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I'm dead!


TT needs to write a javascript or something so that if a post is 100% Biblical, confetti appears for a few minutes after posting.

If it's not lining up with the Word, maybe they have a rotten tomato add-on at Zenforo that could be fired on post.
I didn't even bother to look for this feature. TBH, I'm having flashbacks to websites from the 90's/early 00's that immediately started playing music, flashing in two different colors, with little sparklies coming off the pointer as you moved it.

Since I came to this thread earlier today, I've had the confetti going.
We weren't supposed to have snow, but now it's snowing! About the same rate as the confetti.
Maybe the confetti function is a digital snow dance? 🤔


PS: I had to restart it when I had to log back on. Maybe I forgot to save, earlier [sigh]