyanish, granted. But if that does occur, it would almost seem like our needing to go back to the drawing board and start over. If it goes in that direction, it would be a significant monkey wrench in how we might be projecting. My view on that is that even though there might be a huge monkey wrench, it would in no way detour the freight train we are on toward tribulation era. But in the off chance bracing ourselves for that anomaly would not have need, in my estimation, to rethink much. Just saying, in light of enseuing trajoctories. Blessings.