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Blockchain industry braces for White House Crypto Summit: What to expect

The White House Crypto Summit brings top industry leaders together as President Trump’s Bitcoin reserve plans spark debate over the future of crypto policy in the US.

Crypto business leaders and US government officials are set to meet at the White House Crypto Summit on March 7, a high-profile event that follows President Donald Trump’s executive order to establish a strategic Bitcoin
reserve and national digital asset stockpile.

The event — the agenda of which is not yet public — will feature prominent figures from the crypto industry, including Strategy executive chairman Michael Saylor, Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong and White House AI and Crypto Czar David Sacks.

The Trump administration has moved quickly on a number of pro-crypto policies, vowing to position the US as a global leader in digital assets, but some industry observers remain skeptical about the event’s impact on regulatory clarity and policy direction.


Maybe this is me thinking outside the box but maybe this is one of the enticements of taking the mark , so things such as your bank accounts and online security can be protected better ?
As to your thought that it may be enticements to taking the Mark, it certainly could be a groundwork being laid for that because those having the Mark will have all of their transactions collected and the Beast system will know who's buying and selling.
Some believe that the Mark must be a type of tattoo and coincidentally Bill Gates has a patent on the Quantum Dot Tattoo made with ink and digital data collecting capabilities.......

An Invisible Quantum Dot 'Tattoo' Could Be Used to ID Vaccinated Kids​

"researchers from MIT might have a solution: they've created an ink that can be safely embedded in the skin alongside the vaccine itself, and it's only visible using a special smartphone camera app and filter.

In other words, they've found a covert way to embed the record of a vaccination directly in a patient's skin rather than documenting it electronically or on paper - and their low-risk tracking system could greatly simplify the process of maintaining accurate vaccine records, especially on a larger scale."

Complete Article

As to your thought that it may be enticements to taking the Mark, it certainly could be a groundwork being laid for that because those having the Mark will have all of their transactions collected and the Beast system will know who's buying and selling.
Some believe that the Mark must be a type of tattoo and coincidentally Bill Gates has a patent on the Quantum Dot Tattoo made with ink and digital data collecting capabilities.......

An Invisible Quantum Dot 'Tattoo' Could Be Used to ID Vaccinated Kids​

"researchers from MIT might have a solution: they've created an ink that can be safely embedded in the skin alongside the vaccine itself, and it's only visible using a special smartphone camera app and filter.

In other words, they've found a covert way to embed the record of a vaccination directly in a patient's skin rather than documenting it electronically or on paper - and their low-risk tracking system could greatly simplify the process of maintaining accurate vaccine records, especially on a larger scale."

Complete Article

the 10 Kings being technocrats is also an interesting concept i've heard being mentioned as well , seems these days they tend to run countries on the downlow moreso than actual Presidents and Prime Ministers
the 10 Kings being technocrats is also an interesting concept i've heard being mentioned as well , seems these days they tend to run countries on the downlow moreso than actual Presidents and Prime Ministers
They do have a lot of power.
I remember when King Charles was still Prince Charles making a speech.
I believe it was at climate summit.
He said that it looked like world leaders couldn't be depended on to make their "globalist" goals and said "it would take someone from the private sector, someone with trillions at their disposal".
Right away some from the prophecy community started saying it sounded as though he was talking about the Antichrist.
Personally I think he was referring to the technocrats, not specifically Antichrist, because the technocrats are the richest in the private sector, with trillions at their disposal.
So maybe, maybe the tens kings could be technocrats.
But we can just watch and see everything play out.
Maybe this is me thinking outside the box but maybe this is one of the enticements of taking the mark , so things such as your bank accounts and online security can be protected better ?
Perhaps, but I tend to believe the AC won’t want to dangle enticements. He will want total alliegance to him, all believinghe is “god”. His policy will be take the MOB or die.
I keep looking at the Restrainer in all this.

I was watching someone this morning talking about "the singularity" a point where computer brains start reproducing themselves etc. Lots of definitions for the singularity. Often used by Christians to point how close we are to the Rapture. With a built in problem.

He used an exponential growth curve to illustrate it. (where numbers double every time) I like it but there's a big problem. Even though it describes computer ability and the internet

BUT as always with these exponential charts that spike upwards suddenly at the end

it fails to account for a person who is omnipresent, omnipotent, all knowing and eternal- The Holy Spirit in his role acting thru the church to restrain evil.

We have no idea how strange life will be on the other side of the Rapture for those left behind on earth. How fast and how pervasive the tech will suddenly be. Or as you mention above in this thread- even what that tech will consist of.

Perhaps a new tech that is under wraps right now because The Restrainer has restrained it, is being perfected behind the scenes, erupts into public use days after the Rapture and changes life as we know it in a matter of days, weeks or months. Like the change that happened when the smart phone eclipsed the flip phones, the blackberries and the other stuff in the "before time" before Apple's Smart phone arrived with all it's capabilities.

That was just one device, and it took over almost immediately. Most people didn't think of a phone that was a camera, an audiorecorder, a geo locator with built in maps, that could run a word processor, dictaphone, take and receive messages and hold a library of music and books. It can track luggage thru an airport, or a car even.
Just a thought in passing. We are on a Christian forum that includes an interest in end times...while...end times surrounds us. lol. That is our context. So It is understandable the things hidden within the word jumping off into our matrix like world, would take a prime focus, amen. And I think we would be kind of dead inside if not. So cheers to that. It is just in some ways I guess I kind of burned out on it a bit from like 2017 to 2021.

I'm kind of trapped in my own version but am open to doors that might lead me the way out. I've kind of turned end times into I guess a sort of game of how can I see God the deepest in our day. It's a day kind of focused on certainly the things promised by Him. And we see them. We do. But while there are pockets of evangelicals steering toward the dark stuff, by nature I'm not exactly a sanguine personality. I'm kind of Wendnesday from Addam's family in male form. By nature I am more melancholy. During the age of my reformed camp days, they used a kind of morbid hypnotic esteem toward how bad we are to see if the holy spirit in you and me could see past that camaflouge and respond out of the new nature by contrast. Its how they know you are saved or not. So I do get kind of bored with the evil stuff. Plus I love horror and thriller (not slasher though) movies. To me in a movie I need to feel a pulse. So that blend of baggage is me yawning at what I understand for some might be new, or just profound in how God works in them. I need to remember how I was when I got pretty deep into kinda freaking out friends at times.

So there was a channel I shared a while back of a person that does great end time research. She is truly analytically minded in like as if even beautiful art form. She came out with a video today explaining why she won't answer the question of "What if things don't go like she sees." Her answer in short was, "Because I'm not wrong." So in that was a signal for me to share a sound bit of hey hey with the Monkey's end time motif from my peanut gallery. lol. She had stopped talking to me a while back. Hope she keeps the comment though, because it will age interestingly to say the least. I asked her: "What if its April 9th and the Temple is not being built and we are still here?" But not in a snarky way. In an honest one. With her brilliant lovely mind and heart toward Him, i'd be interested in how she processes "the day after." If she's right, there won't be one. But if she is off somewhere, I would still love to see how God works in her heart to share from what place in her heart that will be on April 9th. I half believe her leanings. But the other half is my McDonal as Big Mack Mcsmackdown Happy Meal. :D We are hands down in some way off the charts times, family <3 Blessings.
Her answer in short was, "Because I'm not wrong."
That always worries me! That kind of confidence in our own understanding. It is often misplaced. We are fallible humans.

I have confidence in God. I also have confidence that I will be wrong on MANY things I was sure of. But God, I can trust at all times.

When a human expresses that kind of confidence, in their own interpretation or understanding of things, especially Biblical things I view it as one step away from a spectacular failure.
That always worries me! That kind of confidence in our own understanding. It is often misplaced. We are fallible humans.

I have confidence in God. I also have confidence that I will be wrong on MANY things I was sure of. But God, I can trust at all times.

When a human expresses that kind of confidence, in their own interpretation or understanding of things, especially Biblical things I view it as one step away from a spectacular failure.
You have such a lovely heart dear sister. You know though Margery, I don't really sense for her it comes from pride though. If I did that, it would be...I know me. But the unfortunate disadvantage of such deep deep study as she does and knows very well what she is talking about, I think at some point it becomes too difficult to see the difference of our thoughts separate from how accurately to us the word seems to be affirming what we see it showing us.

I guess on one hand I can understand her seeing all the monkey business ideas associated in the circus side of the faith. And I can also see her separate herself from date setters on YouTube. Because she really is not that at all. It's just her study has brought her so deep into conviction that I suppose at some point it would seem that to doubt how she understand the word is testifying her is to doubt God. That is kind of the vibe it sends. Well, we won't have long to check...lol. I thought I was pushing it having a loose Trump leash for some events. If that cat fades, my whole premise kind of goes up in smoke...lol. I'm ok with that tension. It would be good for me to doubt too. Its been a staple for me all along the way. And may be the way I close that chapter in my own life. So hopefully what I shared with her (boosting the reality of what God is doing in her as a person beyond where she is accurate or not) will be of great encouragement to her if she finds we are all still here and no temple yet on April 9th. She's playing some hardball cowboy poker with those cards for sure. In some ways, a bigger man than I. But in the potential event it won't go like that, wow, I would love to see how God works in her heart in that aftermath. I think it would minister to me as well. Because I would feel her pain.

Not that I share her view. My goodness it seems like at least some solid percentage of it includes an AC approaching as the white horse. I realize I am the only one on our forum that does not see the white horse as AC. I'm ok with that. So throwing at her a jig about the white horse from me would totally be seen as coming from some space man who only travels space chemically...lol. But in the event April 9th comes, and the pages are still turning...I would imagine that might cause one to question a whole host of things. If things turn out differently than I view it, I am kind of prepared for that. Its more a shock it got this far...lol. In some ways I would be strangley releaved. I believe she is a real believer so I don't think something like that would apostatize her. At times I almost find myself crossing my fingers for her. I mean, come on, being raptured prior to one month would be pretty cool. At that point, lol, no one will care where anyone was off...lol.

I am surprised she went that way. It almost makes me appreciate being wrong myself a bit more. Because yeah as you see, she is family, and we are created in His image first, and insightful secondarily. Not the other way around. To err is human. Is beautiful. Is real. And relatable and belongs upon the highest shelf of genuine human intimacy. Exposure to too much opinion effect online + can cause some unusual pathologocial avenues not too safe. This is a very precious forum. As His spirit just, "is" here. Amen. <3 Blessings.
You have such a lovely heart dear sister. You know though Margery, I don't really sense for her it comes from pride though. If I did that, it would be...I know me. But the unfortunate disadvantage of such deep deep study as she does and knows very well what she is talking about, I think at some point it becomes too difficult to see the difference of our thoughts separate from how accurately to us the word seems to be affirming what we see it showing us.

I guess on one hand I can understand her seeing all the monkey business ideas associated in the circus side of the faith. And I can also see her separate herself from date setters on YouTube. Because she really is not that at all. It's just her study has brought her so deep into conviction that I suppose at some point it would seem that to doubt how she understand the word is testifying her is to doubt God. That is kind of the vibe it sends. Well, we won't have long to check...lol. I thought I was pushing it having a loose Trump leash for some events. If that cat fades, my whole premise kind of goes up in smoke...lol. I'm ok with that tension. It would be good for me to doubt too. Its been a staple for me all along the way. And may be the way I close that chapter on my own life. So hopefully what I shared with her (boosting the reality of what God is doing in her as a person beyond where she is accurate or not) with be of great encouragement to her if she finds we are all still here and no temple yet on April 9th. She's playing some hardball cowboy poker with those cards for sure. In some ways, a bigger man than I. But in the potential event it won't go like that, wow, I would love to see how God works in her heart in that aftermath. I think it would minister to me as well. Because I would feel her pain.

Not that I share her view. My goodness it seems like a least some solid percentage of it includes an AC approaching as the white horse. I realize I am the only one on our forum that does not see the white horse as AC. I'm ok with that. So throwing at her a jig about the white horse from me would totally be see as coming from some space man who only travels space chemically...lol. But in the event April 9th comes, and the pages are still turning...I would imagine that might cause one to question a whole host of things. If things turn out differently than I view it, I am kind of prepared for that. Its more a shock it got this far...lol. In some ways I would be strangley releaved. I believe she is a real believer so I don't think something like that would apostatize her. At time I almost find myself crossing my fingers for her. I mean, come on, being rapture prior to one month would be pretty cool. At that point, lol, no one will care where anyone was off...lol.

I am surprised she went that way. It almost makes me appreciate being wrong myself a bit more. Because yeah as you see, she is family, and we are created in His image first, and insightful secondarily. Not the other way around. To err is human. Is beautiful. Is real. And relatable and belongs upon the highest shelf of geniene human intimacy. Exposure to too much opinion effect online + can cause some unusual pathologocial avenues not too safe. This is a very precious forum. As His spirit just, "is" here. Amen. <3 Blessings.
:lol: If a date becomes a "high watch date" I go buy green bananas, in the secure knowledge they'll have time to ripen. One of these days I'll be wrong, but meanwhile I expect Him to come at a day and time nobody is expecting Him. So when those "high watch" dates come and go, I ignore them. The only theory I've been interested in is the 6000 year theory and even then I hope, but I also think we could get it all wrong. We will know the time when we get caught up.

Remember I mentioned the Song of Solomon earlier in the thread, a bit that I love that I think might be a Rapture passage? Well here it is, and I'm NOT going to tie it as a Rapture date either. Just note that it's not a Passover timing. Figs aren't ready at Passover - as all the passages of Jesus cursing the fig tree show. It's Shavuot. Pentecost, the Feast of Weeks. June or thereabouts.

Before anyone jumps to the conclusion this is a Rapture date hidden in the passage no, it is not. The significance of the time in the passage ties it to Pentecost, which ties it to Christ and the church as a picture or type of the church going up in the Rapture.

vs 10-13 - the bridegroom speaking to his bride. Many theologians over the years have seen a type of Christ the heavenly bridegroom and His bride the church in this passage.

SoS chapter 2: 10-13

10 My beloved spake, and said unto me, Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away.

11 For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone;

12 The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land;

13 The fig tree putteth forth her green figs, and the vines with the tender grape give a good smell. Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away.

When is the time the fig tree puts forth green figs in Israel? June. Who is the fig tree? Israel, national Israel. It's getting ready to be fruitful for when the Lord comes at the end of the Tribulation. The bridegroom wants to share his joy over fig trees and vines with his bride.

When do the vines start to set grapes in Israel? Late June early July. Who is the vine? Israel. When we leave God's full attention returns to His vineyard.

When is Pentecost- usually June - it's the only feast that has 2 loaves of leavened bread waved before God? June. 2 loaves- with leaven- sinful humanity, Jews and Gentiles made into a new creation- the Church. Waved overhead, in the air! IN THE AIR!

I'm NOT saying that the church will be raptured on Pentecost, - just that this passage ties it to the church who began on Pentecost when the Holy Spirit fell- and when the Holy Spirit's action thru the church as the Restrainer is gone, we are gone with Him.

The Rapture can happen at any time- and this one Feast is all about the church. This passage of SoS happens to mention the same time. So same time as Pentecost, plus a bridegroom and a bride, and that Bridegroom says RISE UP MY LOVE, MY FAIR ONE, AND COME AWAY.

Pentecost aka Feast of Weeks or Shavuot is when the Jews stay up all night, believing that at midnight, the heavens open and a special blessing comes on those who are waiting expectantly. That too speaks of the Rapture.

The picture of the Rapture is stamped onto the church age from beginning to end. We await His return to come and get us like the Jewish brides of Jesus time. They were betrothed, they accepted a cup from their bridegroom to signify they agreed to the marriage proposal and went about veiled from that point until some time in the next 2 years when that bridegroom would come get her. The time was not known by the bride or the groom, as the groom would say Only My Father Knows.

Like the other Feasts, Jesus fulfills them all in succession. Pentecost or Shavuot teaches about the birth of the church and the rapture. Without attaching a day.

There is another sad lament that Jeremiah gives that has another timing expression. Again, it won't tie into a date, it is an expression of the long hot summer from Shavuot in June which marks the beginning of the Church, to the harvest in the Fall.

The Fall feasts picture the Tribulation period followed by Tabernacles when Jesus returns at the end to Tabernacle among us permanently as King on David's throne in Jerusalem.

Jeremiah 8:20
20 The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.

This time frame Jeremiah speaks of is the Fall feasts, the harvest is over and past. Summer is ended (remember summer season, that long pause between the last of the spring feasts- Shavuot and the Fall Feasts. It's broken up by the 9th of Av - a terrible period of mourning for many calamities of the Jews fell on this date, including the destruction of both previous Temples AND the desecration of Antiochus Epiphanes in the second Temple period..

The whole chapter makes many references to the Messiah. It refers over and over to the dispersion and the sins that caused the diaspora. Look at verse 7 and it's saying what Jesus said on Palm Sunday. v 9 they rejected the Word of the Lord, v 10 prophet and priest alike deal falsely v 12 says in the time of their visitation and v 13 speaks of that fig tree and vine imagery. v 22 speaks of the need for a physician.

It definitely had a fulfilment in the past when Nebuchadnezzar came against Judah and took them captive. They didn't all come back with Nehemiah and Ezra when the time was over. There would be a second greater diaspora under the Romans that lasted almost 2000 years before they came back in 1948.

Jeremiah's lament, the harvest is past, the SUMMER is ended and we are not saved seems to echo the summer- the church age coming to a close before that terrible day of the Lord begins, the time of Jacob's trouble. For the Jews Summer was a difficult season as it has been for them since the time of the Roman seige of Jerusalem and burning of the Temple. And before. When they entered the land the first time, the 12 spies - only 2 spoke well of the land, and that happened on the 9th of Av. Many awful things happened on the 9th of Av.

These timing clues don't point to the rapture date- they point to the existence of the church age that begins at Pentecost and at some point are raptured, leaving the Jews to draw near to God and find their Messiah during Jacob's Trouble.

It's a fun look at an obscure possible Rapture reference in the OT. That is something I think about when we get around Pentecost- the birthday of the church when the Holy Spirit fell, and look forward to the day when the Restrainer is taken up with us.

Bookending the mysterious church age that the prophets didn't know about. This time that exists while Daniels' 70th week is on pause, holding till we are up and out of the way.

The 2 leavened loaves, waved high in the air- Jews and Gentiles that make up the Church. Sinners saved by grace, caught up in the air by our Lord at the end of the Church age, changing to the days of Jacob's Trouble when the Jews will be brought forth and refined as silver and gold.
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:lol: If a date becomes a "high watch date" I go buy green bananas, in the secure knowledge they'll have time to ripen. One of these days I'll be wrong, but meanwhile I expect Him to come at a day and time nobody is expecting Him. So when those "high watch" dates come and go, I ignore them. The only theory I've been interested in is the 6000 year theory and even then I hope, but I also think we could get it all wrong. We will know the time when we get caught up.

Remember I mentioned the Song of Solomon earlier in the thread, a bit that I love that I think might be a Rapture passage? Well here it is, and I'm NOT going to tie it as a Rapture date either. Just note that it's not a Passover timing. Figs aren't ready at Passover - as all the passages of Jesus cursing the fig tree show. It's Shavuot. Pentecost, the Feast of Weeks. June or thereabouts.

Before anyone jumps to the conclusion this is a Rapture date hidden in the passage no, it is not. The significance of the time in the passage ties it to Pentecost, which ties it to Christ and the church as a picture or type of the church going up in the Rapture.

vs 10-13 - the bridegroom speaking to his bride. Many theologians over the years have seen a type of Christ the heavenly bridegroom and His bride the church in this passage.

SoS chapter 2: 10-13

10 My beloved spake, and said unto me, Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away.

11 For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone;

12 The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land;

13 The fig tree putteth forth her green figs, and the vines with the tender grape give a good smell. Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away.

When is the time the fig tree puts forth green figs in Israel? June. Who is the fig tree? Israel, national Israel. It's getting ready to be fruitful for when the Lord comes at the end of the Tribulation. The bridegroom wants to share his joy over fig trees and vines with his bride.

When do the vines start to set grapes in Israel? Late June early July. Who is the vine? Israel. When we leave God's full attention returns to His vineyard.

When is Pentecost- usually June - it's the only feast that has 2 loaves of leavened bread waved before God? June. 2 loaves- with leaven- sinful humanity, Jews and Gentiles made into a new creation- the Church. Waved overhead, in the air! IN THE AIR!

I'm NOT saying that the church will be raptured on Pentecost, - just that this passage ties it to the church who began on Pentecost when the Holy Spirit fell- and when the Holy Spirit's action thru the church as the Restrainer is gone, we are gone with Him.

The Rapture can happen at any time- and this one Feast is all about the church. This passage of SoS happens to mention the same time. So same time as Pentecost, plus a bridegroom and a bride, and that Bridegroom says RISE UP MY LOVE, MY FAIR ONE, AND COME AWAY.

Pentecost aka Feast of Weeks or Shavuot is when the Jews stay up all night, believing that at midnight, the heavens open and a special blessing comes on those who are waiting expectantly. That too speaks of the Rapture.

The picture of the Rapture is stamped onto the church age from beginning to end. We await His return to come and get us like the Jewish brides of Jesus time. They were betrothed, they accepted a cup from their bridegroom to signify they agreed to the marriage proposal and went about veiled from that point until some time in the next 2 years when that bridegroom would come get her. The time was not known by the bride or the groom, as the groom would say Only My Father Knows.

Like the other Feasts, Jesus fulfills them all in succession. Pentecost or Shavuot teaches about the birth of the church and the rapture. Without attaching a day.

There is another sad lament that Jeremiah gives that has another timing expression. Again, it won't tie into a date, it is an expression of the long hot summer from Shavuot in June which marks the beginning of the Church, to the harvest in the Fall.

The Fall feasts picture the Tribulation period followed by Tabernacles when Jesus returns at the end to Tabernacle among us permanently as King on David's throne in Jerusalem.

Jeremiah 8:20
20 The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.

This time frame Jeremiah speaks of is the Fall feasts, the harvest is over and past. Summer is ended (remember summer season, that long pause between the last of the spring feasts- Shavuot and the Fall Feasts. It's broken up by the 9th of Av - a terrible period of mourning for many calamities of the Jews fell on this date, including the destruction of both previous Temples AND the desecration of Antiochus Epiphanes in the second Temple period..

The whole chapter makes many references to the Messiah. It refers over and over to the dispersion and the sins that caused the diaspora. Look at verse 7 and it's saying what Jesus said on Palm Sunday. v 9 they rejected the Word of the Lord, v 10 prophet and priest alike deal falsely v 12 says in the time of their visitation and v 13 speaks of that fig tree and vine imagery. v 22 speaks of the need for a physician.

It definitely had a fulfilment in the past when Nebuchadnezzar came against Judah and took them captive. They didn't all come back with Nehemiah and Ezra when the time was over. There would be a second greater diaspora under the Romans that lasted almost 2000 years before they came back in 1948.

Jeremiah's lament, the harvest is past, the SUMMER is ended and we are not saved seems to echo the summer- the church age coming to a close before that terrible day of the Lord begins, the time of Jacob's trouble. For the Jews Summer was a difficult season as it has been for them since the time of the Roman seige of Jerusalem and burning of the Temple. And before. When they entered the land the first time, the 12 spies - only 2 spoke well of the land, and that happened on the 9th of Av. Many awful things happened on the 9th of Av.

These timing clues don't point to the rapture date- they point to the existence of the church age that begins at Pentecost and at some point are raptured, leaving the Jews to draw near to God and find their Messiah during Jacob's Trouble.

It's a fun look at an obscure possible Rapture reference in the OT. That is something I think about when we get around Pentecost- the birthday of the church when the Holy Spirit fell, and look forward to the day when the Restrainer is taken up with us.

Bookending the mysterious church age that the prophets didn't know about. This time that exists while Daniels' 70th week is on pause, holding till we are up and out of the way.

The 2 leavened loaves, waved high in the air- Jews and Gentiles that make up the Church. Sinners saved by grace, caught up in the air by our Lord at the end of the Church age, changing to the days of Jacob's Trouble when the Jews will be brought forth and refined as silver and gold.

Thanks Margery. Nice overview to consider. I especially like the two leavened loaves analogy. Which reminds me of something too. Over the years I have seen many who look at scripture pointing to a negative concept where I would see differently. Two of the primary passages:

  • Matt 13 the mustard tree
  • Matt 13:33 leaven in flour

In the first one (the mustard tree) some see this as a bad omen. They would look at the birds nesting in the branches as meaning evil. And they would look at the mustard tree itself (as Andy Woods has affirmed) as abnormal and Frankenstien like (growing disproportionately large), represented the tares mixture in the kingdom represented on earth over the ages.

The second one would see leaven in flour and see the same thing. Tares mixed with wheat as the blend to be separated at the end of the age. What I would commonly hear is that leaven always represents evil or sin. In the case of the wave offering, it surely does seem to represent the gentile implication because ultimately Pentecost fulfilled = what the wave offering represented. The gentile church blending into the kingdom (the wild olive branch graphed in). In that case leaven = the gentile church.

In the mustard seed parable, to me, it is talking about how vast Christianity will spread throughout the world. There are references to birds nesting in trees biblically that represnted those protected by the empire of said tree. And as for the mustard trees abnormal size, I looked this up. And there were gardening practices in 1st century Israel that did have areas for mustard trees that would grow to 20 feet tall and pretty much become a solid tree. There are a lot of examples. On this one, it does surprise me why Andy Woods would dig his heals on a partial reality (mustard plants are different and don't grow like trees). The best I could figure there is Andy has quite a large series on "The Kingdom." And the important idea and theme for him to a degree in that is that we be careful how twisted fringe elements in Christendom gets. Although seeing how shallow the fringes have gotten, it is the reaper angels at the supper of God that removes the tares. Not pastoral antidote that may theologically potentially lalter meaning of the kingdom along the way. For me, the wheat and tares arw the real kingdom with false believers. But the mustard tree is all those who believe. And the leaven hidden in flour is all of those who believe. Not a focus on twisted Chrsitianity though. The kingdom of God is not = the twisted in it along the way. These seem to be very different to me.

I bring that up because I ask those who hold to the view that the leaven in doe is meant to be sin and evil only if they are aware of the wave offering. That is never factored in. Yet, leaven is the very reason they are the church today. Not the false church. And the epitome of the Spring Feasts leading to a redeamed people = leaven in the flower. I usually don't hear back from them after that. Today I have seen significant pockets that seem to have need to see the harlot religion of the end times to be the mutation of Christianity today. As I would see these as two different ages. I would not blend those two together. Although whatever believers are in the tribulation age (Jew or Gentile) they would be the ultimate sample when the reapers remove the tares. This is true. I would not see teachings about the mustard tree to be a Frankenstein church. Nor that the example of the hidden leaven in doe parable to be wheat and tares. But that the church would be gentile predominantly for hundreds of years. Which is not only kind of what happened. But would be of super severaly obnoxious thought for Christ to think and say such a thing in His day.

So to me, I don't perceive using those two parables in Matt 13 as filters for us to see super dark theological theories today as that which comes from His word. But from our own vain imaginations. Which I find unfrotunate to exist at a time clarity to be really needed in the church today. But seem to be fodder for all manner of further frankenstiening theology as we go in our church age trends to build on that--even by the best of them like Andy Woods. At this moment though I would stress that to me that just means that everyone will be wrong somewhere. Even the best. Because where Andy Woods teaches on many other things, he is otherwise fairly solid. Amen. But at the end of the day, I kind of see the end times somewhat like it might have been like to look for a coming mystery prophet to come in the 1st century. Who did they go out to see when John the Baptist came? A man in soft clothing? Or a man dressed in harsh cheap clothing eating wild oats and honey? Likened to a question perhaps for us today. When we look at the nature and trends of the end times, what do we go out to see?

Incidently I just caught another few moments of a live stream by that same lady earlier mentioned. And she stated something that is accurate. The law of entropy implies that things get worse not better over time. When we look at our age we see it getting worse. And the tendency to see mostly horror is somewhat reasonable based on that. But even so, as I agree, there is also God interacting with His creation too. And if it is His will that entropy be the mainstay, so be it. But if He interjects something else along the way that counters entropy, that is His perogative. I don't believe we think so much along these lines. And although we might in concept know of the "But God" syndrome or potential in our age. We might not make the necessary room for it as in the first century perhaps. Where the Jews saw a conquering king to come for them. But not so as to have themselves follow His spiritual lead, And certainly (later on in the first century) if that brought the gentiles up to an honored place like the Jews. That But God was not afforded. And although this remains to be seen (not making a federal case, just suggesting of the possibility and contrast aforded here), if God today were to demonstrate to Israel a small sliver taste of the 1,000 year reign to come as a final age of grace testimony to them, who in evangelicalism might stand for that? We know it has to get worse. God told us in His word there would be no But God moment as we ease into the tribulation age. I'm not so sure He did not. Certainly He might not have. Amen. But it seems to be a foregone conclusion that we might permit a little But God here and a little But God there. But certainly not something as large of a sample of the Millenial kingdom as a testimony of Him to the modern Jew facing the 70th week. God would never do such a thing. And perhaps He might not. But if that were a But God moment employed, I would presume that to be a far harder bucking bronco for evengelicalsm is to ride than it is for how it is a bucking bronco for Trump to ride the tariff dance he embroiled himself in currently. So I guess we will see, of course.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Very encouraging considerations of rapture season potential. Amen. Blessings.