If a date becomes a "high watch date" I go buy green bananas, in the secure knowledge they'll have time to ripen. One of these days I'll be wrong, but meanwhile I expect Him to come at a day and time nobody is expecting Him. So when those "high watch" dates come and go, I ignore them. The only theory I've been interested in is the 6000 year theory and even then I hope, but I also think we could get it all wrong. We will know the time when we get caught up.
Remember I mentioned the Song of Solomon earlier in the thread, a bit that I love that I think might be a Rapture passage? Well here it is, and I'm NOT going to tie it as a Rapture date either. Just note that it's not a Passover timing. Figs aren't ready at Passover - as all the passages of Jesus cursing the fig tree show. It's Shavuot. Pentecost, the Feast of Weeks. June or thereabouts.
Before anyone jumps to the conclusion this is a Rapture date hidden in the passage no, it is not. The significance of the time in the passage ties it to Pentecost, which ties it to Christ and the church as a picture or type of the church going up in the Rapture.
vs 10-13 - the bridegroom speaking to his bride. Many theologians over the years have seen a type of Christ the heavenly bridegroom and His bride the church in this passage.
SoS chapter 2: 10-13
10 My beloved spake, and said unto me, Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away.
11 For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone;
12 The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land;
The fig tree putteth forth her green figs, and the vines with the tender grape give a good smell. Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away.
When is the time the fig tree puts forth green figs in Israel? June. Who is the fig tree? Israel, national Israel. It's getting ready to be fruitful for when the Lord comes at the end of the Tribulation. The bridegroom wants to share his joy over fig trees and vines with his bride.
When do the vines start to set grapes in Israel? Late June early July. Who is the vine? Israel. When we leave God's full attention returns to His vineyard.
When is Pentecost- usually June - it's the only feast that has 2 loaves of leavened bread waved before God? June. 2 loaves- with leaven- sinful humanity, Jews and Gentiles made into a new creation- the Church. Waved overhead, in the air! IN THE AIR!
I'm NOT saying that the church will be raptured on Pentecost, - just that this passage ties it to the church who began on Pentecost when the Holy Spirit fell- and when the Holy Spirit's action thru the church as the Restrainer is gone, we are gone with Him.
The Rapture can happen at any time- and this one Feast is all about the church. This passage of SoS happens to mention the same time. So same time as Pentecost, plus a bridegroom and a bride, and that Bridegroom says RISE UP MY LOVE, MY FAIR ONE, AND COME AWAY.
Pentecost aka Feast of Weeks or Shavuot is when the Jews stay up all night, believing that at midnight, the heavens open and a special blessing comes on those who are waiting expectantly. That too speaks of the Rapture.
The picture of the Rapture is stamped onto the church age from beginning to end. We await His return to come and get us like the Jewish brides of Jesus time. They were betrothed, they accepted a cup from their bridegroom to signify they agreed to the marriage proposal and went about veiled from that point until some time in the next 2 years when that bridegroom would come get her. The time was not known by the bride or the groom, as the groom would say Only My Father Knows.
Like the other Feasts, Jesus fulfills them all in succession. Pentecost or Shavuot teaches about the birth of the church and the rapture. Without attaching a day.
There is another sad lament that Jeremiah gives that has another timing expression. Again, it won't tie into a date, it is an expression of the long hot summer from Shavuot in June which marks the beginning of the Church, to the harvest in the Fall.
The Fall feasts picture the Tribulation period followed by Tabernacles when Jesus returns at the end to Tabernacle among us permanently as King on David's throne in Jerusalem.
Jeremiah 8:20
20 The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.
This time frame Jeremiah speaks of is the Fall feasts, the harvest is over and past. Summer is ended (remember summer season, that long pause between the last of the spring feasts- Shavuot and the Fall Feasts. It's broken up by the 9th of Av - a terrible period of mourning for many calamities of the Jews fell on this date, including the destruction of both previous Temples AND the desecration of Antiochus Epiphanes in the second Temple period..
The whole chapter makes many references to the Messiah. It refers over and over to the dispersion and the sins that caused the diaspora. Look at verse 7 and it's saying what Jesus said on Palm Sunday. v 9 they rejected the Word of the Lord, v 10 prophet and priest alike deal falsely v 12 says in the time of their visitation and v 13 speaks of that fig tree and vine imagery. v 22 speaks of the need for a physician.
It definitely had a fulfilment in the past when Nebuchadnezzar came against Judah and took them captive. They didn't all come back with Nehemiah and Ezra when the time was over. There would be a second greater diaspora under the Romans that lasted almost 2000 years before they came back in 1948.
Jeremiah's lament, the harvest is past, the SUMMER is ended and we are not saved seems to echo the summer- the church age coming to a close before that terrible day of the Lord begins, the time of Jacob's trouble. For the Jews Summer was a difficult season as it has been for them since the time of the Roman seige of Jerusalem and burning of the Temple. And before. When they entered the land the first time, the 12 spies - only 2 spoke well of the land, and that happened on the 9th of Av. Many awful things happened on the 9th of Av.
These timing clues don't point to the rapture date- they point to the existence of the church age that begins at Pentecost and at some point are raptured, leaving the Jews to draw near to God and find their Messiah during Jacob's Trouble.
It's a fun look at an obscure possible Rapture reference in the OT. That is something I think about when we get around Pentecost- the birthday of the church when the Holy Spirit fell, and look forward to the day when the Restrainer is taken up with us.
Bookending the mysterious church age that the prophets didn't know about. This time that exists while Daniels' 70th week is on pause, holding till we are up and out of the way.
The 2 leavened loaves, waved high in the air- Jews and Gentiles that make up the Church. Sinners saved by grace, caught up in the air by our Lord at the end of the Church age, changing to the days of Jacob's Trouble when the Jews will be brought forth and refined as silver and gold.