I'm just guessing here, but what is quoted in the article about a "seven year" plan, must have been taken as a peace plan but what I found regarding the seven year plan with the UN has to do with their 2030 agenda.
Whether it will include a peace plan as part of their Sustainable agenda for 2030 isn't clear because they have a lot in their agenda for 2030 that the goal for a New World Order is on the table for them.
But as far as I can tell by what will be discussed at the coming Summit for June of 2025, it's a continuation of past discussions at UN summits regarding 2030 as their goal to implement their agenda, "peace and security" may very well be in the agenda.
Here's an articles mentioning the seven year plan.....
United Nations Calls For ‘Seven Years’ Of Accelerated, Sustained, And Transformative Action For A Global ‘Rescue Plan’ To Save Humanity
The United Nations calls for a 7-year ‘rescue plan’ to save our global society using accelerated, sustained, and transformative action.
Now, the United Nations is calling for a 7-year ‘rescue plan’ to save our global society, and how will that be accomplished? By creating 15-minute cities, banning the consumption of all meat for white people, ingesting insects, vaccinating the global population, mealworm tacos, and giving everyone a digital ID. That’s the plan. What does all this accomplish? That’s easy, they’re preparing you to receive Antichrist.
We Need 7 Years of Accelerated, Transformative Action to Achieve SDGs
FROM THE UNITED NATIONS: The recently released ‘
Report of the Secretary-General on Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals’ draws on the latest data to sound the alarm for action. Of the roughly 140 targets with data, only about 12% are on track to be achieved by 2030; close to half, though showing progress, are moderately or severely off track; and some 30% have either seen no movement or regressed below the 2015 baseline.
Complete Article