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America First Act Bans Illegal Immigrants Welfare, Other Benefits

Although as expressed earlier as I relate the madness Pastor Adrian articulated well, I believe though that since the body is made up of varying parts, if some are more prone to view trends through faith and love and in good faith, I would not see those points of focus as not subjected to the Green Acres like effect as much. If God is working providentially, yes it would be not too helpful for the body to trend toward becoming a traffic jam of cultural or eschatalogical commentary (which unfortunaely does hold a lot of attention in evangelical circles), But someone like Carl Trueman (a reformed author I respect and appreciate--as a scholar) or a very much less known commentator Jon Harris (of YouTube channel "Conversations that Matter" -- also reformed and, by me, really appreciated because his thoughtful care within the context of the body I find actually trending toward the healing of differences more than additional opinion collecting), operate out of how God has wired them.

Neither of those men weigh-in eschatologically, but have huge focuses on sociology of cutlure as an overarching what modern context the church finds herself in. And, like from Jon Harris's channel, to me, brings some of the wisdom from above, I believe, in bringing the gentle wisdom from above into his commentary as (in my estimation) a hugely needed ministry in the body dynamic today in general, though. In addition I do find some eschatological commentary have aspects of this too (wisdom from above qualities), but generally eschatological views do tend to be more anchored in tribal perspective. But it would be really of great benefit, I believe, today too where James 3:17 -- "But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere..." increasingly become attributes of church eschatological discussion in general as well...extenuating into the socialogical (or people observational noticing) as well in ways.

If it truly is approaching end times, the likihood of traffic jam opinion making will be on the increase. And, as I see the value in being the reminent church not given to such sensationalism, because of its wide reaching appeal and effect, it would seem also opportunity to bring healing ministry too as well perhaps to much of that (which in arena's and cases would be genuine kingdom work...especially in a season of genuinely experiencing our epoch times too though it might seem). If the goals of eschatology result in "I know what's up," yeah, I don't think that serves anyone. But if God Himself is demonstrating heightened aspects of His character through events unfolding too, something of that calibur would seem to be of the substance of blood flow in the body serving as antibodies also against the unsavory tendencies otherwise common to more tribal eschatological expressions in the body that the church might disfunctionally often travel in (including perhaps an over focus on what men are doing, amen). Like, creation (of which men are a category of) in general is even attested by God in Roman's one as that which is enough to hold unbelievers guilty enough before a holy God, suggests it has a place in its effect upon lives in general. I would imagine all the more if it appears also God Himself is upping His game to His creation in our rather unique season as well.

I know I often mention the American Reformed camp and the Watcher Camp. And often with concern. But even though I hold huge concern with American Reformed culture (wow...like off the charts issues...lol), I've noted above 2 sources from the American Reformed camp that address sensibilities not really found elsewhere. And have the tendency to speak healing volumes into church culture I really don't find anywhere else. Not everyone is interested or needs that level of nuance. But the volume of issues it does minister to is increasingly helpful, I believe, in the church. And those two sources I noted will look at cultural trends with how men and women in our culture move and groove...but with a heavy leaning into His fruit to help in general the body to mature together. And in such a fractured time, I would see have tremendous value and appraisal worthy ministry. Not so much for sake of status or celebrity. But quite contrary to all notions of it. Much like a people group learning not so much to repeated errors of the past by learning from them along side one another kind of thing I think. Even though I mention my struggles with American Reformed background (because of the extreme influence those groups have on vast trends in our general culture), the two I like from that camp above are gems. And even though I would see the American Reformed camp as largely unhinged, I would also note some actual heros in it. Not so much as a focus on men. But because of what tremendous service their body of work does in kingdom perspective ministry as a whole. And he same kind of thing I would hold toward like an Andy Woods, or a Tom Hughes. Where I would see significantly different than both of them. But each of those men bring dynamics to the body currently needed and helpful.

Even though I would see extreme concern coming from both the American Reformed Camp and the Evangelical Watcher Movement, I in ways are very much a part of their universe by fiat of their common influence in our day. And I guess as much as there are tremendous issues (like an over focus on men or events occuring), I see too much import in what provision is made by the fruit of the ministry there in of some, that would and does, IMHO, serve not just well, but very necessary conditions currently existing too, I believe. In this I am not hopeful of swimming up stream so much as I guess just knowing the problem phenomenons of exaggerations and extremes can be as much an opportunity of ministry perhaps as they might provide arenas of solace in separating from. But perhaps in contemporary ways, more so. If that makes sense. Blessings.