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Why Did Jesus have to Die?


Just waiting for the Rapture at this point!
Why Did Jesus have to Die?

I grew up in a Christian family but did not get saved until I was 29. There were several reason for this, but the main one was I could not understand “Why God needed to sacrifice his son, so that we could be forgiven”. I thought to myself, if I were God I would simply say “From this moment on you are all forgiven” and that would be that. So I really needed an answer to this question before the whole bible story would seem real to me. I found that answer in a book called “The Late Great Planet Earth”.

Remember I said, “If I were God”. That was my first mistake. I was bringing God down to my level and saying he should think like I do. God does not think like we do in many ways, but one of the main differences is that he is perfect and thinks perfectly. Every part of his character is perfect, like justice. This is the key, God has PERFECT justice.

Let’s say you commit a crime where the punishment requires a payment of $1,000 or 3 months in jail. Let’s say you have no money. Let’s say your father is the judge for your case. Let’s say your father believes in perfect justice. Because of “Perfect Justice” your father must find you guilty and then sentence you to a $1,000 fine or 3 months in jail. After he sentences you though, he could give you the $1,000 to pay the fine from his own pocket. All you would be required to do is to “accept” the $1,000 from your father. In this way you would be free and justice would be served!

The punishment for sin is death.

Perfect justice must be served.

God wants to satisfy both his “mercy” and his “justice”.

Jesus dies for our sins and justice is served.

Jesus dies for our sins and mercy is given.

We “accept” Jesus Christ as our savoir and we are saved.

What an awesome God !!!!!!

Goodboy :)