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Why Worship Leaders Need Theologians

My study (if you can call it that) of the old hymns and their writers has shown me that almost every single writer of the grand old hymns came to hymn writing as a result of their study of the Word of God, not because they were musicians and liked to play. We need more of those Word-soaked Christians writing our worship songs today, rather than rock and roll wannabes. Give me the grand old hymns any day. They are so rich in theological truth. And when you sing them you are built up in gospel truth and the wonder of the character and deeds of Almighty God.
What a great study! I think I will try…any tips, Mattfivefour?
My Dad was a professional musician. He sometimes played in churches. The Pastor selected the music, or in the cases of funerals, Pastor selected or OKd the family's choices/requests. My Dad did not pick the music. His job was to play the music to the best of his ability, to honor God.