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'2030 is when the merge happens,' OpenAI president tells Netanyahu of coming man-machine merger


In a recent discussion with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, OpenAI President Greg Brockman expressed his belief that 2029 will see the emergence of artificial general intelligence (AGI) — AI that reaches and then far surpasses human-level intelligence. He further stated that in 2030, humanity and artificial intelligence will merge.

Brockman — whose company OpenAI is widely understood to be the most advanced AI project in the world — made these comments during a panel discussion that included Netanyahu, Elon Musk and MIT physicist Max Tegmark. As they gathered to discuss the future of AI, much of the conversation orbited around two possible futures: A future extinction of mankind, and a future “heaven” in which AGI eliminates poverty, hunger, and sickness and mankind merges with machines.

Brockman acknowledged the major risks in creating AGI but told the rest of the panel that it is this “heaven” that his company is working to bring about.


This is so evil. I can’t believe I’m reading about such things. It’s like we are in the opening scenes of a movie. Glad we won’t be here for the end of it! Or even the middle of it.
This is one movie I will definitely walk out of. ☺️
controversial — warning

I understand how in the days of Noah satanic forces tried to eliminate the Seed line. Personally I like the idea that Seth’s offspring were in danger, rather than demons impregnating women.

In my thoughts I’ve imagined that preflood mankind had invented genetic engineering.