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Why Its Going To Be So Compelling For The World To Worship The Antichrist


The Bible predicts there is a false Christ coming. In 1 John 2:18, he is called the Antichrist. Many typically think the Antichrist is somebody who’s against Jesus. But the prefix anti- can just as easily mean instead of. It seems from Scripture that this Antichrist will pose as a substitute Christ—and it’s quite possible he is alive at this moment.

Now, I’d much rather talk about Jesus Christ than the Antichrist. But in studying this person, it just makes Jesus even more wonderful. Here’s a quick comparison between the two: the Antichrist is called “the man of sin” (2 Thessalonians 2:3), whereas Jesus is the sinless man. In the Old Testament, the Antichrist is called “the idol shepherd” (Zechariah 11:17, KJV); in John 10, Jesus called Himself “the good shepherd” (v. 11).

The Antichrist is depicted in Revelation 13:1 as a beast. And throughout the book, Jesus is referred to as the Lamb. Do you want to follow a beast, or do you want to follow the Lamb? The Antichrist’s supposed death (see Revelation 13:3) will be meant to deceive people; Jesus Christ’s death was to save people. Vastly different.

And here’s a haunting verse about the Antichrist: “All who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (Revelation 13:8). Listen, it’s going to be so compelling for the world to worship the Antichrist. The Bible says, “God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie” (2 Thessalonians 2:11).

If you are reading this as an unbeliever and you’re thinking you’ll avoid the tribulation by buying gold and guns and living out in the wild rather than accepting Christ, remember that verse says, “All…will worship him whose names have not been written in the Book of Life” (Revelation 13:8).

But Christ offers to write your name in that Book. He told believers, “When these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near” (Luke 21:28). And that thought continues in verse 36, “Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things.” That escape is what we call the rapture.


And here’s a haunting verse about the Antichrist: “All who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (Revelation 13:8). Listen, it’s going to be so compelling for the world to worship the Antichrist. The Bible says, “God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie” (2 Thessalonians 2:11).

Super scary thought.
Yes, many today would also believe the lie.

The first half of the tribulation is where the great multitudes of people will become saved. The second half, when the beast takes over and implements the MOB, very few will likely become saved (if any) especially after the grand delusion is sent from God.
The AC will ride on the wings of ecumenism of all faiths and then betray them all to demand worship. The world loves this all faiths mindset because they are rebellious, lost, woke, want to virtue signal, hate Christianity and God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), biblically illiterate, and get twisted like a corkscrew with the way cults operate and present their dogma. The AC will likely also push in the Green agenda, give or at least promise $, do Satanic inspired "miracles", and join with the elite of politics, entertainment, academia, business, and even religion.

The world will be in awe!
I don't think it would take much. Look at the gutter-brained celebs that can barely say "chocolate" that have a gazillion eager followers each and from all ages, too. These followers start fights, engage in massive harassment campaigns in the form of bullying and doxing against people that say so much as they don't like their particular idol for whatever reason, and many go as far as to murder in their name. They will hang on every word and inflection of their idol as if it were Scripture. I've read some papers on these types and how they "swarm". It's interesting how they are portrayed as killer bees for the one who they hold so dear in that parasocial pit they fall so deeply in.

Forefront someone sharper, far more intriguing, more attractive to the world, and add a divine flare...stick a fork in it, it's done. We've seen shadows or perhaps foreshadows of such things/people before and it's amazing, if I dare use that word, every time I see it. Waves upon waves of people bewitched so easily with honeyed words and lofty promises. Hideous thought.
I don't think it would take much. Look at the gutter-brained celebs that can barely say "chocolate" that have a gazillion eager followers each and from all ages, too. These followers start fights, engage in massive harassment campaigns in the form of bullying and doxing against people that say so much as they don't like their particular idol for whatever reason, and many go as far as to murder in their name. They will hang on every word and inflection of their idol as if it were Scripture. I've read some papers on these types and how they "swarm". It's interesting how they are portrayed as killer bees for the one who they hold so dear in that parasocial pit they fall so deeply in.

Forefront someone sharper, far more intriguing, more attractive to the world, and add a divine flare...stick a fork in it, it's done. We've seen shadows or perhaps foreshadows of such things/people before and it's amazing, if I dare use that word, every time I see it. Waves upon waves of people bewitched so easily with honeyed words and lofty promises. Hideous thought.
Yeah i agree , although maybe not the best of examples as he is now a Christian and starting to grow in his walk but people were all mesmerised by Jordan Peterson how he talks or your Andrew Tate's
Yeah i agree , although maybe not the best of examples as he is now a Christian and starting to grow in his walk but people were all mesmerised by Jordan Peterson how he talks or your
Has he finally made a profession of faith in Jesus as his savior? My heart has been sad for him for years because it’s like he is so brilliant that his own intellect seems to be blocking that step of faith for him. He analyzes Christianity to the nth degree but does not seem to understand that it’s a faith relationship rather than an intellectual adhering to.
My heart has been sad for him for years because it’s like he is so brilliant that his own intellect seems to be blocking that step of faith for him.
He's been in my prayers. His involvement with The Daily Wire seems good and I've noticed he expresses more understanding about God when he posts on X.

(Not that I agree with The Daily Wire on spiritual matters, but they frequently point out that the Judeo-Christian perspective is what Western moral values are based on.)
He's been in my prayers. His involvement with The Daily Wire seems good and I've noticed he expresses more understanding about God when he posts on X.

(Not that I agree with The Daily Wire on spiritual matters, but they frequently point out that the Judeo-Christian perspective is what Western moral values are based on.)
Well, if he hasn’t actually crossed over, and the rapture happens, I know that he will be one of the first people to fall to his knees, and speak out. I prayed for him before, then he fell off my radar. Putting him on my list again. He often seems very depressed which breaks my heart.
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Has he finally made a profession of faith in Jesus as his savior? My heart has been sad for him for years because it’s like he is so brilliant that his own intellect seems to be blocking that step of faith for him. He analyzes Christianity to the nth degree but does not seem to understand that it’s a faith relationship rather than an intellectual adhering to.
Yeah i think he has, he's regularly debating his other atheist mates and trying to even convince Ben Shapiro about Jesus.

He still needs to grow though spiritually as we all do