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Why Democrats In California Won’t Tolerate The ‘Presence’ Of The Cross In Public


Why tear down Christian symbols if, as they claim, the Bible isn’t true? Why fight to remove crosses from coast to coast as if you’re threatened by something you don’t even believe in?

Because this is war. The spiritual battle manifests itself in the natural, physical realm, though we know our struggle is not against flesh and blood (Eph. 6:12).

In California, intolerant leftists driven by forces of darkness finally tore down a 28-foot tall cross that stood for more than fifty years in a small town. You see, they can’t handle reminders of the only living God.

They attack, bully, cancel, censor, and suppress the truth because they hate us, the God we worship, and they hate what the cross of Jesus Christ represents. To them it’s all a big joke.

1 Corinthians 1:18 states: “For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.”

Another legal battle is underway, this time in Albany Hill, CA, just outside of San Francisco over a cross and religious freedom. Okay, so it’s California. Bear with me.

A very small group of Christians in an overwhelmingly anti-Christian city in one of the top five demonic strongholds in the nation are fighting the odds to put the cross back up after it was removed last summer.


Time for every Christian in that town to be wearing Christian T shirts and EXPOSED crosses/crucifixes EVERY DAY IN PUBLIC.

And to wear out the pews, kneelers, and rugs, and put some serious callouses on the knees (and butts).

And to read the Bible and pray unceasingly.

And use identifiable Christian hymns, etc. as ringtones, alert tones, boot-up music, etc.

And use famous Bible paintings, etc. as screen savers on phones, tablets, computers, etc.

And play those church bells and organs LOUDLY maybe with the doors and windows open. And churches with bands, praise teams, worship teams, choirs, etc.

And morning and evening and maybe noontime and late-night church services EVERY DAY, hopefully WITH Holy Communion. Ditto Bible study. Some for members and their families, and others open (with radio, internet, newspaper, TV, etc. invitation and publicity) to the public.

And 24/7 prayer vigils in all the churches (and restore the office of Janitor/Sexton for 24/7 security, or hire Christians and Jewish people to do it because it'll likely get really ugly before it gets better).

And flashmob hymn singing all over town day-after-day-after-day.

And if other music can be/is played loudly from cars, join in with Christian music. There's at least one Christian rap artist that would "blend in" with others blasting music. Although, there's some traditional Christian music that lends itself to be blasted just as loudly as possible :D (Hallelujah Chorus, Jesus Christ is Risen Today, Joy to the World, This Little Babe, Holy Holy Holy, Crown Him with Many Crowns, For All the Saints, A Mighty Fortress, Onward Christian Soldiers, Stand Up Stand Up, Battle Hymn of the Republic, etc.)
And street preaching, public Baptisms, and public prayer. Open, family, spoken-aloud prayer before and after meals in restaurants.

And Bible and tract pass-outs.

This should all be happening EVERYWHERE . . .

:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou:
Time for every Christian in that town to be wearing Christian T shirts and EXPOSED crosses/crucifixes EVERY DAY IN PUBLIC.

And to wear out the pews, kneelers, and rugs, and put some serious callouses on the knees (and butts).

And to read the Bible and pray unceasingly.

And use identifiable Christian hymns, etc. as ringtones, alert tones, boot-up music, etc.

And use famous Bible paintings, etc. as screen savers on phones, tablets, computers, etc.

And play those church bells and organs LOUDLY maybe with the doors and windows open. And churches with bands, praise teams, worship teams, choirs, etc.

And morning and evening and maybe noontime and late-night church services EVERY DAY, hopefully WITH Holy Communion. Ditto Bible study. Some for members and their families, and others open (with radio, internet, newspaper, TV, etc. invitation and publicity) to the public.

And 24/7 prayer vigils in all the churches (and restore the office of Janitor/Sexton for 24/7 security, or hire Christians and Jewish people to do it because it'll likely get really ugly before it gets better).

And flashmob hymn singing all over town day-after-day-after-day.

And if other music can be/is played loudly from cars, join in with Christian music. There's at least one Christian rap artist that would "blend in" with others blasting music. Although, there's some traditional Christian music that lends itself to be blasted just as loudly as possible :D (Hallelujah Chorus, Jesus Christ is Risen Today, Joy to the World, This Little Babe, Holy Holy Holy, Crown Him with Many Crowns, For All the Saints, A Mighty Fortress, Onward Christian Soldiers, Stand Up Stand Up, Battle Hymn of the Republic, etc.)
And street preaching, public Baptisms, and public prayer. Open, family, spoken-aloud prayer before and after meals in restaurants.

And Bible and tract pass-outs.

This should all be happening EVERYWHERE . . .

:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou:
I really LOVE this post and the ideas it contains. We don't live anywhere near California, but we already do many of these things, eg: messaged hats, messaged clothing, ringtones, phone lock screens, loud music, public conversations about Christ between ourselves that we intend to be overheard by others, and injecting words about God, Christ and grace into every interaction with others as is possible, etc. Who on this earth knows what fruit it might bear?
Steiger International has a very unconventional method for reaching young people who would not otherwise go near a church. One thing they did that I really liked was to set up a table with 2 boxes. One box was marked "Leave" the other "Take". They had people write on a paper what they wish they could leave behind, then reach in the "Take" box and see what the message was on the paper or card they drew out. I thought that was a great conversation starter.
