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Are Jesus signs of "Birth Pains" in The Olivet Discourse synonymous to The Seals of Revelation 6?


I have examined the beginning of Sorrows Jesus describes in His Oliver Discourse and I have wondered whether they are synonymous of the Seals of Revelation.

While we are, and have been, seeing the stage being set for The Tribulation, because The Olivet Discourse answers to the disciples 3 part question of what will be the sign of Jesus coming beginning with the destruction of the temple, the last days, and Jesus second coming, I look at the birth pains and look at the Seals and they appear to have similarities.

Jesus warning to not be deceived because of those coming in His name saying "I am the Christ", could identify with the Antichrist in the opening of the first Seal with the rider of the White horseman coming to conquer.
The wars and rumors of wars could be the Red Horseman coming to take peace from the world.
The famines could be the Black Horseman with the scales bringing scarcity to the earth.
The Pale Horsemen bringing death due to the combination of pestilence, global violence and war, and earthquakes, and and famine all caused by the first three Horsemen.

I see the similarities of the beginnings of Sorrows in the Olivet Discourse and the Seals because the Seals are judgements but are only the beginning of God's judgements and are not yet the end, as His judgements worsen with the Trumpet Judgements and the Bowl Judgements.

I'd like to see how others see this. 🤔
I agree the signs align with some of the seal judgements. Some of the signs He listed could begin a little before the tribulation, but for the majority, the signs given were to Israel and take place throughout the seven years.
I agree the signs align with some of the seal judgements. Some of the signs He listed could begin a little before the tribulation, but for the majority, the signs given were to Israel and take place throughout the seven years.
I agree. Some prophecy teachers believe we Are in the birth pains, but I tend to think we may be almost there but not quite. I think we are seeing some of it as you say but it's not global as most of Western society may be getting there but not in a full sense to be experiencing those birth pains.