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Why Are We Here?


Just waiting for the Rapture at this point!
Why Are We Here?

This is a question many people ask mostly phrased as “What is the purpose of life?”. Well the correct answer that most Christians will state, is so that we can choose between Good (God’s system) and Evil (Satan’s system). By accepting Jesus Christ as your savior you have chosen God’s system. By rejecting Jesus Christ you have chosen Satan’s system. So this is pretty clear and is an easy answer for most Christians.

Here is another question though, “As a saved Christian, why are we still here?”. Now that question is a little harder based on the verses below.

1 John 2:15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

Philippians 1:21 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

If we are not to love the world and to die is gain, why don’t we just end up in Heaven after we are saved? What is our purpose of still being here?

Well let’s first look at what we are not here for.

  1. We are not here to keep our knowledge of Jesus Christ to ourselves.
  2. We are not here to be selfish and focus on what would make us happy.
  3. We are not here to accumulate as many things that we like as we can.
  4. We are not here to become rich and powerful, if it is just for our own sake.

So what are we here for?

  1. To share the knowledge of Jesus Christ so others can be saved.
  2. To focus our attention on helping others however we can.
  3. To share with others what ever God blesses us with.
  4. To choose good behavior and good deeds over power and riches.

There are a lot more things I can mention, but I think you can get the idea from the few I did mention. To sum it up in a single sentence “We are here to show the love of God to others”. If you are not doing that in some way you will never be truly happy. Please understand though, I am not at all saying that you should be doing something you are not comfortable with. But there is something that everyone can do to show God’s love to someone that they do feel comfortable doing. It could be something as simple as baby sitting for someone in need or cutting the grass for a neighbor who cannot do it themselves.

I don’t know so I cannot tell you what you can do, but there is something you can do for someone else to show God’s love. You may not currently know what it is, but God will show you if you ask him and if that is your intent.

Goodboy :)