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White House Weighs Declaring Climate Emergency To Crack Down on Oil Industry

The White House is weighing an unprecedented declaration of a national climate emergency to crack down on the oil industry and advance President Joe Biden’s climate policies, Bloomberg reported Wednesday.

Declaring a national climate emergency would allow the Biden administration to more easily reduce oil exports, offshore drilling, and greenhouse gas emissions, individuals familiar with the administration’s internal deliberations told Bloomberg on the condition of anonymity.

The administration, however, will likely not make a final decision anytime soon, with the president’s advisers still divided over whether such an unprecedented move to advance the green energy agenda is appropriate, especially as Biden looks to win over voters ahead of his rematch this fall with Republican nominee Donald Trump.

Some of Biden’s advisers believe the emergency declaration could boost the president’s support among climate-minded Americans, while others argue the move would not significantly boost Biden’s ability to advance climate initiatives, according to the anonymous sources.


If he does this, President Biden should live in a mobile home with NO AC in southern Alabama, Texas, or Arizona in the summer, and then move said mobile home to northern Minnesota, northern North Dakota, or the interior of Alaska and try to stay warm in January only using "green" energy :tap:

Towing of said mobile home can be done using an electric semi.
Vice President Harris can run stuff while President Biden is huddled under five tons of blankets in his dark, frozen, aluminum box :tap:
Biden's handlers all the way to the shadow international top know that America is infested with ignorant and enraged people that will still vote for the Dem POTUS candidate no matter how radical the socialist marxist rule and promise of future rule becomes. These folks are an infestation with huge number in CA, OR, WA, IL, NY, NJ and several other rubber stamp states that always automatically gives the next Dem whack job socialist marxist POTUS candidate a huge jump on Election Day. There is no more discernment, love of country, and ability to set aside partisanship and personal gains for love of country and what' right. This is another example.
Not Illinois. From what I've been able to learn, it's really only packed votes in a some of Chicago's areas that keep this state blue. That and dishonest election practices. The largest part of the state is red.
I agree. When Bush won against Gore you could see that nationwide map of the county by county acreage that he carried. It was and continued to be a striking reality in the elections since, that small town and farm land America carries the conservative candidate and big city America has way too many liberals infesting and overwhelming their state politics and the electoral votes they give to the POTUS.
If they think they can float something so potentially destructive to the nation before the election they must feel assured they've got the election locked up.
The fix is in, I suppose. I hope there is a massive turnout and lots of attention. I can't help praying that America stops short of that headlong plunge into the abyss. Maybe a little more time, save a few more people. Even though I really really want the Rapture NOW - if God wills we might have a short reprieve. Pull some folk out of the Tribulation, to go up with us in the meantime.
Not Illinois. From what I've been able to learn, it's really only packed votes in a some of Chicago's areas that keep this state blue. That and dishonest election practices. The largest part of the state is red.
The same in the state of NY where I grew up. New York City keeps the state blue, most of the rest is red and disgusted enough to saw NYC off of the state and float it down to DC where it can feel more comfortable.