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A supermarket trip may soon look different, thanks to electronic shelf labels

Grocery store prices are changing faster than ever before — literally. This month, Walmart became the latest retailer to announce it’s replacing the price stickers in its aisles with electronic shelf labels. The new labels allow employees to change prices as often as every ten seconds.

“If it’s hot outside, we can raise the price of water and ice cream. If there's something that’s close to the expiration date, we can lower the price — that’s the good news,” said Phil Lempert, a grocery industry analyst.

Apps like Uber already use surge pricing, in which higher demand leads to higher prices in real time. Companies across industries have caused controversy with talk of implementing surge pricing, with fast-food restaurant Wendy's making headlines most recently. Electronic shelf labels allow the same strategy to be applied at grocery stores, but are not the only reason why retailers may make the switch.

The ability to easily change prices wasn't mentioned in Walmart's announcement that 2,300 stores will have the digitized shelf labels by 2026. Daniela Boscan, who participated in Walmart's pilot of the labels in Texas, said the label's key benefits are "increased productivity and reduced walking time," plus quicker restocking of shelves.


I agree on the credit score push to come. If they get their way with computers and tracking, they will definitely institute a credit score that limits and even prohibits a multitude of things including meat consumption limits or prohibitions if you've been "bad".
Around that time I will take whatever meat God blesses me with, except Armadillos, I’d have to be starving, but I’d eat it then. I wonder how grilled Armadillo on the half shell tastes?
I agree on the credit score push to come. If they get their way with computers and tracking, they will definitely institute a credit score that limits and even prohibits a multitude of things including meat consumption limits or prohibitions if you've been "bad".

Maybe they'll set up a system where after you've bought a pound of hamburger during a month, if you try to buy another pound that same month it'll cost you way more... The things they want us to eat won't go up in price on us.
Maybe they'll set up a system where after you've bought a pound of hamburger during a month, if you try to buy another pound that same month it'll cost you way more... The things they want us to eat won't go up in price on us.
Or temporarily cut you off from access to funds if your ESG scores are too low.
"Meat consumption puts out too much carbon footprint "
It tastes pretty good when yer body needs protein. I enjoyed some armadillo in Colombia S.A. and I didn't get leprosy.
Once while deer hunting with dogs in Florida on a cold November morning my buddy shot about 6 of those nasty beasts. We drive around a corner in the woods and another one would run out. He’d stop and and shoot it and throw it in the back of the truck.

I asked him, why are you wasting ammo on those nasty things? He said, have you ever ate one? I said, Nope and I ain’t gonna eat one. We usually cooked up fresh deer meat back at camp. He then said, tonight I’m going cook some Armadillo and slip it on your plate and you won’t know the difference, we might make stew tonight.

A couple of hours before dusk, I said I’m going to ride on top of the dog box because I’ll have a better chance of seeing a deer. Everytime we’d go around the back of a new block of woods I’d sling a Armadillo out into the ditch or creek.

That night when we got back to camp, we didn’t get a deer but someone else in our club did. So they started grilling deer meat. My buddy comes up to the truck and opens the tailgate. I said what are you doing, I’m going to clean those Armadillos. I laughed and said, I told you I wasn’t eating any Armadillos:monkey: