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Are The Jewish People Being Set Up For The Ultimate Betrayal?

By Jan Markell for
Harbinger 's Daily

Have you ever been betrayed? Maybe you have more than once. Maybe many times. I bet you find it hard to trust anyone now.

You see, the Jews didn’t take things seriously in Germany in the 1930s. It wouldn’t get all that bad. They were comfortable and assimilated back then. Whatever was happening would blow over. The Jews had contributed in so many positive ways to European society. The warning signs had to be false alarms!

They were betrayed in Europe, and it is happening again, and now they are reading the handwriting on the wall! The messages of warning are everywhere! This time they are paying attention. They’ve gotten the message that now it is the two-minute warning! Here’s why.

  • Their 75-year ally, America, is chastising, marginalizing, scolding, and telling them to lose their war. Don’t retaliate when attacked. Their long-time friend favors Iran.
  • Politicians who are “one of them” have turned on them. Can you say, Chuck Schumer?
  • The media has betrayed them—even the conservative media. Can you say “Tucker Carlson?”
  • Parts of the church are hostile due to Replacement Theology. Others don’t want to make waves or wade into controversy.
  • Every global outfit from the U.N. to the W.E.F. to the I.C.C. to the E.U. laments the plight of the so-called Palestinians. In fact, most of the world feels the Jews are the oppressors and the Palestinians are the oppressed. They support Hamas. They have sympathy for barbarians. That’s hard to imagine.
So, someone is waiting in the wings who is the ultimate betrayer and he will fool them, too. Because they are in a state of fear and anxiety, they will be open to his cunning message. This global mover and shaker may be inconsequential right now, but he is rehearsing how he will play into their insecurities. He’s in the shadows now.


That's possible, or what if Israel stomps on Hamas and becomes more complacent/self-reliant (praying that's not going to happen). One major issue in Israel now is that they let their guard down on Oct. 7 and ignored warnings.

Thanks for all your thoughts and refernces. I'll check those guys out. I am totally open to a WOW in our face moment where Israel gets hyperly hated by the world. Perhaps. Things could totally go this way. It does not seem to fit neatly into the boxes i'm looking at. But hey, they are only boxes lol. But the point i see about Israel being surprised on 10/7 is: "We live in a day and age where much of the watcher banter i have come across removes America from power for Ez 38 to happen because Ez 38 has neutral nations asking what happened by surprise." So to me, we see Israel caught by surprise. One way to look at that is Israel was taken by surprise at a time we think it could not be. A time like, Ez 38? And America is still the superpower. Fading as she trades her wares away. But nevertheless...with all the empyting of America guts the globalists system is doing...we are "still" THE superpower...when Israel got attacked by surprise. Perhaps a miniature golf Ez 38 "ah ha" moment? Blessing.s
I was thinking of this thread and happened to be listening to an old Chuck Missler talk 5 minutes ago, when he said something profound that I think might pertain.

"Prophecy is there for authentication of God's Word, not for us to second guess tomorrow."

In other words we know something will happen because God said it, but we don't always know the details of how it will happen until it does, and then it fulfills the prophecy with 100% accuracy. Fulfilled prophecy in the past is one of our best evangelism tools because it authenticates God's Word for the future as well. If everything that was predicted in the past for the past came true 100% to every detail (and it has) then we can count on every prophecy that is yet future to come true in the same way.

And that includes the reality that without Christ we are headed to hell, and that Christ is coming back just like He said, and that there is coming a Tribulation of 7 years that nobody in their right mind would want to go thru.