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YouTube Links in Dutch

If you can edit src/config.php and put this in, that might do it:

$config['http']['headers'] = [
    'Accept-Language' => 'en-us, en-gb;q=0.8, en;q=0.7'

See the last posts in this thread: Lack of interest - A way to set a Accept-language header when unfurl'ing - Embedded links now use server's language
Looking at that a bit further, the thread is talking about this plugin for "s9e Media Sites", so it might be referring to the config file for that plugin. Here's the plugin page: s9e Media Sites

Also for me anyway, it shows "no permission to download" in top right.

Now I'll hush up tho, looking at the discussion thread on the plug, it follows the history of development somewhat, and this may replace or clash with stock xenforo code dealing with media embeds, so I really don't know what I'm talking about here. May be more complex than some simple config file.

But maybe if anyone wants to try to fix the German on YouTube posts, maybe it points in the right direction.
Looking at that a bit further, the thread is talking about this plugin for "s9e Media Sites", so it might be referring to the config file for that plugin. Here's the plugin page: s9e Media Sites

Also for me anyway, it shows "no permission to download" in top right.

Now I'll hush up tho, looking at the discussion thread on the plug, it follows the history of development somewhat, and this may replace or clash with stock xenforo code dealing with media embeds, so I really don't know what I'm talking about here. May be more complex than some simple config file.

But maybe if anyone wants to try to fix the German on YouTube posts, maybe it points in the right direction.

I've had to insert a little bit of code but my philosophy is to leave the code alone unless there is a real problem, and if there is a real problem, get Xenforo or Xenfocus to fix it.