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Zuckerberg wants active role in crafting Trump administration’s tech policy

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg is vying to be a part of the conversation when it comes to how the Trump administration creates and implements policy around Big Tech, according to Meta’s president of global affairs Nick Clegg.

Clegg shared with reporters that Zuckerberg wants to play “an active role in the debates that any administration needs to have about maintaining America’s leadership in the technological sphere,” the Financial Times reported.

Clegg’s comments come after Zuckerberg’s visit to Mar-a-Lago with President-elect Donald Trump on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Zuckerberg and Trump have repeatedly clashed in the past over the Facebook founder’s funding influence on election centers during the 2020 election and the social media company’s censorship of conservative speech. However, now that Zuckerberg’s top competitor, X CEO Elon Musk, is partnering with Trump, Zuckerberg has changed his tune and appears to be making inroads himself.


The sad thing is these people like Zuck don't actually realize they are not doing a kindness to others like they figure. They do think of others in a way. Bill and Melinda Gates truly do think that their foundation is there to do good for humanity.

Most of these people mean well.

A LOT of leftists when pressed will explain that they follow global warming stuff out of genuine desire to save the environment- not for all of humanity but their particular corner of it.

Globalists want a future for humanity but due to their dark view of the future they insist it has to come at a cost of killing off most people. The Georgia Guidestones is a perfect example.

Unless the mind has been transformed by Christ and the regular washing of the water of the Word of God their foolish hearts are darkened, and the good they think is more like what Isaiah 5:20 meant about calling good evil, and evil as good.

If you look at the massive losses of human life during Tribulation it's very possible that positive spins can be put on every tragic thing that befalls the world because it'll bring the globalists closer to that 500 million humans on earth number and not one more that they hope to achieve.