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Women’s and mens sections.

When I was around 10 or 12?, (a very long time ago) we were on family vacation and we stopped at the Standard Station in Wausau, WI, where we always did to get gas and use the facilities. There was a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong line for the ladies' room (door outside the gas station) that went across the parking lot to the sidewalk, and halfway or more down toward the corner. Mom went and got in line. The men's room was inside. I went inside and there was no one inside the station. When I went to the open door for the men's room and called out, "Is anyone in here?" no one answered, so I went in, closed the door (no lock), and used the men's room (no stall, just toilet, urinal, and sink). When I was done, I went back out, and Dad had just finished filling the car up. I told him I was ready and was going to get Mom so she could do like I did and we wouldn't have to wait forever. Dad didn't seem unhappy, probably because he had seen the line, as well. Of course, the line hadn't moved very much. When I whispered to Mom about using the men's room, she refused, even after I told her I'd guard the door. Repeatedly. and that we were all waiting for her.

:doh: :headbang:
I wonder if those women thought you were being a weirdo. :paniccircle: I sure got a :lol: laugh out of that, and your sister was in there.
No, I doubt those women thought anything other than I had simply walked in the wrong restroom. I was about 14 years old and this was way back when the alphabeteers were still in the closet.

I had to go so bad it didn’t even dawn on me there weren’t any urinals on the wall.:monkey:
No, I doubt those women thought anything other than I had simply walked in the wrong restroom. I was about 14 years old and this was way back when the alphabeteers were still in the closet.

I had to go so bad it didn’t even dawn on me there weren’t any urinals on the wall.:monkey:
AHAHA in my nightclubbing days, whenever the ladies toilets had a really long queue a few would occasionally sheepishly comes to the men's and ask the small queue of men if it was alright if they could use the men's toilets, there would be a small moment of awkwardness but when you gotta go , you gotta go i guess LOL
AHAHA in my nightclubbing days, whenever the ladies toilets had a really long queue a few would occasionally sheepishly comes to the men's and ask the small queue of men if it was alright if they could use the men's toilets, there would be a small moment of awkwardness but when you gotta go , you gotta go i guess LOL

A lot of places that wasn't safe, as the only women in the men's room were providing "extra," and any woman in there was presumed to be part of that.

Some places, women were taken (drunk, drugged, or tricked) into the men's room and violated :mad:

The best places had an extra restroom(s) that could be opened for whichever gender needed more space. Back then, sports bars often needed the extra restroom for men, especially for special events (fight night, NASCAR, etc.) or in a military area. It was always great if there was an attendant(s), who kept the restroom clean and stocked, gave fresh towels, mints, bottles of water, etc., helped if someone had been drugged or was sick, etc. I never minded tipping. Even some of the real dives had attendants because it cut down on damage and reduced law enforcement calls/presence, nuisance tickets, etc. All of the gentlemen's clubs had attendant(s) in the ladies' room (always only one for non-dancers), just to prevent unauthorized "competition," and those attendants were always men (doubled as more bouncers). If you're wondering, when in the military, it was always more fun and a lot safer to go with people in one's unit, than to head out alone, even if the destination wasn't wholesome or my cup of tea. :lol:
No, I doubt those women thought anything other than I had simply walked in the wrong restroom. I was about 14 years old and this was way back when the alphabeteers were still in the closet.

I had to go so bad it didn’t even dawn on me there weren’t any urinals on the wall.:monkey:
I didn't realize you were that young so I am sure they thought you walked into the wrong restroom. :heh:
Once, while in vacation out West, ...
Haha you are not alone! My glucose gets a bit low from time to time... and at a mixed weekend bible retreat, when headed back to the cabins... I wandered into the wrong one... wondered why it smelled of flowers... wondered why there were candles burning everywhere... and why someone was asleep in "MY" bunk! I went over and roused that interloper, to find out I was in the mirror cabin to ours...and it was a woman's cabin!

Everyone had fun with it at breakfast the next morning... and I learned to roll with the journey of life! If they could laugh about it, I could too!
I accidentally went into the Men’s room at an airport. In my 20’s. I was in between flights and SO tired. Right when I walked in, off to the right was a guy peeing in the urinal. I gasped. “SORRY!” He just looked at me and said, in a mock female southern accent,
“Well I DECLARE!” 😆🤣
Has anyone ever been in a place with only pictures on the doors?

Yes. Many, many times. Here, so many different languages are spoken that a lot of stores and government facilities just have the universal symbols (no writing).

Family restrooms have man, woman, child, and (if accessible) handicapped figures
Gender-neutral restrooms just have man, woman, and (if accessible) handicapped figures.

Most of the time I was the only woman assigned to my military unit, and usually only one bathroom, so we used a flippy sign or knocked and the lock. When not in garrison, we only set up one latrine and used a flippy sign. Unit range didn't have a latrine, so first bush on the right, second tree on the left, or cat holes.
One very long night I responded to an overturned gasoline tanker fire and we had to stay the whole night because there were hundreds of gallons of fuel in puddles in the yards around the road. We had to call in the airport firefighters to bring their foam truck because we could not put that fire out with water. Even the pavement was on fire. Anyway the men just used the bushes in the area but I made myself wait until the rescue truck was going back to the station for extra air bottles. It was a long wait and I was kind of uncomfortable until we got back to the station! NOT using bushes! lolol